
Category archives for Cat

Three pictures of cats

Since it is Caturday, and I don’ think I’ve posted these before. A King Cheetah (a rather large form of cat) in South Africa: Picture Of Cat On Top Photo Credit: Gatto Mimmo via Compfight cc

The Adventure of the Missing Cat

Sometimes you just know something is going to happen, and then it happens. And if that doesn’t happen to you enough, try some confirmation bias, that always works! I have a friend who just got a new cat and at the same time moved into a new house, and one of the first things that…

Orville the cat was named after Orville Wright, and when he died, Bart Jansen, the cant’s “owner” taxidermied him and, in collaboration with Radio Controlled Flying Objects expert Arjen Beltman, they converted Orville the cat into a working helicopter. From the daily mail: Jansen said the Orvillecopter is ‘half cat, half machine’, and part of…


This is a lion: Click the picture for a larger version of the photograph. Photo by Greg Laden. And here are selected blog posts about lions and related beasts: Amboseli Lions May Go Extinct The Evolution of Cats: Sabertooth vs. Regular Tarangire Lions The Lion That Ate the Earthwatcher Biker and Greg get Eaten by…

Why would you want a field guide to all of the carninvores? They live everywhere, so there is no reason to carry around a field identification guide with ALL of them unless you were going everywhere in the whole world on one trip! Yet, there is such a field guide, Carnivores of the World (Princeton…

Cats vs. Laser Pointers, Scaled Up

Remove all cats from the room before starting this video. Especially the big ones.

Where the lion sleeps tonight

You have probably heard about the cougar which was just killed in Connecticut but which is thought to have wandered there from the Dakotas. Well, I have a couple of stories to bookend that story. One of them has to do with the lion in this photograph, and the other with something I saw in…

Cats vs Dogs

Hat tip: Todd.

In Robert Gardner’s documentary film Dead Birds, the men of a highland New Guinea village guard the perimeter of the territory, watchful for men of the neighboring group who may be intent on sneaking into the gardens to capture and kill an unwitting child or woman in order to avenge a prior death. But they…

LOL Cats never before seen