Tag Archive: nazi

Cameron Reveals the Second Totalitarian Democracy

Totalitarianism Hits Britain

The End of Freedom –  Here is the News

Today, dozy Brits sleepwalked into a slightly-uncomfortable oblivion.  No-one blinked.

Monument at Hitler's Birthplace

Monument stone at the site of the birth of Adolf Hitler reads: For peace freedom / and democracy / never again fascism / millions of dead remind us. The stone is from the quarry at the Mauthausen concentration camp.

Following on from yesterday’s news that everything any of us does will be recorded, anything and everything, it’s now the end of justice as we know it and a sharp veer to the Nazi/Soviet/Zimbabwe model of total surveillance, secret police and secret trials.

The BBC said, David Cameron defends secret courts and web monitoring plans, and the comments are cascading in fast.

Can no-one see this?  Where is the common sense that we British are reputed to have, or is that just a sham like our justice as well?  Something to brag about when criticising Little Johnnie Foreigner but not something we do at home?

As long as the lights still work and the Proles can drive to the burger shop they’ll all be happy.  Is that what the powers-that-be think?

It certainly looks like it.

Men in Suits

David Cameron

David Cameron (Photo credit: Nick Atkins Photography)

King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (left) of Bahrai...

King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (left) of Bahrain responds to a reporter’s question during joint press availability with Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld (right) outside the Pentagon on Feb. 4, 2003 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hitler and Mussolini

Hitler and Mussolini






Who Are What?

Now, instead of medallioned shouty people brandishing fists, swords and tanks like Hitler or Stalin, we find our freedoms are removed by men in suits.  Men like Cameron, Clegg, Brown and Blunkett.  Men like bankers and offshore tax advisors.  Men on hidden committees and quangos.  Men on secretly funded so-called “focus groups” that are nothing but sham cover-ups for the men in suits.

Other men taking away “other people’s freedoms” they slag off as bad, bad, bad.  Actually, most of them are!  People like Mugabe are obvious.  Less obvious is the King of BahrainHamad bin Isa Al Khalifa or the King of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud.  They wear their own sort of suit.

But like Hitler (say) before,  they all remove power from the people and misuse their army, their courts and laws as a disservice to the common man.

Islam Karimov, president of Uzbekistan

Islam Karimov, president of Uzbekistan

They all wear suits and they’re all bad people.  Cameron finally reveals his spots.  Obama, the false hope is just the same.  Chanting loud the voice of nationalism and national security, in actual fact they are the public face of non-accountable multi-national powers of huge influence.  They all had a chance to “change” things, but have been sucked into the greater, totalitarian void that multi-national capitalism is.

They are Borg.

Resistance is futile.

Smile as your freedom goes.  At least you’ve got a job, mate!

We are Borg.

We Are THe Borg Unicomplex

We Are The Borg Unicomplex

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Disappearing Bees? Re-appearing Karma

Neonicotinoid pesticides and Colony Collapse Disorder


Honeycomb of Western honey bees (Apis mellifer...

Honeycomb of Western honey bees (Apis mellifera) with eggs and larvae. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Register reports on what seems to be a pretty good study from some guys at Stirling and Lancaster Universities in the UK.  The “boffin-years” worked (as The Register puts it) by them and another French team now have very good proof that it’s a group of pesticides, very lethal to insects but no-so-bad for mammals (like us) that are the cause of:

  • 85% reduction in queen (and thus new hive) production
  • 10% smaller hives
  • Disorientated bees – the bees can’t find their hive and die…
US migratory beekeepers loading tractor-traile...

US migratory beekeepers loading tractor-trailer load of bees for transport from South Carolina to Maine to pollinate blueberries.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) means for us, as humans, can be found in this information on bee economics which details a few major crops recently hit by declining bee numbers.  Further, this is a list of essential plants which are bee pollinated.  The ones which are marked as “Essential – can’t do without bees” are these highly important cash crops:

  • Squash (plant), Pumpkin, Gourd, Marrow, Zuchini Cucurbita spp. Honey bees, Squash bees, Bumblebees, Solitary bees
  • Cantaloupe, Melon Cucumis melo L. Honey bees, Squash bees, Bumblebees, Solitary bees (Ceratina spp.)
  • American Pawpaw Asimina triloba Carrion Flies, Dung Flies
  • Brazil nut Bertholletia excelsa Bumblebees, Orchid bees (Euglossini), Carpenter bees
  • Kiwifruit Actinidia deliciosa Honey bees, Bumblebees, Solitary bees
  • Atemoya, Cherimoya, Custard apple Annona squamosa Nitidulid Beetles
  • Watermelon Citrullus lanatus Honey bees, Bumblebees, Solitary bees
  • Passion fruit. Maracuja Passiflora edulis Carpenter bees, Solitary bees, Bumblebees,
  • Macadamia Macadamia ternifolia Honey bees, Stingless bees (Trigona carbonaria), Solitary bees (Homalictus spp.), Wasps,Butterflies
  • Sapodilla Manikara zapotilla Thrips
  • Cocoa Theobroma cacao Midges
  • Rowanberry Sorbus aucuparia Honey bees, Solitary bees, Bumblebees, Hover flies
  • Vanilla Vanilla planifolia, Vanilla pompona Solitary bees

Reasons, Nazis and Jews – What are Neonicotinoid Pesticides?

IG Farben

IG Farben (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There are many candidates for CCD and pesticides are just one possible or contributory factor.  Things like bee predators, mites, electromagnetic radiation, loss of habitat…. it’s quite a long list.

However, the two studies above seem to be pretty secure controlled studies that looked at one factor (the neonicotinoid pesticides), examining the bees in isolation both with and without the expected non-lethal local dosage of the chemicals so as to eliminate the other possible causes.

Wikipedia lists the major neonicotinoid pesticides, and below I match them to their inventor and/or current manufacturer:

  • Acetamiprid – Aventis (French conglomerate inc. Rhône-Poulenc, Hoechst and others)
  • Clothianidin – Bayer, Takeda
  • Dinotefuran – Mitsui
  • Imidacloprid (the most widely used insecticide in the world) – Bayer
  • Nitenpyram – Novartis (formed from Zeneca, Ciba-Geigy, Sandoz)
  • Thiacloprid – Bayer
  • Thiamethoxam- Bayer, Syngenta (another entity formed from Zeneca, Ciba-Geigy, Sandoz)
Fritz ter Meer (1884-1967) at the Nuremberg Tr...

Fritz ter Meer (1884-1967) at the Nuremberg Trials. Ter Meer was I.G. Farben official, member of NSDAP. This photograph of ter Meer (probably as a defendant) was taken by US Army photographers on behalf of the Office of the U.S. Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality (OUSCCPAC, May 1945 – Oct. 1946) or its successor organization, the Office of Chief of Counsel for War Crimes (OCCWC, Oct. 1946 – June 1949). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


What’s interesting from this list is how often Bayer pops up in the neonicotinoid (a neuro-toxin) story.

It famously made Zyklon B, which made a poison gas and was one of the main methods of murdering Jews and others by the Nazis during WW2.  It did this under the conglomerate business name of IG Farben which was broken up post war by the allies into the original business entities, Bayer being one, and it’s still around now!

A Bayer (IG Farben) boss, Fritz ter Meer, served 7 years post WW2 for his crimes and then was immediately made supervisory board chairman of Bayer.  His crimes included designing a satellite concentration camp to Auschwitz.  Some Nazi industrialists & businessmen were executed, like Bruno Tesch.  Several other convicted Nazi War Criminals got high-powered jobs following their release, just like ter Meer.

Karmic Retribution

What I see as a reason for the bee decline ultimately relates to our overall karma.

It is not retribution against individuals directly.  The bad karma affects us all, now, because we have continued to allow processes to continue which harm ourselves and our environment.  The disappearing bees are just one manifestation of this.

Ter Meer got his nice job back at Bayer, probably because he was the best person to do it, especially at this critical period of rebuilding Germany.  We could say that he continued his life’s work of creating death by chemicals (which I’ve cunningly yet disingenuously alluded to in order to attract your attention!), but it must be remembered that alongside Zyklon B, the same businesses created many products which are essential to our productive farms and lifestyles.  Aspirin, for instance.  Fertilisers as another.

In fact, Fritz Haber, whose academic work was enthusiastically taken up at IG Farben and others, demonstrates the dichotomy of human nature by inventing chemical warfare while simultaneously inventing a process to fix nitrogen from the air to make fertiliser (or explosive, since it’s the same thing).  One gives life benefit, one removes it completely.  As it says on Wikipedia,

“The food base of half of the current world population is based on the Haber-Bosch process”

Haber’s karmic retribution was swift and fast.  Whether he knew or felt it is beside the point. It happened.

  • His wife shot herself because of her guilt over his personal supervision at the 1st gas release on the Western Front.
  • Their son who found her, was so appalled by this and his father’s actions, that he committed suicide in 1946 (like survivor guilt, I suppose.).
  • Haber was Jewish, rewarded by the Nazis who used his gas Zyklon A, developed into Zyklon B to murder Jews and others during the holocaust.
  • Many members of Haber’s extended family were killed in the Holocaust.

Direct Karmic Attention

A honeybee on an apiary, spreading feromones t...

A honeybee on an apiary, spreading feromones to ‘call back’ her collegues, showing her nassanoff-gland. Location: Tübingen-Hagelloch. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

But now we can easily see, that by continuing the bad processes, by continuing the bad ideas, by continuing the bad attitudes of the past, the actions of the past have started to hit us all full in the face.

Bees are just part of it.

Our disjointed energy & food policies of “live today, pay tomorrow” are just larger examples of the wider issue.

To fully understand how we should proceed in our lives and how we interact with others and our environment, we need look no further than some key Buddhist principles, laid out before us a very long time ago by Siddhārtha Gautama.  He said:

  1. right view,
  2. right intention,
  3. right speech,
  4. right action,
  5. right livelihood,
  6. right effort,
  7. right mindfulness,
  8. right concentration.

This is called The Noble Eightfold Path, and if we all paid attention to it and acted sincerely with it, then we’d all be a lot better off.

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Auschwitz Architectural Plans Put On Display In Berlin

Pope visits Auschwitz

Pope visits Auschwitz

In a weird co-incidence that I missed at the time, I’ve just found that the plans for the Auschwitz death camp were put on  display during my Austrian visit earlier this year.   This visit very soon prompted my outburst on the pontificating nutty bishop, Richard Williamson (see The Face of Evil from 20 Feb 2009), especially considering I’d just visited two Jewish cemeteries in Eisenstadt….   (also see Jill’s posting on the area and elsewhere here.)

A few months before this, the plans had been ‘found’ in a Berlin flat and were then bought by the Bild newspaper group as the German State said they were too expensive.

We have to hope that these are authentic because they add crushing evidence against the Holocaust deniers, including the now more ‘accepting’ nutty bishop.

Fritz Darges, one of the last true Nazis (click for German obituary)

Fritz Darges, one of the last true Nazis (click for German obituary)

This week, one of the last fully signed-up and openly unrepentant Nazis died (see Secrets hope as Hitler aide dies).  Apparently he’s left his memoirs which will add new substance to the overall Nazi guilt, especially towards Hitler.  Again, if this is true, it’ll be a wonderful addition to our documented history.

However, it’s a sad indictment on human nature that the personal accounts of 100’s of thousands who witnessed events count for naught…?  Funny that, innit?

One of the Aushwitz Plans

One of the Aushwitz Plans

Bild itself, after the initial display of the Auschwitz plans in it’s offices,  released some pictures and information on it’s website in August.

See English Translation and Original Webpage.  The one that caught my eye is this one at left.

Near the top is a scribble in green ink which has been identified as written in the hand of Himmler, architect of the final solution and a former chicken farmer, famous for selectively breeding white chickens.

This small scribble further implicates the chief Nazis and if it’s all true, shows that their plans for domination and genocide were not thought of in an ad-hoc manner, but were systematically planned many years before.   Only the methods changed as the kill volume increased.

As Bild says:

Remarkable about the plan, which was commissioned by the “construction management of the Waffen SS and police in order, is something else: it proves once again that the mass-production mass murder of European Jews not only with the so-called Wannsee Conference in January 1942 it was decided, but much earlier.

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Cannot Find British National Party (BNP) membership and contacts list? (April 2009 version)

Nasty Nick of the BNP

Nasty Nick of the BNP

There’s something weird about the recent ‘leak’ of BNP members’ names.  The list is available on the Wikileaks website here:





There’s currently some trouble with downloading due to server overload.  Also, people are complaining that the file is a binary Excel workbook containing several worksheets.  It’s about 1.5Mb in size.  I’ve saved it as a standard Excel workbook which is 6.5Mb, quite a bit bigger, but friendlier.  If anyone wants it, drop me a line using the secure contact form in the top menu.  I haven’t the time to properly database it to get decent information from the data….(but see below for it’s veracity)

Nazi Nick in the National Front

Nazi Nick in the National Front

What’s weird is that the BNP claim it’s a fake list…!! (The last time this happened they were outraged at the leak ironically claiming loss of civil liberties, individual freedom and privacy, which is a bit rich coming  from the inheritors of the Nazi tradition.  A disgruntled Nazi was later fined £200 under data protection laws.)

Now I’m not sitting any BNP scum at the top of my ‘honest & honourable folk’ list, but suppose, just suppose that the Griffin with the twisted face is telling the truth.  Literally.  Just suppose that the list really is forged…

In that case, answer my favourite question when unlikely events happen and some reason needs apportioning, which is:

Q. Who Has Most to Gain?

A. The BNP!

It’s obvious really!   By this act they’ve amassed a whole heap of free publicity prior to the BBC’s Question Time show this week.  At times like this, there are no co-incidences.

It’s my guess that this is an example of the classic double-bluff.  George Smiley would be proud.

The BNP have amassed a list containing a few old member’s names and a heap of duds, then  posted it out onto Wikileaks themselves with the express purpose of self-promotion.

By this means, they’re trying to appear as the poor down-trodden underdogs, standing up for individual freedoms!

The technique is exactly the same as the Google Treasure Chest thieving scammers from UTAH who’ve posted online articles that purport to disclose the scammers and their operations but in actual fact, those same articles then try and flog more scam thievery!  (see Watch Out for the Scam Double-Bluff!)

A similar internet scam is the recent surge in fake anti-malware that actually installs the malware – and gets you to pay for the privilege!  (see Millions tricked by ‘scareware’)

It’s all the same – a double bluff!  Something disguised as something else!

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Nazi Griffen Burns his Own Boat

Strangely post on July 9th, 2009
Posted in Freedom Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Sink or Swim

The odious Griffen has spoken.

Despite hating the EU to which he hypocritically got elected to it’s parliament with the intention of bringing it down, he now is in favour of any authoritarian measure to help close our borders – the latest being to sink poor immigrants in their boats and chuck them a liferaft…

Apart from the obvious barbarity, already many people lose their lives in the crossings yet are still prepared to try.  One more obstacle, one extra means to a nasty death is surely not going to deter them one iota.

Griffen.  Cruel and bird-brained.

The real madness is in voting for him – vote to castrate yourself, that’s what that is.

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