Restaurant Review

Category archives for Restaurant Review

Who writes the fortune cookies, anyway?

A few months ago, for reasons that I do not recall and could probably never explain, Amanda and I stopped at one of those crappy little Chinese Restaurants stuck between a dry cleaner and a dollar store in some out of the way run down strip mall in Andover.1 We were very hungry; I remember…

If the restaurant was being forced closed by the city making dumb tax-related decisions and the public works department acting almost vindictively against a certain neighborhood, as was the case when JP’s closed, I’d be pissed. If it was a restaurant that was really trying to do well but failed because of the economy or…

This is a sister post to: The Black Forest Inn: Anarchists 2, Scientists 1 Lizzie had said in her email, “Let’s meet at the Black Forest Inn. I think you told me you’d never been there. It’s a place you might like.” How nice of Lizzie to suggest a new place for me to enjoy.…

I was totally wrong …

… about the distribution of food at dinner tonight. Well, not totally. SIL and FIL did not exchange food. But everything else was wrong. But no matter, really. Warning: If you go to Manny‘s, you should know that they moved. Manny’s is now in the Forshay building. Otherwise it’s the same old Manny’s. Bring lots…

What do they call this when it is sushi?

A good friend of mine, whom I shall call L.R., got a job … a pretty nice job, with benefits and a salary and everything, in the “helping” industry, which she’s good at and which she likes. So I took her out for a congratulatory dinner (and just because we had not seen each other…