
Category archives for emacs

When I first became a regular user of Linux, several years ago, I tried out different text editors and quickly discovered that emacs was my best choice. By coincidence, about that time I ran into an old emacs manual written by Richard Stallman in the dollar section of a used booksore. In that edition, near…

Or, at least, I’m surprised that this earlier implemented solution has not been mentioned in all the discussion about NSA spying. Richard Stallman invented an approach to obviating the NSA’s attempts to spy on email. He included it in emacs, the world’s greatest text editor. Here how it works, from the manual. The “M” is…

I just reconfigured my laptop with a new system (a form of Linux) and, almost as important, a new power brick. That second item may be more interesting than it sounds for some of you; I’ll write that up later. This change also meant trashing my emacs configuration file. I didn’t have to trash it,…

Check out this “How I Work” video by Ryan McGeary:

(‘John ‘McCarthy)

(‘born ‘1927) (‘championed ‘ai) (‘created ‘lisp) (‘thought-up ‘space-elevator) (‘won ‘turing-award) (‘died ‘oct-23-2011)

Column Editing in Emacs (cua mode)

This is very nice: hat tip: Got Emacs?

Land Of Lisp Book Giveaway

You will recall that I recently reviewed the book Land of Lisp. It turns out I’ve got two copies of it, and would like to give one away. To you. As a bounty.

A List Of Lisp and Emacs Books

Land of Lisp: Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time! is a book about lisp programming. If you are into programming for fun, artificial intelligence, role playing games, or an emacs user, you should take a look at this book. I’ve got some info on this book as well as a few…

I have a small laptop that I carry to the coffee shop for writing. It is a bit shaky in the hardware department, very small, and has no functioning wireless. The hard drive is encrypted. These attributes together make it the perfect laptop to carry around between, say, the gym, the coffee shop, the grocery…

How come nobody told me about this!!!!