Panfu is a kids MMORPG for kids aged between 6 and 13. Each player can create their own panda. With this avatar the players can chat with each other, play games, learn in a playful atmosphere and complete quests in the different places of the island Panfu.
The two founders of goodbeans, Kay Kühne and Moritz Hohl, started Panfu in December 2007. Panfu is an artificial term composed of the words "panda" and the Chinese word for happiness, “fu“. In June 2009 the website had 11 million users worldwide and became the biggest children's virtual world in Europe. In the meantime, according to the owners, the amount of users has grown to 15 million and the service has been translated to 9 languages. [Young Internet GmbH is now goodbeans GmbH] Panfu has been declining in the last two years or so. In 2015 someone contacted one of Panfu's upper bosses, Verena Delius. She said "There isn't enough money to maintain Panfu anymore" which obviously explains the rapidly declining player base.
Osecam se ko animir dama
Meni ljudi narucuju pice
Mozda zvuci kao melodrama
Ali ja sam ipak ljudsko bice
Prcaju me skoro svi u glavu
Ja to trpim, zato su u pravu
Moze na kredit, moze dzabe
Mogu gospoda, mogu barabe
Tu, u hotelu, blizu zeleznicke stanice
Vole me svi koji predju preko granice
Nesto sam slabiji na domacem terenu
Iako imam jeftiniju cenu
Ja sam samo kurva, duplo golo
Ja sam malo dete
Ja, velika nula, duplo golo
Od glave do pete
Ja, ich aum mein bahnhoff
Dass ist eine kleine bar
Dankeschon, au wiedersehen