
Category archives for Healthcare

Where to eat, not eat

Several restaurants are laying off employees, needlessly, as a form of passive aggressive snit in objection to Obamacare. They don’t want to have to give their employees health insurance. I think some of these companies are also known for having opposed Obama in the election, which is their right (corporations are people too, after all!)…

Romney on Pre-Existing Conditions

Romney would replace Obamacare with a law that would require insurers to do what they were already doing before Obamacare, but makes it sound better than it is: The key phrase here is “continuously insured.” As pointed out by Jonathan Cohn via Think Progress: the federal government already forbids insurers from denying coverage to the…

… the hazzards of sickness … should be provided for through insurance. This should be [charged to] the industries the employer, the employee, and perhaps the people at large … Wherever such standards are not met by given establishments, by given industries, are unprovided for by a legislature, or are balked by unenlightened courts, the…

The question is being asked, Will Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Widen Health Inequalities? in a Policy Forum essay in the OpenAccess Journal PLoS Medicine.

Are you going to be finishing all of that mastodon meat?

People are complaining that the health care bill that is currently on the verge of being law is flawed. Well, duh. People who actually claim that this bill should not become law because it is flawed come in two flavors: 1) Those who are simply against all health care reform and are just blowing this…

Let’s Get this Done

The current health care bill, which we DO need to pass (Stop whinging that is not perfect. Neither are you. We let you pass.) has two more steps to go through. Reconciliation and signing by the President. Barack will take care of that second part, but we need to pressure congress to take care of…

Of particular interest is a move within the AMA to rescind that organization’s support of reform with a public option… What’s up with that?

The current health care reform bill(s) do not address actual health care … like what procedures to use and stuff … as much as they address insurance. This is a health insurance reform bill, not a health care system reform bill. (Though there is necessarily overlap.) Nonetheless Republican Wingnuts want a provision regarding prayer as…

You must watch this. You. Simply. Must. Watch. This.