
Category archives for Development

Allen’s Rule. One of those things you learn in graduate school along with Bergmann’s Rule and Cope’s Rule. It is all about body size. Cope’s Rule … which is a rule of thumb and not an absolute … says that over time the species in a given lineage tend to be larger and larger. Bergmann’s…

Behaviors are not caused by genes. There is not a gene that causes you to be good, or to be bad, or to be smart, or good at accounting, or to like bananas. There are, however, drives. “Drives” is a nicely vague term that we can all understand the meaning of. Thirst and hunger are…

Human infants require more care than they should, if we form our expectations based on closely related species (apes, and more generally, Old World simian primates). It has been said that humans are born three months early. This is not accurate. It was thought that our body size predicted a 12 month gestation, and some…

Why do women shop and men hunt?

Or, when the hunting season is closed, watch teh game (the guys), or when there are no sales, admire each other’s shoes (the gals)? This is, of course, a parody of the sociobiological, or in modern parlance, the “evolutionary psychology” argument linking behaviors that evolved in our species during the long slog known as The…

Exploring Your Inner Zebrafish (updated)

Minnesota Atheists’ “Atheists Talk” radio show. Sunday, December 28, 2008, 9-10 a.m. Central Time Exploring Your Inner Zebrafish Listen this Sunday to Geneticist Dr. Perry Hackett and Evo Devo Biologist PZ Myers as they discuss the Top Life Science Stories of 2008. Big genome stories were everywhere in 2008. The cancer genome, the woolly mammoth…

PZ Myers‘ appearance on Atheist Talk Radio was positively Orwellian. Host Mike the Madman Haubrich actually asked PZ about developmental biology (evodevo). Fish embryos? What about crackers!!!! I wanted crackers!!!! And I get Zebrafish! The interview was actually very interesting, in which PZ discussed homologous structures in the mouse and the bat, in reference to…

Minnesota Atheists’ “Atheists Talk” radio show Sunday, July 27, 2008, 9-10 a.m. Central Time P.Z. Myers discusses “Evo-Devo: What do a mouse’s leg and a bat’s wing have in common?” Also, atheist blogger C.L. Hanson discusses her book “Ex-Mormon.” “Atheists Talk” airs live on AM 950 KTNF in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. To stream live,…

Science News

Quirky Pulsar System Challenges Theories of Binary Formation; Observing Stem Cells at Work; Large scale carbon sequestration

The Shape of Life 1

Stay tuned, more coming. This episode 8 of the PBS series in six bite sized parts

Sadie and the Heckler

[Thanks, Analiese, The Anthropologist]