06:01 GMT +3 hours22 April 2016
Representatives of EU, US, Britain, France, Russia, Germany, China and Iran meet for another round of the P5+1 powers and Iran talks in Vienna, Austria on June 12, 2015

US Sanctions Alone Would Not Have Prevented Iran Nuclear Weapon - UN Envoy

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Iran Nuclear Deal: Hope for Peaceful Future (143)

The United States would not have have been able to stop Iran's nuclear weapons program without other members of the P5+1 group, US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power said in an address to the US Naval Academy.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The US ambassador explained that unilateral sanctions alone would never have brought Iran to the negotiating table.

"Our diplomatic engagement was backed by a broad coalition whose collective pressure was key to getting Iran to change its calculus," Power said on Wednesday.

In July, the P5+1 group, including the United States and Russia, reached a deal with Iran to ensure its nuclear program remained peaceful in exchange for the relief of nuclear-related sanctions.

Power said on Wednesday that 98 percent of Iran's nuclear stockpile has been removed from the country.

Accordingly, the multilateral deal increased Iran's breakout time — the amount of time needed to produce a viable nuclear weapon — from under a month to more than a year, the ambassador said.

Iran Nuclear Deal: Hope for Peaceful Future (143)
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sanctions, Iran's Nuclear Program, P5+1, Samantha Power
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  • Angus Gallagher
    Sanctions of whatever kind never work because we no longer live in a uni-polar world.
  • enrique_costas
    That is evident. There is no country with more sanctions than North Korea, and they have more nuclear weapons every year...
  • IranianExpat1916
    Yet another nonsense article to mislead.

    Iran never had a nuclear weapons program for the clever Americans to brag about stopping it.
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