
Category archives for Republicans

GOP Rep. Randy Neugebauer

People are getting mad. GOP Rep. Randy Neugebauer Confronts Park Service Ranger at WWII Memorial: You Ought to Be ‘Ashamed’ On Wednesday afternoon at the Word War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) confronted a female U.S. Park Service Ranger as she was preventing non-veteran tourists from entering the temporarily-closed park due…

We know that the right wing revels in stupidity; Willful stupidity and well practiced stupidity are thought to be the way elitist anti-populous tax-the-middle-class Republicans capture support from the masses. Seems to work rather well. But increasingly this trope of (ig)noble ignorance is being supplemented by large doses of mean spirited in your face angry…

This is a bit long but you will benefit from watching all of it. It gets extra hot at 31:30. I love the look on that woman’s face at 31:38 and again at 31:47. LOL. This particular member of congress, Don Young from Alaska, needs to get unelected. Frank J. Vondersaar seems to be the…

I am Iowan. I am barn.

I’ve known very few real Iowans. I know people who live there now but are from the Twin Cities, but I’ve only met a handful of native Iowans. One of them is a dear friend, most are only vague acquaintances. Six of them were landlubbing pirates of no value to humanity whatsoever.1 But I’m sure…

Republicans and Sanity

The twain shall never meet. Below the fold. Not work safe. Do not be drinking coffee. Sex with demons!

I woke up this morning and the world was slightly different than it was the night before. Well, it probably always is a little different each day, but there are certain times when you notice this. I’m not talking about the bits of siding, roofing, and trees scattered about the landscape because of the very…

There’s nothing wrong with like minded people forming coalitions and working together to achieve similar goals. That’s what everybody does. But when you look at who is doing what to and with whom, it is revealing. Unsurprisingly, probably presidential candidate Michele Bachmann has ties to “Kill the Gay’s” preacher Bradley Dean, the Anti-Vax movement, and…

It didn’t really occur to me that anyone actually believed that the world was going to end the other day. Honestly. I had assumed that some crazy preacher made the claim, that it was being used to scam the gullible here and there, but that almost no one was really taking it seriously. But, in…

My one time friend Robert Church, the artist, would carry 48 cents in his pocket wherever he went: A quarter, a dime, and the rest in nickles and pennies. Then, when some moran would complain about the NEH … this was the days of the Maplethorp maneno … he would pull the 48 cents out…

When will this madnes end?

If you live in Georgia, and have a miscarriage, you will be investigated, if recently introduced legislation is passed. The bill proposed … … by House Republican Bobby Franklin would make abortion the legal equivalent of murder and require miscarriages to be investigated by authorities. … Franklin’s bill would classify the removal of a fetus…