Friday, January 29, 2010

Daniel Wilson: New prisoner from Olympia Mayday 2008 actions

January 27, 2010 by denverabc

Daniel Wilson was among those arrested at the 2008 May Day celebration in
Olympia during which police and banks were attacked by masked and
(unfortunately) unmasked protesters. He decided to flee the country rather
than wait around and see what portion of his possibly years long sentence
the state would subject him to. After spending months in canada, he and
his partner decided it would be best to return to olympia so that he could
turn himself in. This is primarily due to the fact that his partner is
pregnant with his child.

Upon contacting his attorney, he learned that he still had the option to
take a plea deal that would result in him being sentenced to four months
plus one additional month for bail jumping (a far cry from the draconian
sentence originally threatened and sought by prosecutors). He was arrested
at the border returning to washington state and transferred to thurston
county jail where he was charged with riot without deadly weapon, reckless
endangerment, 3rd degree malicious mischief, and bail jumping and was
sentenced to five months in jail, $18k restitution and two years
probation. With good behavior he will be doing roughly one hundred days.
Also, he later plead guilty to and unrelated charge resulting from an
arrest at an olympia critical mass during which he was believed to have
vandalized a truck belonging to anti-choice activists who regularly
congregate in front of planned parenthood to harass and judge people.
Daniel was ordered to pay $2K in restitution to the bigoted christian
crackpots. He is currently expected to be released on March 6th. He is
loved and missed by all his friends here and we gleefully await his
release! His partner is safe and healthy; she is living in a loving home
in olympia with caring and supportive close friends where Daniel will also
be living when he is released.

Daniel says thanks to all who lended their support by flooding thurston
county jail with phone calls demanding that he be given vegan food (he
looked a lot healthier last time i saw him!). Folks can show support by
sending him any of the following items he is allowed to recieve:



Special occasion cards (no playing cards)

US Postal Money Orders

US Treasury Checks

Up to 8 photographs

Books and Magazines
* No hard back books allowed.
o A maximum of 3 each.
o Must be mailed directly from a publisher or bookstore.
o Become the property of the Thurston County Correctional Facility upon
release of the individual.
Send any and all items to:

Daniel Kyle Wilson
c/o Thurston County Corrections Facility
2000 Lakeridge Drive SW
Olympia, WA 98502

He can receive visitors on Saturdays at 2:30 pm and Sundays at 8:30 am. If
you would like to visit him please email me since
he can only receive two or fewer visitors on any visitation day, this will
help to avoid mix ups (it’s no fun waking up early on a sunday and going
to a jail only to find out you have to wait your turn til the following
weekend, or worse yet, everyone assumes everyone else is going on that day
and no one shows up).

Folks can also show support for Daniel and other political prisoners with
Solidarity Actions. (I of course refer ONLY to legal actions, you know,
candle light vigils, prayer circles, blah blah blah and so forth:)
ps- all but $200 of the $5K for his bail was returned to those who had
posted it prior to his skipping town!