14 April 2016

Belgian air traffic controllers launch wildcat strike at Brussels airport

By Robert Stevens, 14 April 2016

The working class throughout Belgium and Europe must come to the defense of the striking air traffic controllers, who have taken a courageous stand against attacks on retirement.

Verizon workers speak on issues in strike

By our reporters, 14 April 2016

The walkout is an expression of the pent up anger of workers all across the US after years of declining or stagnating wages and record corporate profits.

Thirty-nine thousand Verizon workers on strike in US

Plan B: CIA prepares to arm Syrian “rebels” with antiaircraft weapons

By Bill Van Auken, 14 April 2016

Washington is warning that if it is unable to achieve regime change through UN-brokered talks, it will drastically escalate the Syrian bloodbath.

US deploys B-52s for bombing in Syria, Iraq

More on the crisis in Iraq and Syria »

The US to further expand its military presence in the Philippines

By Peter Symonds, 14 April 2016

As US-China tensions mount, Defence Secretary Carter signalled Washington’s intention to seek access to more Philippine military bases.

US defence secretary’s trip to Asia sets stage for new provocations against China

Kerry in Hiroshima

More on the crisis in the South China Sea »

India-US military cooperation “robust and deepening”

By K. Ratnayake, 14 April 2016

India has “agreed in principle” to allowing the US military to make routine use of its bases and ports—a major step in making it a “frontline state” in Washington’s preparations for war with China.

Financial instability far from over, says IMF

By Nick Beams, 14 April 2016

The IMF’s Global Financial Stability Report concluded that the market turbulence seen at the start of the year is not over and could be a warning of things to come.

US elections: Republican crisis deepens over prospect of contested convention

By Patrick Martin, 14 April 2016

Billionaire Donald Trump, the frontrunner for the presidential nomination, has denounced the Republican National Committee and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.

The social reality behind the US elections

More on the 2016 US elections »

Research team confirms dangerous levels of lead still contaminate Flint water supply

By Carlos Delgado, 14 April 2016

While water quality has improved since switching from the Flint River to Detroit, for some households lead levels have actually increased significantly since 2015.

Racketeering lawsuit filed against Michigan governor, officials over Flint poisoning

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

Class action lawsuit details destruction of Detroit Public Schools

By Nancy Hanover, 14 April 2016

Amid a continuing drive to dismantle Detroit Public Schools, a lawsuit charges that state officials have deprived students of a “minimally adequate” education.

Chicago suburbs confront rising homelessness

By Jessica Goldstein, 14 April 2016

The Illinois state budget impasse and rising housing costs are contributing to a mounting homelessness crisis.

Significant price hikes for insulin and top selling US drugs

By Brad Dixon, 14 April 2016

The activities of Turing Pharmaceuticals and Valeant Pharmaceuticals are merely the most extreme examples of what is a common practice in the pharmaceutical industry.

German undercover agent employed National Socialist Underground terrorists

By Dietmar Henning, 14 April 2016

A construction company belonging to an undercover government agent employed the National Socialist Underground terrorist Uwe Mundlos after his disappearance.

French economy minister launches movement preparing for PS’ disintegration

By Francis Dubois, 14 April 2016

Macron set up his “Forward March” movement amid rising concerns in ruling circles that the PS could disintegrate after the 2017 presidential elections.

French government announces youth grant in bid to halt labor reform protest

FMLN government escalates repression amid civil war-level violence in El Salvador

By Andrea Lobo, 14 April 2016

While most of the violence terrorizing Salvadoran communities is linked to the government, FMLN in power has consistently used it to justify greater austerity and militarization.

New in Greek

Ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στην Ελλάδα: Πλήρης συνέταιρος στο ιστορικό έγκλημα ενάντια στους πρόσφυγες

Μπιλ Βαν Άουκεν, 12 Απρίλιος 2016

Τα μέτρα αστυνομικού κράτους και οι συνοπτικές απελάσεις που χρησιμοποιούνται από την κυβέρνηση του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ ενάντια στους πρόσφυγες είναι αναπόσπαστα στοιχεία των αδιάκοπων επιθέσεων του ενάντια στην ελληνική εργατική τάξη.

New in Italian

Le potenze occidentali pianificano una nuova guerra in Libia

Di Marianne Arens, 12 aprile 2016

Dopo cinque anni dalla guerra della NATO in Libia, l'Italia, l'EU e gli USA sono già allo stadio avanzato di un nuovo intervento militare nella regione.

New in Spanish

El Congreso Mexicano establece la fundación legal de la ley marcial

Por Neil Hardt, 12 abril 2016

La clase gobernante mexicana, temiendo la detonación de la lucha de clases, está estableciendo el marco legal para la ley marcial y la dictadura militar.

New in French

Le voyage du secrétaire américain à la Défense en Asie ouvre la voie à de nouvelles provocations anti-Chine

Par Peter Symonds, 14 avril 2016

Carter s’est rendu aux Philippines afin d’envoyer le message à Pékin que la mer de Chine méridionale représente un « intérêt stratégique américain fondamental. »

La réalité sociale derrière l’élection présidentielle américaine

Par Niles Williamson, 14 avril 2016

La réalité de la vie de millions d'Américains est soulignée par une nouvelle étude concernant l'espérance de vie selon les revenus.

L'économie politique de l'austérité sans fin

Par Nick Beams, 14 avril 2016

L'imposition de l'austérité est déterminée non pas par un manque de ressources économiques, mais par la logique implacable du système de profit.

New in German

Ashton Carters Rundreise durch Asien dient der Vorbereitung neuer Provokationen gegen China

Von Peter Symonds, 14. April 2016

Bei seinem Besuch auf den Philippinen übermittelte Carter die Botschaft an Peking, dass das Südchinesische Meer zu den „strategischen Kerninteressen Amerikas“ gehört.

Ein Interview mit Arlette Laguiller von Lutte Ouvrière:
„LO ist glücklich, dass die Gewerkschaften wieder aufwachen.“

Von Francis Dubois, Alex Lantier, 14. April 2016

Lutte Ouvrière (Arbeiterkampf) ist eine Organisation, die versucht eine politische Bewegung gegen die Regierung der Sozialistischen Partei und die Gewerkschaftsbürokratie zu verhindern.

Hundert Jahre seit dem Osteraufstand in Irland
Teil 2

Von Jordan Shilton, 14. April 2016

Der Osteraufstand war ein bedeutsames Ereignis in der Geschichte Irlands und birgt wichtige politische Lehren für die internationale Arbeiterklasse.

Other Languages


The political issues in the Verizon strike

14 April 2016

The strike by 39,000 Verizon workers against the corporate behemoth is an expression of the growing class consciousness and militancy that underlies the deepening political turmoil in the United States.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialism and the Fight Against War
Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 18 February 2016


Behind the designation of Russia and China as “imperialist”: A case study in theoretical charlatanry

By Johannes Stern, 14 April 2016

The politically reactionary implications of the definition of Russia and China as imperialist powers are exposed by the positions of the German-based Revolutionary Communist International Tendency.

Economic nationalism and the global steel crisis

By Nick Beams, 14 April 2016

The program of economic nationalism promoted by the steel bosses, political leaders and the trade union bureaucrats leads to depression and ultimately war.

Defend jobs in the steel industry!
For international workers’ unity, not national unity with the corporations!

IMF downgrades growth projections, warns of “synchronized slowdown”

By Barry Grey, 13 April 2016

Once again on Saudi complicity in the 9/11 attacks

By Patrick Martin, 13 April 2016

New revelations of violence at Chicago police “black site”

By George Marlowe, 13 April 2016

More on police violence in America »

Rousseff denounces “coup” leaders as impeachment draws nearer

By Bill Van Auken, 13 April 2016

Canada’s NDP dumps party leader Mulcair

By Roger Jordan, 13 April 2016

The 2016 US elections

Sanders campaigns in Syracuse, New York

By Steve Filips, 13 April 2016

Is Sanders’ call to “break up the banks” a socialist demand?

Paul Krugman smears Bernie Sanders

More on the 2016 US elections »

Socialist Equality Party

SEP/IYSSE meetings in California: Art, War and Social Revolution

14 April 2016

WSWS Arts Editor David Walsh will speak at meetings in San Diego and Berkeley, California, addressing the political and cultural situation in relation to American imperialism’s relentless war drive.

SEP public meetings: For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum! For the United Socialist States of Europe!

SEP meetings in the US: Socialism and the fight against war

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Oppose the drive to war, austerity and the assault on democratic rights!
Build the International Youth and Students for Social Equality!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Australia), 13 April 2016

Oppose the political ban on the IYSSE at University of Melbourne!
For democratic and political rights on campus!

Oppose Indian government’s witch-hunt of JNU students

Socialism and the Fight Against War
IYSSE meetings in Australia and New Zealand—Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Arts Review

Louder than Bombs from Norwegian director Joachim Trier

By Dorota Niemitz, 13 April 2016

Country music legend Merle Haggard (1937-2016)

Featured Photo Essay

Photo essay: Contaminated water and hazardous conditions at Michigan mobile home park

By Carlos Delgado and Janel Flechsig, 11 April 2016


Fifty years since the Delano to Sacramento march: The myth of Cesar Chavez and the collapse of the United Farm Workers
Part Two

By Eric London, 12 April 2016

25 years ago: Bush reverses “neutrality” in northern Iraq civil war

On April 16, 1991, President Bush announced that America would belatedly join plans for an imperialist occupation of the northern part of Iraq.

More »

50 years ago: Premier Ky agrees to elections in South Vietnam

On April 14, 1966, the military dictatorship in South Vietnam announced that elections to a constituent assembly would be held within three to five months.

More »

75 years ago: Stalin clings to the Axis

On April 13, 1941 Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin signed a five-year pact with Japanese Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka.

More »


100 years ago: Scottish workers’ leaders convicted of sedition in Britain

On April 11, 1916, John Maclean, a socialist workers leader in the area of Glasgow, Scotland dubbed “Red Clydeside,” was convicted of sedition by British authorities.

More »