Harrop: The early American dream house

Edit Denver Post 17 Apr 2016
Most of the shelter media — and advertisers seeding our desire for better — portray the American dream house as big, new and soaring ... True, houses from the 1600s still stand in parts of New England ... Many are in convenient locations where land is scarce and the existing housing stock reflects a more modest American dream ... Most of the house hunters want new and big....

America’s south embraces bigotry of the past, but a new coalition is fighting back

Edit The Guardian 17 Apr 2016
Southern states are reinforcing the remnants of prejudice with new laws that open the door to discrimination against LGBT citizens. The date was a watershed for all Americans ... Yet as soon as the rainbow and American flags were unfurled, so too were plans for a backlash ... Strong elements of southern folk culture continue to influence American and world ......

Jeremy Lin enjoying time in Charlotte

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 17 Apr 2016
Due largely to a euphoric period of weeks in 2012 dubbed “Linsanity,” when, while practically crawling out from under a rock and materializing on the New York Knicks, he made history by becoming the first NBA player to record at least 20 points and seven assists in each of his first five starts ... [...] he’s well aware that virtually anything he says or does could be viewed through the context of him being Asian American....

American Holds Off Army West Point in PL Action (American University Athletics)

Edit Public Technologies 17 Apr 2016
American University Athletics) ... - Sophomore Jennifer DeSimone scored a career-high seven points to lead the American University lacrosse team to a 12-9 road victory over Army West Point on Saturday at Michie Stadium ... Senior captain Jessica Wojciechowski added four goals and an assist for American, while senior Olivia Mangan and junior Shauna Norris each pitched in two goals....

IRS Corruption Fuels Billions in Fraudulent Payments to Illegal Aliens

Edit Breitbart 17 Apr 2016
I am sorry to report that the IRS practice descried in this recent FORBES headline is not new. It's an old story that continues to shock most -- but not all -- Americans ... ....

America happy, Sweden sour (International Ice Hockey Federation)

Edit Public Technologies 17 Apr 2016
Casey Mittelstadt, Kieffer Bellows, Ryan Lindgren, James Greenway, Keegan Howdeshell and Joey Anderson tallied for the Americans, who continue to get scoring throughout the lineup ... Sweden now has just two U18 wins in 14 tries all-time against the Americans ... goalie Joseph Woll before the Americans got one ... It was 3-0 just 1.41 later when the Americans completed a dazzling passing play....

In The Heights

Edit Skiddle 17 Apr 2016
... Lin-Manuel Miranda and a book by Quiara Alegria Hudes, which chronicles a flourishing romance during a heatwave in a Dominican-American neighbourhood of New York City....

New York’s women are owning the business world

Edit New York Post 17 Apr 2016
New York City’s women can lean in with the best of them when it comes to running a business ... New York ranks first for the most women-owned firms, according to the sixth annual State of Women-Owned Businesses Report by American Express OPEN ... “I am seeing more and more women in the workforce in New York who are in construction.”. And New York is home to the fastest-growing female-owned company overall....

Film Review: ‘Time Renegades’

Edit IMDb 17 Apr 2016
Minus the heavy melodrama of typical Korean love stories aimed squarely at the local market, “Renegades” stands a good chance of attracting auds in a concurrent North American release ... During New ......

Folic acid fortification of corn masa flour approved by FDA

Edit The Examiner 17 Apr 2016
Corn masa flour is a staple food for many Latin Americans including individuals of Mexican and Central American descent in the United States ... The March of Dimes Foundation, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and others submitted a food additive petition in 2012 to request the extension of voluntary fortification to corn masa flour to increase the folic acid intake for U.S....

The Observer view on Obama’s intervention in the EU referendum

Edit The Observer 17 Apr 2016
Yet beyond this deeply familiar point, the visit is expected to enter new and dangerous territory ... Like any president, Obama has a job to do, namely, asserting, protecting and advancing American interests at home and abroad ... “Envisioning an EU without the UK, many [American] analysts observe that British participation is widely regarded as essential for efforts to develop more robust EU foreign and defence policies....

Trump Dumps On Cruz, RNC in Last-Minute New York Primary Push

Edit Bloomberg 17 Apr 2016
Crossing his home state ahead of the Republican primary in New York, billionaire real-estate developer Donald Trump said Texas Senator Ted Cruz doesn’t have a shot at winning the party’s nomination ... The Republican front-runner accused Cruz of having “hate in his heart” when he disparaged New York values during a debate days before the Iowa caucuses ... And, according to the New York Times, Trump has won 21 states....

Donald Trump Outdoes Himself

Edit Alternet 17 Apr 2016
The good people of New York will go to the polls on Tuesday, an event with the added benefit of finally ridding the city of truly annoying presence of Ohio governor John Kasich ... During a campaign stop in New York this week, a college freshman asked Kasich how he proposes to address campus safety concerns, especially the problems of sexual violence, harassment and rape on college campuses....