
Category archives for Robots

Eythor Bender of Berkeley Bionics brings onstage two amazing exoskeletons, HULC and eLEGS — robotic add-ons that could one day allow a human to carry 200 pounds without tiring, or allow a wheelchair user to stand and walk. It’s a powerful onstage demo, with implications for human potential of all kinds.

Don’t have a baby. Have a robot.

Affetto the toddler robot does not get you the tax break but you can probably teach it to get your beer from the fridge a lot easier than a real toddler. Affetto is modeled after a one- to two-year-old child and will be used to study the early stages of human social development. There have…

The rise of personal robots

As a grad student, Cynthia Breazeal wondered why we were using robots on Mars, but not in our living rooms. The key, she realized: training robots to interact with people. Now she dreams up and builds robots that teach, learn — and play. Watch for amazing demo footage of a new interactive game for kids.

Much more here.

Wait, wait, that’s no way to treat a robot!

Robots that can run

First they make a robot that seems, though they deny this, like it will feed on humans. Then they make a robot that runs like a human. What will they think of next? And who are they, anyway?

… but that is not our mission.” Right. Except for this robot that powers itself by scooping up … well, just look. ….

The Scorpionator

The A-Pod Robot

Robot Dreams

Well, not really dreams. More like, Robots taking over the world because they don’t need humans any more to figure stuff out for them. This is not entirely new … we’ve heard some news of this before. What concerns me, of course, is that once the robots can think for themselves … well, you know…

The end is near

Any time now …. The Singularity Approachith. From the same people who gave you the “I don’t like it when you touch me that way” robot, we have this: Click on the picture. Also, notice that you can get 3.14 bucks off a subscription to Seed because it’s Pi Day! Listen to me. When the…