Columbus, Ohio Holocaust Memorial Reportback & Partial d0x

June 3, 2014 in Creativity Movement, News, NSM by archcity

At 9am on June 2nd, 2014, dozens of antifascists conviened on the Statehouse in the rainy downtown of Columbus, Ohio. Arch City ARA had verified through both online postings and secure intelligence that members of The Creativity Movement (headed by James Logsdon and Mark Martin), NSM, and Blood & Honor were planning to disrupt the dedication of the state’s new Holocaust memorial. The memorial dedication, which honored both victims and survivors as well as American liberators of nazi terror, was attended by 1500 central Ohioans affected by Third Reich.

In the week leading up to the proposed rally, Columbus was covered in fliers: some looked like transit reroute notifications, others were the official Arch City demonstration callouts. There were posts online and people talking, everywhere. No one wanted the nazis here.

When the time came, Logsdon and his rallied boneheads were nowhere to be found. Antifascists patrolled the perimeter of the Statehouse several times and eventually posted themselves at the only break in the police perimeter surrounding the event.

Coincidentally, this spot happened to be outside of the hotel where honored WWII vets were marching to the dedication from, and, in leiu of police protection, antifascists were asked to secure the street and sidewalk in case any fascists were to try and disrupt the event as they made their way to the event. Regardless of ARA’s position on police or the military, Arch City must express that it was an honor to be considered for this task, as supporting other antifascists is intregal to the work we do.

Shortly before the noon dedication was slated to begin, a car drove by and threw out four business cards in support of Cincinnati’s National Alliance coordinator Robert Ransdell for Senate, with URLs to both Stormfront and VNN on the bottom. All of the cards were quickly confiscated and destroyed by ARA members to prevent further distribution.

It is clear that Columbus collaborated successfully to prevent Logsdon, Martin, The Creativity Movement, NSM, and Blood & Honor from even stepping out of their cars after long drives from Illinois, Cincinnati, Covington, and Lancaster. To further prevent them from their reign of terror and attempts to grow, we now present you with the d0x anonymously forwarded to us earlier in the week.

James Logsdon
Leader of the Illinois Creativity Movement
(309) 530-1271
618 S Mcclun St, Apt 5
Bloomington, IL 61701

Mark Martin
Leader of the Ohio Creativity Movement
(937) 558-1478
9020 West US 36
Covington, OH 45318

by admin

CALL TO ACTION: June 2 – Creativity Movement, NSM, and Blood & Honor in Columbus, Ohio

May 30, 2014 in Creativity Movement, News, NSM by admin



July 8, 2013 in NSM by southsidechicago

After a few antifascist attacks against Chris Rothe, including a flier drop at his place of business and his neighborhood,  he has resigned from the National Socialist Movement, giving up his chosen role as state leader. A major factor that led him to make this decision was not only the attacks but the lack of support from the NSM after the attacks occurred. Though this does not necessarily mean Chris isn’t a nazi, he is no longer affiliated with that  particular organization. Since they have lost supporter William Kennedy, as well as members Suzan Lenner, Billy Woods, and the hated and proud skins, for the same reason, the NSM is left without a functional chapter in Illinois.

Statement from Chris Rothe:

 To Whom it may concern, I Chris Rothe wish to resign and cease all activity/contact with the NSM i wish to not be affiliated with not even support the NSM effective immediately.

I want to detour anyone who has interest in the nsm, i should start by letting you know my car was vandalized my windows got busted out and my tires slashed. I was upset when this happened and when i told the members of the nsm about this noone offered any help to me, not a fucking dime. Noone offered to take my back, noone offered to help me pay my deductable. Its funny they want you to support them but who supports you when something happens. I can assure you that if your interested in the nsm that nothing good will come of it, what would happen if i would have been hospitalized at a rally or something i would have been all alone paying bills. At the end of the day its all a bunch of lies that lead to violence and quite simply your on your own noone gives a fuck.

Statement from the Hated and Proud skins:

We regret to announce that we are no longer working with the NSM. We hold no hard feelings towards the NSM overall, but believe that their recruiting method is extremely flawed and unsafe. We would rather work amongst ourselves and recruit new individuals based on trust rather than simply to inflate our ranks.

There were rumors going around that the NSM hoped to host the conference in Chicago next year, but with their Illinois unit in shambles, we seriously doubt that. It appears that Missouri or Texas is the likely location for the NSM 2014 conference.


June 4, 2013 in NSM by southsidechicago

Update 6/13/13: After a few antifascist attacks against Chris Rothe, including a flier drop at his place of business and his neighborhood,  he has resigned from the National Socialist Movement, giving up his chosen role as state leader. A major factor that led him to make this decision was not only the attacks but the lack of support from the NSM after the attacks occurred. Though this does not necessarily mean Chris isn’t a nazi, he is no longer affiliated with that  particular organization.

Chris Rothe is the Illinois State leader of the National Socialist Movement (NSM), the largest neo nazi organization in the United States, The NSM may be a joke in some regards but they have more than one murder on their hands. Chris lives in Naperville, is a foreman at a construction company (United brotherhood of carpenters and joiners local 1889 – 28600 Bella Vista PKWY Warrenville, IL 60555, (630) 821-7932), and used to be a member of the notorious neo-nazi group known as the National Alliance (NA). Chris claims that he once got a guy laid off based on the fact that he was black and says that he hopes to one day start his own company in which he will only hire white people.  Although Chris may not be attending or hosting many events that we know of, he does believe in a violent race war in which “blood has to be spilled”. For all of these reasons, we believe Chris Rothe is someone worth paying attention to.

Chris Rothe
789 Inland Cir, Apt 102
Naperville, IL 60563-0223

(630) 806 9739
Age: 33

National Socialist Movement (NSM)
Used to be National Alliance
Foreman at a construction company- United brotherhood of carpenters and joiners local 1889 (28600 Bella Vista PKWY Warrenville, IL 60555,(630) 821-7932)
Went to Waubonsie Valley High School in Aurora class of 97
He drives a Fiat 500

“If you want to starve the blacks, break in their houses and hide their food stamps underneath their work boots”


April 19, 2013 in NSM by southsidechicago

Update 4/19/13: Since we first posted this, we have gotten 4 confirmations that the hotel asked the NSM to leave. If this is true, thank you to everyone for successfully shutting down their 2013 national conference!

The National Socialist Movement (NSM) planned to hold their annual conference and rally this year in Atlanta, GA. The conference portion was to take place at the same place they were staying at; the Wellesley Inn Hotel (1337 Virgina ave Atlanta, GA), booked under the “Richard Wight group”. In 2011, Anti- Racist Action showed up to their conference in Pemberton, NJ and a fight involving 20 plus people ensued. Several nazis in the NSM were hospitalized with antifa suffering only minor scratches. Now, for the second time in 3 years, ARA and other antifascist comrades found their meeting location and disrupted it.

After intercepting private conversations between NSM members, ARA put together a country wide phone jam involving many antifascist and radical organizations. At around 6pm the calls came in hard and folks raised their concern over the neo nazi conference taking place at the Wellesley Inn.  Meanwhile, according to a posting on Atlanta indymedia, some anonymous ATL antifascists rushed the hotel smashing  NSM South Carolina member Richard Wight’s car.

Taken from Atlanta indymedia:

On April 19th, Atlanta antifascists descended upon the Wellesley Inn Hotel, where the  neo nazi group known as the National Socialist Movement was holding their annual conference. We smashed every window and a tire of their member Richard Wight’s car. We did this to disrupt their conference, avert their attention off of the conference, to hit them monetarily, and show them that there will always be consequences for fascist organizing.

-Fuck off nazi scum


At first, upon receiving the concerned calls, the hotel seemed concerned, but soon enough they made a pathetic attempt at denying the NSM’s presence.

One night earlier in Illinois:

Since the NSM’s former Illinois state contact Suzy Lenner (3144 Boyle Terrace, Apt 4B River Grove, IL 60171-1185 quit and became merely a supporter as a

Buddy Rumble

direct result of antifa harassment, the NSM made it a goal to quietly build a strong and active Illinois unit. The NSM thought they were doing pretty well in their efforts, with Buddy Rumble being the lead coordinator from the outside.

The truth is however, that one of their younger members turned informant for antifa after being contacted weeks prior to the conference. The Hated and Proud Skins were to pick up our mole late Thursday night for the conference, but according to an email, were instead “ambushed by antifa, leaving their car unable to make it to the meeting”. Chris Rothe apparently was unable to make it to the meeting as well. This means, that not a single member of the Illinois NSM made it to their failed national conference.

They thought they could hide and get one over on antifa? Here’s all the goods on the Illinois NSM:

Chris Rothe (State leader)
789 Inland Cir, Apt 102
Naperville, IL 60563-0223
(630) 806 9739
Age: 33
Used to be National Alliance
Foreman at a construction company

William Kennedy
9106 S. Spaulding Ave
52 years old
419 349 4789
Has a masters degree in criminal justice
Former campus policemean who retired after a stroke in 2010 and now lives in Evergreen Park on a fixed income
Has a FOID card

Hated and Proud Skins/Chicago NSM:

Ryan Noble (Chicago unit leader)
Summit, IL
312 402 8542
25 yrs old
Born July 24th 1987

Cody Anderson
Summit, IL

Peter Jackson
Summit, IL
Born June 4t 1990
“The Hated and Proud Skins are a crew of skinheads against the deconstruction of the Aryan race. Our mission is to help reclaim the skinhead scene in the greater Chicago land area, help lend a fierce hand to the Illinois white nationalist movement, and spread our thoughts to the world via internet, leafleting, and action”

But the games ain’t over, the NSM will be rallying tomorrow at GA state capitol.

Also taken from Atlanta indymedia:

According to the Georgia State Capitol Events webpage, The neo-nazi organization National Socialist Movement (NSM) along with other racist white supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan will be holding their 2013 National meeting & anti-immigration rally in Atlanta and it’s no coincidence that they are doing it on Hitler’s birthday. Although the meeting is being held in an undisclosed location, here is the info for the rally:

WHEN: SATURDAY APRIL 20, 2013 at 2:30 PM
WHERE: THE GEORGIA STATE CAPITOL — 206 Washington Street SW Atlanta, GA 30334 (close to GSU MARTA Station)


January 26, 2013 in NSM by southsidechicago

Once again members of the NSM find themselves in serious legal trouble. This time it’s in the Midwest and by the looks of it, we wont be seeing them for a long time. Anthony Baumgartner, Stephen Harkness, and Jeffrey Allen (the first two being confirmed NSM members) are being held without bail on charges of kidnapping, murder, tampering with physical evidence and abuse of a corpse after murdering and dismembering the body of one of their perceived enemies; an alleged drug dealer.

Anthony Baumgartner
Home (859) 817-9624
550 Mount Zion Rd, Apt 302
Florence, KY 41042-4740

Stephen Harkness
727 Crescent Ave
Covington, KY 41011-1017

Taken from SPLC:

The accused killers are being held without bail for kidnapping, murder and abuse of a corpse among other charges.

The 25-point manifesto of the National Socialist Movement (NSM) makes several hyperbolic “demands,” such as “all non-Whites currently residing in America be required to leave the nation forthwith and return to their land of origin: peacefully or by force.”

But it appears that two Kentucky members of the neo-Nazi group and an accomplice took at least one of the over-the-top mission statements deadly serious.

Point 17 says, “We demand the ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common interest. Murderers, rapists, pedophiles, drug dealers, usurers, profiteers, race traitors, etc. must be severely punished, whatever creed or race.”

On Jan. 9, according to the authorities, the men lured a white, 19-year-old alleged small-time drug dealer into the back seat of their car, choked him, beat him with fists and a metal pipe, dragged him out of the car, slit his throat, stabbed him in the chest, rolled his body down a hill and left him dead in the bushes, covered in brambles, in a field in Boone County, Ky., essentially a suburb of nearby Cincinnati.

The next day, the men returned to the field and began dismembering the body with knives and a hatchet, apparently scattering the body parts in the field and a landfill. “The head, hands, feet and legs,” Detective Jeremy Rosing of the Boone County Sheriff’s Office testified at a court hearing last week.

The accused killers – Anthony Baumgartner, 23, Stephen Harkness, 22, and Jeffrey Allen, 21 – are being held without bail on charges of kidnapping, murder, tampering with physical evidence and abuse of a corpse.

The men told investigators that they disliked drug dealers and that is why they targeted their victim, who was identified by a tattoo of a cartoon character on his severed torso as Daniel Delfin, of Walton, Ky.

“Their thing was, we know he deals drugs, we’re against that,” Deputy Tom Scheben, a spokesman for the Boone County sheriff, told Hatewatch today. “They said he was a drug dealer and, in essence, a blight on society.”

Both Baumgartner and Harkness are admitted members of NSM and can be found on the group’s social media forum discussing their interests and dislikes.

“Stormtrooper First Class Baumgartner NMS Kentucky” wrote on the forum that he dislikes “race traders [sic], greed, ignorance, drugs, jews, niggers, spikes, gooks and chinks and anybody that hates National Socialism.”

In the “About Me” section, he says that he was part of the Ku Klux Klan but left a long time ago on good terms and now wants “to get back in the race war so me and a few other boys in my area are starting to clean up area of drugs and so called street gangs.”

Harkness’s dislikes include: “Drugs, Gangs, Hippies, Faggots, All other races, People who think Jews deserve our pity.” As hobbies, he listed farming and gardening, and re-reading the works of “Herr Hitler and Commander Rockwell,” as in George Lincoln Rockwell, the former Navy commander who founded the American Nazi Party in 1959.

It is unclear if Allen is a neo-Nazi. But, “they’re all pretty tatted up with that stuff,” Scheben said.

The deputy said Allen told investigators that he had planned the attack on Delfin a week before. “I’m sure he’s not the only drug dealer they’re familiar with,” Scheben said. “But he wore the real baggy pants, the baggy clothes. In a small town like Walton, Kentucky, you stand out dressing like that.”

Scheben said the men lured Delfin into their car on Jan. 9 by saying they wanted to buy heroin. Delfin was arrested last May for trafficking heroin in the area. “I would say we have a very definite heroin problem,” Scheben said. “It is the drug of choice in the tri-state region. It’s much cheaper than your pain killer pills.”

Harkness was driving. Baumgartner was in the passenger seat. Allen was in the back, sitting next to Delfin, who he “proceeded to physically assault” with his fists and a pipe, Rosing told a Boone County courtroom.

Rosing said Delfin suffered “severe head trauma” during the attack and apparently slipped into unconsciousness or death. The men drove to a field next to Allen’s home where Allen slit Delfin’s throat and stabbed him, the detective said, “underneath the ribcage, up into the heart and twisted the knife and then pulled it out.”

The next day, the men returned to dismember the body.

On Jan. 13, Delfin’s sister reported him missing. On Jan. 14, authorities got a tip, leading them to the three men, who were arrested on Jan. 15.

“Allen was the first to admit it,” Scheben said. “The others followed suit. Allen walked us to where the torso was.”

The authorities found Delfin’s torso and legs in the field. They searched a nearby landfill, using four pieces of heavy equipment for six hours before calling the search off without finding the rest of the teenager.

The owners of the landfill “told us up front, you’re pretty much looking for a needle in a haystack,” Scheben said.

The three men are being held in the Boone County Jail without bail, waiting to go before a grand jury in the next few weeks. “Their story now is that they were just going to assault him and work their way up the chain until they found the drug kingpin,” Scheben said.

Calls today to the men’s public defenders were not returned.

On Thursday in Verona, Ky., nearly 100 people attended Delfin’s closed-casket funeral. Two songs were played at the service: “Amazing Grace” and “It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday.”


April 18, 2011 in News, NSM by southsidechicago


Friends, We are writing to request your aid for the legal defense fund of two Antifa activists who were arrested in Burlington County, New Jersey after a confrontation that ended an annual neo-Nazi conference. The activists are members of New Jersey and New York chapters of Anti-Racist Actionamong whose activities are tracking down white supremacist groups, publicizing them and confronting them in order to shut down their ability to recruit and plan. Any donations can be sent via Paypal to

From the Anti-Racist Action Network:

The Battle of Pemberton: ARA vs NSM

The National Socialist Movement (NSM), a group that tries to dance around the fact that they are Nazis while sporting swastikas on their uniforms and sieg heiling, had been planning to host their annual conference along with a rally, redneck horse shoe and band spectacle for several months.

The dates were set for April 15th and 16th in Trenton, New Jersey. Of course we can assume they expected some unhappy spectators at the rally but what they didn’t predict was an all out battle that left 4 of their “SS security” force in the hospital with multiple staples. The NSM went through quite a bit of trouble keeping their event and sleeping locations private. This was nothing but a waste of time for the NSM considering the turncoats within their organization leaked the information to anti-fascists weeks in advance.

The 15th came around and a phone jam was put on both the hotel, where 50 or 60 of them stayed for the weekend(the Comfort Inn off 209 in Bordentown, NJ) and their conference location (the 449 club at 6 Pemberton Ave in Pemberton). Just as the conference was about to begin 30 of us took the streets about 2 blocks away and marched in black bloc to the conference location. Within that time several people living and passing through the neighborhood began to stare from the cars and porches as we let them know Nazis were meeting in their town. One person, upon notification, parked his car and joined the bloc immediately, eager to confront the boneheads. By the time we arrived to demonstrate a few nazis from the NSM gathered outside of the conference space but within a few seconds about 30 or 40 of their fully SS uniformed security were out with chairs, thinking they were about to kick some antifa tail. After some exchanged words the NSM walked off the property to engage us. They wanted a brawl…and we defended ourselves successfully.

After a brutal rumble of evenly matched numbers the NSM quickly scurried back to the property with bashed skulls, bruised faces and damaged property, sending 4 boneheads to the hospital (2 of which may still remain there). At this point the cops had shown up and we managed to retreat with one comrade minorly injured and two arrested. It can be assumed that if the conference was not shut down completely, the talking they were doing had nothing to do with rank promotions and five year plans, as it was supposed to. This was the part of the purpose of our demonstration; we are not trying to change their minds or tell them they have been bad little nazi sub-humans. We want to disempower them, leave them in fear and most importantly crush what they are trying to build. Not only did we win the physical battle by a mile, but given the goal at hand, they were completely defeated. The conference was now minimized to a retreating space where the NSM would pout and discuss their defeat. According to some sources not only did some members of the NSM check into a different hotel, spending more money and fearing more attacks, but even the cops were laughing at how bad the nazis were beat and were quoted saying “ARA isn’t playing this weekend”, but then again, are we ever?

The next day, April 16th, it was time for the downtown rally in Trenton followed by the backyard concert on Jason Heickes’ property. Before the NSM showed for their hour long spectacle in which they gained no supporters whatsoever, not only were ARA, the new Black Panthers and other radical groups ready to confront the Nazis but the community itself filled the streets with rage looking to clean house. The NSM was protected by several hundreds of cops, as you can expect, and because of this there really was no physical stand off aside from a few rocks hurled at their busses as they exited the city. This was a second victory for us since they gained absolutely nothing and no one out of the formality while we showed our numbers and that we were more then prepared for another round. After the Nazis left, one of our other enemies in the three way struggle, the cops, moved aggressively to force us out of the city, but not before a few folks smashed some Bank of America windows. These actions show that the rage against the fascists is not based out of a will to preserve the status quo or protect capitalism but rather a will to reclaim what is ours and to smash racism, fascism and all oppression and apparati of control. Since one of the band members from Zyklon b had his head split wide open in the melee and because it was raining we assume the outdoor concert on Heickes’ property was at the very least not what they expected bringing. Yet another victory for our side.

View a low-quality video of the street brawl posted by the NSM:

Another Anti-Racist Action Network member writes:

The rejection of the identity of victimization through cracking a Nazi’s skull.
-by a bitch ass faggot

On Friday, April 15th, 2011 some anti-fascist in Anti-Racist Action learned of the location of the National Socialist Movement’s national conference for rank promotion and five-year planning. A group of 30 of us decided to march to where the Nazi’s were strongest, to bodily and boldly confront them, and we were decidedly victorious. After the the dust settled six Nazis were hospitalized, more were injured, their vehicles and property were damaged, and their conference was ended. On the other side, one anti-fascist required moderate first aid.

Many of us at the melee were people of color, working class, immigrants, women, queer, transgendered, and/or people on parole or probation. The logic of the victim is constantly thrust upon us. We are said to be ‘at risk’ and must be protected and pandered to. It is said that we need others, usually the State, to protect and stand up for us. But, through the action of splitting Nazis’ heads open, we rejected the logic of victimization. We will continue to do so, we will be victims no longer. We do not need others to stand up for us, we have each other. When we are attacked, we will find each other and counterattack, so hard and so fierce that we will surprise even ourselves.

If the Nazis call us bitch ass faggots, they might not be that far off the mark. But if they conflate those slurs with weakness, the six hospital visits they faced would prove otherwise.

From the mainstream Burlington County Times:

Neo-Nazis, opponents brawlPEMBERTON BOROUGH – A clash between neo-Nazis and members of an antiracist organization Friday evening left four Nazis in the hospital and prompted two arrests, according to the New Jersey State Police.

The fight involved about 50 people and took place on the eve of a neo-Nazi rally Saturday in Trenton.

State troopers responded to the fight at about 7 p.m. on the unit block of Pemberton Street, where members of the Detroit-based National Socialist Movement were gathering to prepare for their rally.

The group has been described as one of the largest neo-Nazi hate groups in the country and promotes a racist and anti-Semitic agenda, according to both the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

While the NSM members were meeting, about 25 people from a Minnesota-based group called the Anti-Racist Action Network drove into the borough and an armed melee ensued between the two groups. They fought with weapons such as knives, pipes and wooden boards, state police said.

All but two of the combatants, who were not seriously hurt, scattered when troopers arrived.

State police arrested Joseph W. Alcoff, 29, of Syracuse, N.Y., and Thomas T. Keenan, 25, of Franklin Township, and charged them both with third-degree inciting a riot.

Both are members of the Anti-Racist Action Network and both were transferred to the Burlington County Jail in Mount Holly in lieu of $50,000 bail each, according to state police.

Authorities said the incident remains under investigation and do not rule out further arrests and charges.

Four of the Nazis suffered undisclosed injuries as a result of the fight and were transported to local hospitals.

Two were treated and released from Lourdes Emergency Department at Deborah Heart and Lung Center in Pemberton Township. The other two were being treated at Virtua Memorial in Mount Holly on Saturday, state police said.

Their identities or conditions were not available.

The Anti-Racist Action Network posted a blog to its website about the incident describing the confrontation.

“A group of 30 of us decided to march to where the Nazis were strongest, to bodily and boldly confront them, and we were decidedly victorious,” the blog reads. “After the dust settled, six Nazis were hospitalized, more were injured, their vehicles and property were damaged, and their conference was ended.”

The neo-Nazi rally in Trenton did go on as planned for about 90 minutes Saturday, but state police said the 50 members of the National Socialist Movement who marched at the Statehouse were outnumbered fourfold by members of antiracist groups and other counter-protesters.

The event was generally peaceful, although there were at least three arrests – one for breaking a window at a bank, one for a weapons offense, and one for shooting off fireworks, according to state police.

Authorities did not immediately release further details.