
Category archives for OpenSource

Major Computing Entities as Public Goods

What if you went to drive to work one day and the highway on ramp was closed, and a big sign across it said “Highway is closed. Sorry for the inconvenience.” Well, you would find your way to a different highway entrance. But say that one was closed as well.Then, you check around and find…

Every year the federal government wastes tens of millions of dollars a year, possibly hundreds, supporting old versions of the Internet Explorer browser (below version 9). Web development teams typically use 30%-40% of their time (or more) adapting sites to display properly in these browsers. There is no good reason for the US to waste…

Are you interested in software usability and open source? If so, my friend Jim would like your help. He is doing a study of usability in Open Source software. I’ll post his entire request below along with a link to his blog. Also, he’ll probably be doing some other interent based interolocution about this; I’ll…

Good news: The next version of Internet Explorer will only run on Windows 7. That should be the end of Internet Explorer. Bad News: Google Video is done with. It will stop existing on April 29th. Well, I never used it so I don’t really care personally, but this is why I once said that…

When it comes to ease of use, there is no difference between a computer with Windows and a computer with Linux, assuming both systems are installed properly. That there is a meaningful difference is a myth perpetuated by Windows fanboys or individuals who have outdated experience with Linux. Also, the comparison that is often being…

he Linux market share continues to flatline. Here’s a piece on why. My explanation? Same as for a lot of things: People are morons, by and large. The article linked to mentions very good reasons that Linux should indeed not be adopted by others. But most of those reasons actually apply to other OS’s as…

Item 1: Linux has perfectly good fonts these days, and they are getting better. Patents held by Apple Corporation did not allow basic technology (the Bytecode Interpreter)to be implemented in Linux fonts (without paying). FreeType (the Linux font system) worked around this and things were workable, but still, having the Apple technology would have been…

I like the idea of an edition of Ubuntu for scientists. I like the idea so much that I wrote a blog post about it a while back. So I was very pleased to see that there is a project called Ubuntusci that is moving along nicely and that may fill in this niche. But,…

Possibly. Quite possibly: Diaspora: Personally Controlled, Do-It-All, Distributed Open-Source Social Network from daniel grippi on Vimeo. Hat tip: Ronja Addams-Moring