Severe weather

Category archives for Severe weather

The US NOAA has this video summarizing what they expect for weather in the US as the result of the current, winding down, El Nino: 2016 Spring Climate and Flood Outlook As a near-record El Niño begins to wind down, NOAA issued its spring seasonal outlooks for flooding, drought, precipitation, and temperature. Flood risk is…

Tropical cyclone Winston is now a Category 4 storm and is probably going to make a direct hit on Fiji, tomorrow, Saturday. It will likely be a record storm for Fiji. The storm is fueled by high sea surface temperatures, which extend to a significant depth, which probably caused the storm to intensify rapidly and…

Storms like last weekend’s blizzard and widespread snowfall can happen, in theory, any winter, but large snowfall storms in the US Northeast have been significantly more common in recent years than in previous recorded history. Over the last few years we’ve seen these large snowfalls happen farther south than usual, as was the case with…

According to Paul Douglas (pers. com) there is some important news on what Jonas still has planned. There is likely to be major flooding along the coast of Cape May, and in some areas of New Jersey there may be coastal flooding nearly of the magnitude that happened with Superstorm Sandy. So far storm surges…

Friday AM Update: Overall the storm has shifted north. Washington DC is still on track to have something close to two feet of snow in the city, more to the west. The predicted snowfall for New York City, the city that eats meteorologists, is increasing, and The City may see a foot or more, with…

GO HERE FOR THE LATEST UPDATE See below for update Jonas, (and no, I do not condone naming of storms that are not tropical cyclones) is going to do bad things to the US East Coast and hinterland. Imma let you get back to setting your hair on fire over this storm, but first I…

According to Jeff Masters at Wunderblog, “The earliest named storm on record in the Central Pacific, Hurricane Pali, formed on January 7.” The storm is out in the middle of the ocean, west of Kiribati: The reason this storm formed off season is a combination of high sea surface temperatures because of global warming and,…

Tropical Storm Alex has formed in the Atlantic ocean. It is not entirely unprecedented to have a tropical storm form totally off season like this, but it is very rare. This happened mainly because of record high sea surface temperatures in the region. The sea surface temperature is not enough to make a hurricane. But…

Warm waters around Florida have resulted in a growth of the population of Portuguese Man-of-War, or should that be Portuguese Men-of-War, an organism commonly confused with jellyfish (because they look just like jellyfish). The PMOWs have a sting, roughly equivalent in pain level to a bee sting, and best treated at such. Do not urinate…

By now you are probably aware of the major flooding that happened over the last several days in Missouri. Larry Lazar gave us a guest post detailing his personal experiences in Eureka, where the flooding was extensive. This flooding is not over, but is simply moving down stream in the Mississippi watershed. It will take…