Evolution 2008

Category archives for Evolution 2008

Continuing with our discussion of the Evolution 2008 conference … Yet another item from the first day of the conference, the pre-conference teachers day sponsored by Evolution 2008 and the Minnesota Citizens for Science Education (MnCSE) … The Minnesota Citizens for Science Education presented Ken Hubert with an award. I am blanking on the name…

Continuing with our discussion of the Evolution 2008 conference … Karen Oberhauser talked about the “single species” approach to pedagogy. This involves focusing on a single species and using it throughout an entire course. Karen has taught classes on this approach for teachers’ professional development programs. The species she uses is the Monarch Butterfly. Karen…

Continuing with our discussion of the Evolution 2008 conference … many things have been going on and I have more to report than time to report it. But I will get to all of it, I assure you. Tonight, I just want to cover part of today’s Education Symposium (moderated by your’s truly) … not…

Continuing with our discussion of the Evolution 2008 conference, I’d like to relate at least the essence, as I saw it, of an excellent talk by Mark Borrello. I’ve seen Mark speak at least three times including yesterday, and soon after his talk we continued on the topic in a conversation over lunch and beers,…

I got my tee shirt!

I’m at the Evolution 2008 Conference. It’s great. And I got a tee-shirt. Here’s what the front looks like:

The Evolution 2008 conference started out today with a special program for K-12 teachers (mainly life science teachers) organized by the Minnesota Citizens for Science Education (MNCSE). The opening speaker was Scott Lanyon, director of the Bell Museum of Natural History. (The Bell hosted this event.) Scott’s objective was to outline several areas of evolutionary…