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The spirit of resistance has captured the imagination of a new generation in France, as youth-led opposition to neoliberal labour “reforms” has spiraled into full-on rejection of the whole capitalist system on the street and squares. The situation took on a new dimension after the general strike and day of action on March 31. There was a call for people not to go home afterwards but to stay on the streets, beginning a wave of overnight “Nuit Debout” occupations that has spread from Paris across France and into the Iberian peninsular, Belgium and Germany.
Immediately following the Paris attacks of November 13, France announced the prohibition of mass marches in cities across the country. Large rallies scheduled for November 29 and December 12 in Paris during the UN climate conference have been forbidden due to this new ban. French rally mobilizers are asking why demonstrations are prohibited while sporting events and Christmas markets are being permitted. In Northern California, climate activists marched in Oakland and Santa Cruz during the weekend of November 21-22 in a lead-up to the Paris climate summit.
On November 2, red paint was splashed across the front door of Mission Santa Cruz. Following the Catholic church's canonization of Junipero Serra, a series of acts of vandalism has occurred on the Central Coast, including the beheading of a Serra statue in Monterey in October, and the splashing of paint on Mission Carmel and the toppling of a statue of Serra in September.
A state-convened working group is recommending a series of initial steps toward reducing whale entanglements in crab gear in California, including more monitoring and retrieval of lost fishing gear. The Dungeness Crab Fishing Gear Working Group was convened in September after the Center for Biological Diversity and other groups found that whale entanglements in 2014 and 2015 had reached historic highs.
Despite widespread objections, Junipero Serra was canonized on September 23 at the National Shrine in Washington DC by Pope Francis during his US visit. On September 27, as a parish celebration of the sainthood of Junipero Serra was scheduled to take place at the Carmel Mission Basilica, a statue of Serra was toppled over and paint was smeared on two grave sites, as well as on signs with the name of Serra, and on the doors of the mission. One mission artifact was inscribed with the statement, "Saint of Genocide".
Over 2000 protesters from many different Indian American communities joined together outside the SAP Center in San Jose on September 27 to counter Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of "Digital India" and Hindutva. They raised many issues with Modi's leadership, ranging from forced conversions to Hinduism, Internet surveillance, arrest of political bloggers, harassment of human rights activists, blind eye to rapes, dispossession of small farmers, rewriting of Indian history, and the 2002 Gujarat massacre.
Con una ceremonia sagrada, las autoridades del Consejo Supremo Indígena de Xochicuautla iniciaron una marcha desde la Estela de Luz hasta la Secretaría de Gobernación en el Distrito Federal el martes 28 de julio. Ahí los manifestantes exigieron la derogación de un decreto expropiatorio de las tierras ancestrales de las comunidades otomí-ñathó de Xochicuautla en el Estado de México y un alto a la guerra contra la comunidad nahua de Santa María Ostula en Michoacán.
In Mexico City on Tuesday, July 28, speakers demanded the repeal of an order for the expropriation of the ancestral lands of the Otomí-Ñatho communities of Xochicuautla in Mexico State and an end to the war against the Nahua indigenous community of Santa María Ostula in Michoacán.
On May 24, the 35th anniversary of Food Not Bombs was marked with a six hour party in Santa Cruz. Those needing nourishment were greeted with live music and an especially celebratory atmosphere, in addition to free food, a free market, and a variety of other free services. By combining social and environmental justice activism, nonviolent direct action, and a philosophy that emphasizes sharing over charity, Food Not Bombs has differentiated itself from other global organizations that distribute food to the hungry.
On May 2, Native American community members and Interfaith supporters, including clergy leaders, demonstrated outside of Mission Dolores in San Francisco to oppose the impending canonization of Junipero Serra by the Catholic church. Pope Francis has reaffirmed his decision to name Junipero Serra a saint, despite strong opposition from Native Americans who say the man is responsible for the killing of hundreds of thousands of Indigenous people when he helped to establish and then presided over the California mission system in the 1700s.
Suppliers of Driscoll’s, which may be the U.S.’s most recognizable brand name on strawberry, raspberry, blueberry and blackberry cartons, are coming under fire for allegedly abusing workers, in the U.S. and Mexico. One Driscoll’s grower has spent weeks embroiled in a major farmworker protest, while a nearly two-year boycott against another grower recently intensified. Workers in both disputes have called for a boycott against the company.
On February 8, the University of California Student Association, the independent official voice of 240,000 UC students, passed two advisory resolutions: Resolution Calling for the UC Regents to Divest from Corporations Violating Palestinian Human Rights and Resolution Toward Socially Responsible Investment at the University of California by an 9-1 vote, with 5 abstentions.
Solidarity Action At Spanish Consulate On December, 15, the Spanish state passed the "ley de mordaza", a gag law that makes it a crime to insult a cop, film a cop, or assemble in large groups. On December 16, the Spanish state raided several houses and apartments in Barcelona. After seizing electronics, documents, and clothing, the state imprisoned seven anarchists on vague charges relating to terrorism.

On December, 22, a group of anarchists stormed the Spanish consulate in San Francisco. After throwing leaflets into the consulate, tipping over the Spanish flag, and yelling curses, the group left without incident.

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Indymedia Marks 15 Years of Making Media and Making Trouble The Indymedia (Independent Media Center) project started in late November of 1999, to allow participants in the anti-globalization movement to report on the protests against the WTO meeting that took place in Seattle, Washington, and to act as an alternative media source. By 2002, there were 89 local IMCs around the world spread between 31 countries (plus the West Bank) and 6 continents. By January 2006, the Indymedia network had grown to over 150 Indymedia outlets around the world.

The San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center, commonly known as Indybay, started in 2000. One early Indybay project was a page exposing bad landlords. Another event that helped pull in many early Indybay volunteers was the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Conference that took place in September 2000 in San Francisco. Indybay soon broadened its coverage. Local labor struggles, forest activism in Northern California, and police brutality were quickly a focus of the early site.

Read More Indymedia and Indybay History | pdfInterview With Jeff Perlstein About Indymedia's Founding (PDF)

Previous Related Indybay Features and Stories: Indybay Celebrates Ten Year Anniversary with Media Conference and Party in Oakland | LA Indymedia 10-Year Anniversary: "Troublemaking: The Worst and Best of Indybay" | LA Indymedia Celebrates 10 years | Los Angeles Indymedia Celebrates a Decade of Media Activism | Los Angeles IMC 10th Anniversary Party!
SodaStream to Close Factory in Occupied West Bank For several years, Pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) activists in Northern California and across the globe have pressured retailers to stop selling SodaStream products in their stores. This is because Israeli beverage firm SodaStream produces many of the products it sells worldwide at a factory in the Mishor Adumim settlement in the occupied West Bank.

On October 29, amid ongoing boycott pressure from the international community, SodaStream announced that it was closing their controversial factory located in the West Bank settlement, while simultaneously reporting a 9% decline in sales.

SodaStream said that it would relocate the factory by the end of 2015. According to the firm, the plant closure would "improve the operational efficiency" of the company, listed on the New York stock exchange since 2010.

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Previous Related Coverage: photoEarth Day: Activists Ask Zabar's to Stop Selling Israeli Occupation Profiteer SodaStream | photoSanta Cruz Activists Have Protested Regularly Since the Assault on Gaza Began| audio"Mideast Migraines" - Israeli Legal System Reflects General Injustice | photoNew Yorkers March on Broadway for Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Against Israel | photoBrooklyn Protest Asks Target to Drop Israeli Settlement Product SodaStream | photoBlack Friday Mall Shoppers Informed of SodaStream's Connection to Occupied Palestine | photoQueers Undermining Israeli Terrorism Push Cliff's Variety Store to Boycott SodaStream | photoCaroling New Yorkers Protest Israeli Settlement-builder Leviev, as Israel Boycott Grows | calendaraudioComedian songwriter Dave Lippman back in Sac!| photoSodaStream Sponsors Bomb The Children Day at Cliff's Variety | calendarRally to End Israel’s Siege on Gaza; its Blockade, Occupation and Apartheid | photoSacramento BDS demonstrate outside of Target | photoTell Cliff's to Dump SodaStream | photoProtesting the sale of SodaStream in Sacramento | calendarSacramento Demonstration on the sidewalk in front of the Bed, Bath and Beyond
On October 28, father and daughter Mauro Oliveira (Red Sun) and Mahai'a Sol helped blockade Beale Air Force base, which is east of Sacramento. They are free now, but they face Federal charges. Mauro Oliveira writes: We want drones to end and until THAT day, my family wants it to be clear to the victims of drone strikes and to the entire world, that we believe in Peace, not war and consider drone strikes as a war crime against humanity and an act against the Creators greatest gift, the Children of the world, of which we all are.
Lawsuit Launched to Protect Pinto Abalone Conservation groups notified the National Marine Fisheries Service of their intent to sue the agency for delaying Endangered Species Act protection for the pinto abalone, an approximately six-inch snail with an iridescent inner shell that was once common in rocky, intertidal coasts from Alaska to Baja California.

The pinto abalone is in desperate need of federal protection; throughout much of its historic range, pinto abalone populations have plummeted from 80 percent to as much as 99 percent, and numbers continue to fall along the Pacific coast. “Overfishing nearly wiped out pinto abalone, and a warming and acidifying ocean now threatens to finish them off,” said Kiersten Lippmann, a biologist at the Center for Biological Diversity. “The best way to prevent extinction is immediate protection under the Endangered Species Act.”

pdfRead More | Center for Biological Diversity | See Also: Rare Abalone One Step Closer to Endangered Species Act Protection
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This Week in Palestine, April 8th, 2015 IMEMC
Friday Apr 8th 10:03 PM
French bank Societe Generale funding new #coal in Dominican Republic john Englart (Takver)
Thursday Apr 7th 11:45 PM
How Much State Does the Social Market Economy Need? Wolfgang Ockenfels
Thursday Apr 7th 4:23 AM
Puerto Rico Congressional Negotiations Intensify Greg
Wednesday Apr 6th 3:17 PM
Pau France: Climate resistance to #StopMCEDD deepwater oil conference Day 1 john Englart (Takver) (1 comment)
Tuesday Apr 5th 10:25 AM
Politics in the Age of Acceleration and Sharing Karl Peter Weinert and Paul Schobel
Monday Apr 4th 4:34 AM
This Week in Palestine, April 1st, 2015 IMEMC
Saturday Apr 2nd 11:08 PM
National Stolen Lives Cultural Education Tour - Cuba Anita Wills
Thursday Mar 31st 9:26 PM
Encryption: A Matter of Human Rights Amnesty International (1 comment)
Thursday Mar 31st 6:05 PM
Lawsuit Challenges FDA's Approval of Genetically Engineered Salmon Center for Biological Diversity
Thursday Mar 31st 5:21 PM
UN Official Receives Formal Complaint from Solitary Prisoners’ Family Members & Advocates via Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity
Thursday Mar 31st 4:54 PM
Capitalism as a Religion Franz Segbers
Sunday Mar 27th 4:16 AM
Fukushima + 5: The Disaster Continues Michael Steinberg
Saturday Mar 26th 2:36 PM
This Week in Palestine, March 25th, 2015 IMEMC
Friday Mar 25th 11:35 PM
La población más grande de la mariposa monarca podría desaparecer en 20 años Center for Biological Diversity
Thursday Mar 24th 6:09 PM
Supreme Court Hears Puerto Rico Bankruptcy Case Greg
Tuesday Mar 22nd 7:35 AM
Hillary Clinton and Justin Trudeau united behind Israel, against BDS KPFA Weekend News, Ann Garrison
Monday Mar 21st 1:01 PM
This Week in Palestine, March 18th, 2015 IMEMC
Friday Mar 18th 11:33 PM
‘I Escaped Isis Rapists, But Was Forced To Leave My Baby Behind’ Iraq Solidarity News (Al-Thawra)
Thursday Mar 17th 2:07 AM
Philippines' Bernie Sanders: A Conversation with Walden Bello Richard Javad Heydarian (2 comments)
Tuesday Mar 15th 1:13 AM
Ireland: 800 Year Political Struggle Michael Steinberg
Sunday Mar 13th 9:27 PM
This Week in Palestine, March 11th, 2015 IMEMC
Saturday Mar 12th 9:49 PM
60 Years of Resistance to the German Army Wolfgang Gehrcke
Wednesday Mar 9th 12:23 PM
An Evening with Zadie Smith, Spring 2016 WTUL News & Views
Sunday Mar 6th 1:06 PM
Pro-Fluoridation Study is Fatally Flawed Fluoride Action Network (2 comments)
Sunday Mar 6th 3:41 AM
Ask the United Nations to Reschedule Cannabis via Talana Lattimer
Wednesday Mar 2nd 7:30 PM
Black Anarchism: A Reader Black Rose Anarchist Federation
Wednesday Mar 2nd 5:58 PM
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