
Category archives for myMac

Just a quick note in case you had iDraw on your iMac and it iDisappeared. What happened is this. You updated iDraw (or it was updated automatically) and when that happened it turned into “Autodesk Graphic,” probably known on your computer as just ‘Graphic.” That is all, you may now return to your graphing and…

This is a question everyone is asking. For any mac OS upgrade, the first thing you have to ask yourself is this: Did Apple create a system update that requires me to buy a new computer? They do that every now and then. If so, then you have to decide if you want to buy…

NEW ADDED NOTE: Do you have a problem with “save” and “save as” dialog boxes being REALLY slow? THIS may be a fix (kludge, really) for that. ADDED NOTE: I’ve discovered a bug that is annoying enough that it causes me to regret having upgraded right away, so I want to mention it right away.…

I have no doubt IOS 8 will be great. In fact, that rhymes. But the nature of the beast dictates that certain Apple-endemic problems will arise for some people. Handoff Continuity One of the new features is “Handoff” which allows the seamless integration of all of your computing machinery, including regular computers, iPhones, iPads, etc.…

The OS X Mavericks is an important and useful upgrade and at some point you should do it. I think (feel free to disagree) that OS X upgrades have tended to be relatively clean and bug free, compared to Microsoft Windows upgrades, though not nearly as clean as Linux upgrades which are usually trouble free.…

Two OS X Mountain Lion Tips

I’m using the following handy tricks to make my iMac running Mountain Lion do cool things. 1) Define a keyboard shortcut to launch launchpad Go to Control Center, Keyboard Shortcuts “Launchpad & Dock” — check “Show Launchpad” and make sure the zone where you enter a key combo is active. I chose “Control-esc” — With…

Short answer: You don’t. More interesting answer: You only think you want to do that, what are you, some kind of a Microsoft Windows user or something? Actual answer: You probably don’t, but if you do, it is a rather fun and interesting thing to try. But really, mostly, don’t. I recently discovered a nifty…

Messing with your iMac

These days it is hard to find an “aftermarket” computer book that does a better job than Google in providing information for messing with ever (and rapidly) evolving and changing software. Master Your Mac: Simple Ways to Tweak, Customize, and Secure OS X by Matt Cone, which is published in 2013, i.e., the future, actually…

To Do List Software for Mac

I tried out a few “to do list” applications for the iMac and thought I’d pass on what I learned. I wanted to see if anything was more useful or more interesting than Reminders, supplied with the iMac. Conclusion: No, but one app has promise once they get it to work for syncing to a…