- published: 27 Oct 2011
- views: 73265
The Fula people or Fulani or Fulɓe (Fula: Fulɓe; French: Peul; Hausa: Fulani; Portuguese: Fula; Wolof: Pël; Bambara: Fulaw) numbering approximately 20 million people in total are one of the most widely dispersed and culturally diverse of the peoples of Africa. The Fulani are bound together by the common language of Fulfulde, as well as by some basic elements of Fulbe culture, such as the pulaaku, a code of conduct common to all Fulani groups.
A significant proportion of their number, (an estimated 13 million), are nomadic, making them the largest pastoral nomadic group in the world. Spread over many countries, they are found mainly in West Africa and northern parts of Central Africa, but also in Sudan and Egypt.
There are many names (and spellings of the names) used in other languages to refer to the Fulɓe. Fulani in English is borrowed from the Hausa term.Fula, from Manding languages, is also used in English, and sometimes spelled Fulah or Fullah. Fula and Fulani are commonly used in English, including within Africa. The French borrowed the Wolof term Pël, which is variously spelled: Peul, Peulh, and even Peuhl. More recently the Fulfulde / Pulaar term Fulɓe, which is a plural noun (singular, Pullo) has been Anglicised as Fulbe, which some people use. In Portuguese, the terms Fula or Futafula are used. The terms Fallata Fallatah or Fellata are of Kanuri origins, and is often the name by which Fulani people are identified by in Sudan.
Ciné Guinée : Dewgal koka aranal partie 2 (version peul)
Ciné Guinée : Dewgal koka aranal partie 3 (version peul)
Ciné Guinée : Bounguina partie 1 (version peul)
Ciné guinée : Maoudho djabana partie 1 (version peul)
Le Soufisme en pays Peul avec Salamatou Sow
Babtou qui parle peul trés bien
Miss peul 2014
thanks to seydy sow
Abonnez-vous à la chaine : http://bit.ly/253NyRh
Les Racines du Ciel : Le Soufisme en pays Peul avec Salamatou Sow (30.06.2013) Salamatou Sow, sociolinguiste, spécialiste de langue, culture et sociétés peules, est enseignant-chercheure à l'Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey (Niger), et Membre-Associée du Département Langue-Culture-Environnement du LACITO (Laboratoire de Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale) du CNRS. Elle fait de nombreuses conférence à travers le monde sur la langue, le pastoralisme et la spiritualité peuls. Elle a écrit une vingtaine de contributions dans des revues internationales. MUSIQUE : - "Les poètes se cachent pour écrirent" de Souleymane Diamanka éditions Anakroniq - "Ewlijambe" chanté par La Troupe Folklorique Peulh du Macina éditions Syllp album compilation - "One day in Radio Mali" LECTURE : - « L...
Pular peulh fulani
Extrai de la soirée miss peul du 15 fév 2014
Over 3,000 displaced Fulani herdsmen from Taraba seek refuge in Cross-river
Visit: http://webtravelmap.com Hello You Tube users! Thank you for watching this video! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Description* The video speaks for itself :-) Enjoy! About Algeria: Like any other country, Algeria has a unique sights which makes this country unique travel destination in the world! We sincerely hope this wonderful video will help people to recognize beauty of this country and encourage them to explore as much as possible. Selecting and watching this video is just beginning of your journey. For more information on tourism and travel in Algeria, you can visit our Algeria web page: http://www.webtravelmap.com/country.php?cid=14 ----------------------------------------------------------...
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The camera I used picked up the slightest bit of wind. It was nowhere near as windy as it sounds in the video. Around 30 minutes into the video, things get more interesting, as I go away from the coast and visit a couple of compounds and see how urban Gambians live. I say some stupid things, but this is largely to put some people who are a little shy at ease and take the pressure off them, when they are on camera. I try and 'dig myself out of a hole' around 42 minutes into the video, I felt bad, and MarieAnne teasingly slapped me haha. Visit Tijan's Tours: http://tijanstoursofthegambia.com/ My Facebook Gambia group is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/418750231657424/ The Gambia, also known as the Smiling Coast of West Africa, is my favourite holiday destination. As usual, and as pre...
This special edition of Travel Guide, Ini Thompson takes you on an eight hour drive from Jalingo, Taraba state capital, to the Nigeria's biggest plateau and how Bantu people are living at over 2,000ft on the plateaus amongst a breath taking fauna, overlapping hills buried in the clouds, water fall, mountain rides, caves and man made dams.
Audio by Max & Sophie, who have travelled to South Sudan and published a travel guide about South Sudan's River Nile and Boma National Park, the best national park in Africa, with over one million Antelopes, countless number of gazelles, zebras, giraffes, crocodiles, hippos, leopards, lions, birds galore, any many more wildlife.
Tuareg dancers in the Sahara desert, outside Djanet, Algeria. This footage was filmed at a Fulani festival in 1972 by Terry Turle, and is part of the film "The Lonely Road to Timbuktu" More information available here: http://www.cineminter.com/the-lonely-road-to-timbucktoo--sahara-desert-crossing
Hello everyone! Well it is true, I am in Germany now! It is sad to be deportated, but I am liking it some. Enjoy my musik video that I am making all only with myself! http://www.facebook.com/flula /// Like me here! http://www.twitter.com/flula /// Tweet me here! http://bit.ly/lz2SnA // Free Rington! http://flulashop.com // Flula Shop! Lyrik: I am in Germany Is it a Dream? There are many Things I would like to do here There are many people I can visit There are some great Foods for me to eat Oh what can I do there is so Much Maybe I should visit my Opa Maybe I should eat a Döner Kebap Maybe I should play with some Poodles Maybe I should go to a Bakerei and eat some Bread No I know what I need to do I need to Dance Dance Dance Dance with my Opa Dance with my Döner Dance with some Po...
In the wintercold I see the blood
clotting slowly in the snow
Unsung heroes cry in the night
may they die before dawn
Broken banners mourn fallen crowns
grieving swords lay all around
As the swansong touches the mountainside
unseeing eyes look at you
Can't you hear it
hear the sorrows vail
Oh, can't you see it
the newborn day
Impaled hearts welcome the end of pain
black blood releasing warrior souls
Vultures circle 'round the fields of grief
another graveyard, another tale
Can't you hear it
hear the sorrows vail
Oh, can't you see it
the newborn day