Back To School Special!

Category archives for Back To School Special!

I like to pass books about science on to the teachers in my daughter’s school for them to have in the classroom (or to pass on to the library, as they wish). Now that you’ve heard this idea, you will want to do it to! Here’s a few suggestions of recent titles that could be…

And if you have your own favorites, please add links to them in the comments. Below the fold to not crash your flash.

In support of biology teachers …

A few essays. You are not alone. These are previously posted items, just follow the links to read them in their entirety.

Here are a few books that those in the education biz should have on hand. If you are a parent with a kid in school, consider giving a copy of one or more of these books to your school’s life science teacher and a key administrator or two.

A few suggestions for books you can use at home to enhance, prepare for or catch up with various topics. Great Physics Book: Black Bodies and Quantum Cats by Jennifer Ouellette. Why the Wind Blows: A History of Weather Home Chemistry: A New Guide for Hobbyists and Home Schoolers

You have to tell your child’s life science teacher (or, any science teacher for that matter) that your family does not support creationism, does not want to see anyone “teaching the controversy” and that you know that “Intelligent Design” is a form of creationism. I promise you, the creationist parents of your child’s peers, and…

Two videos from the NCSE …

National Science Education Standards

We haz ’em (9 megabyte PDF download from the National Academies of Science)

Other items of interest for teachers: “Back to school special“

Galapagos Diary

Galapagos Diary: A Complete Guide to the Archipelgo’s Birdlife … Continuing in our look at bird books to consider, I wanted to bring in the Galapagos Diary. I cannot tell you which is the best book for birding in the Galapagos, because, sadly, I’ve never done that myself. But my daughter, Julia, has, and she…