
Category archives for Atheism

There are a lot of great and admirable religious leaders. Gandhi. Some other guys. But there are also a lot of bad ones. Did you ever want to have a place to look up who these dudes are (and most, but not all, are dudes)? This may be especially helpful if you find yourself in…

The Insulted Trilobite

I’d like to point out a new book that I think is interesting and worth a look. It is called “The Insulted Trilobite: some helpful objections to the God Delusion” and it is by the pseudonymous J. A. Posner, and obviously the intended audience is the Atheist and Skeptics community. Simply put, Poster Fisked Dawkins,…

Being a Voyeur of Religion, Politely

This is a post I wrote elsewhere, a while ago, and just realized was never put on this blog, so here it is. I thought of this post and the topic because of the recent data of the Ms Jesus Scroll, which does indeed appear to be old. But they are still arguing about it,…

PZ Myers is the Happy Atheist

Atheists come in many varieties. For example, they can be angry like Greta Christina, or they can be Friendly, like Hemant Mehta, or they can be Positive, like all the Atheists in Minnesota. PZ Myers, it turns out, is The Happy Atheist, and all the other Atheists should be happy that he’s about to publish…

This year Foundation Beyond Belief (FBB) is sponsoring the Pathfinders Project, a year-long volunteer journey, taking four humanist volunteers across the world to work in education, clean water, human rights and construction projects, and to evaluate programs for inclusion in a future Humanist Service Corps (HSC). The HSC will be a proud moment for all…

Money Missing “In God We Trust”

“In God We Trust” was added to American currency fairly recently as part of a right wing plot to break down the constitutional guarantee of separation of church and state. But there is some money out there that predates that moment in history, and if you want some you can have it. It will cost…

Over the last couple of years, there seems to have been a higher rate of erecting billboards by atheists, humanists, and other secularists than previously. Hemant Mehta, the Friendly Atheist, selected among the large number of Big Missives a subset of 18 “finalists” in a contest. You get to vote for five among these, and…

Quiet down the atheists

When Atheists talk, people listen. Then, they tell them to shut up. David Phillip Norris of the Twin Cities recently wrote an article for MNPost called With talk of tolerance and equality, one group is still forgotten: atheists. This was written as a reflection on the just finished and rather dramatic fight against an anti…

Atheist Voices of Minnesota is Out!

Atheist Voices of Minnesota: an Anthology of Personal Stories is a newly published book that a number of your favorite bloggers and atheist personalities have chapters in, including me. It is now available in print form. Everybody who is an Atheist has a story as to how they got that way. In the United States,…

A strange thing appeared on Minnesota Public Radio’s web site yesterday, and it might be such an excellent example of crappy journalism that it is worth mentioning just for that reason. Or, it could be an excellent example of journalistic activism, and that’s worth a look too. Or, it could be a reporter with nothing…