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Faerie Wars (The Faerie Wars Chronicles, #1)
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Faerie Wars (The Faerie Wars Chronicles #1)

3.60  ·  Rating Details  ·  11,108 Ratings  ·  434 Reviews
When Henry Atherton helps Mr. Fogarty clean up around his house, he expects to find a mess and a cranky old man; what he doesn't expect to find is Pyrgus Malvae, crown prince of the Faerie realm, who has escaped the treacherous Faeries of the Night by traveling to the human world through a portal powered by trapped lightning. An egomaniacal demon prince, greedy glue factor ...more
Paperback, 368 pages
Published September 1st 2004 by Bloomsbury USA Childrens (first published January 1st 2003)
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Amelia, the pragmatic idealist
Okay, I'm going to give my critique! I still am glassy-eyed from staying up *literally* all night to finish this book! When you cannot pry a book from your fingers, that means it's good, right? I certainly think so.
- To be fair: This is a down-the-line sci-fi/fantasy, IMO. As someone who has extremely little patience for and limited understanding of fiction technology, I could have done with less "science" but that's a person-to-person thing. My little brothers read this series and recommended
Feb 24, 2012 R rated it it was ok
Recommended to R by: a friend
Where to begin...
Ah! I have a question! IS THIS REALLY SUPPOSED TO BE A YOUNG ADULT STORY? It was more like something I would have read when I was 10. This book is classified as YA and the reviews hype it as, "The next Harry Potter!" I had high hopes for this book and they fell short; oh so short. I will not say it was poorly written grammatically or structurally. I would give it somewhere between a 3 and a 4 out of 5 in that respect. However, the story-line is a 2 out of 5 without a doubt—in so
I think I would have liked this much better if I were under the age of 15, appreciated British humor, and was more interested in action & adventure instead of just science fiction/urban fantasy. It's a pretty good story, with a bit of silly humor and a bit of potty humor (boils on the bottom). The villains were laughable in their ridiculousness and the younger characters really took charge and made the important and adult decisions. Some scenes may be unsuitable for particularly sensitive ch ...more
Arielle Walker
God, it's been so long since I last read this but I adored the trilogy - and now I find it's not a trilogy! So it's time for another re-read...
Jun 08, 2012 Melissa rated it liked it
I have to be honest... This book got off to a s-l-o-o-o-w start for me. I had probably read about a third of the book or more before things picked up. I can't say that Henry's backstory about his family situation added much to the book, either--it didn't seem very relevant to the plot, but rather a chance to introduce the idea of the possibility of having a parent who turns out to be a homosexual. And no, I am not suggesting there is something wrong with that, and I assume that Brennan gives us ...more
Dec 19, 2008 Martha rated it liked it
I recently picked up several fantasy books in the young adult range, this one being the first. The book begins with our main hero, Henry, a young boy living in England. Henry is friends with a weird and highly paranoid old man, is saving up for an ipod, and just found out that his mother is having an affair with his father's secretary. A bit harsh for an opening, but there's certainly no doubt that Henry lives in the real, modern-day world.

Then there's Pyrgus, the other hero of the story. His wo
Mar 14, 2009 Barbara rated it it was ok
Shelves: ya, fantasy
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
May 01, 2009 Andrea rated it liked it
While this book was written for young adults....there are some things in this novel that I would not like my tween or even teen reading.
The book begins with Henry finding out his mother is having an affair with his fathers secretary. I found this totally irrelevant other than to leave Henry in a horrible situation. This could have been arranged by many other means.
Further more there is graphic discriptions of demon congering with the use of animal sacrifice. While the "demons" are really just i
Pugnali affilati, grimori polverosi e un vecchio allampanato. Se almeno uno di questi elementi ti sconfinfera, allora questo libro può fare per te.

Adatto alla lettura ad alta voce e ai lettori più giovani che non temano la comparsa di un demone millenario nel buio della loro cameretta.

Ho letto questo volume due volte, la seconda è stata a Settembre '15, la prima approssimativamente dieci anni prima e mi è piaciuto in entrambe le occasioni.
Henry Atherton una mattina scopre che sua madre è lesbica ed ha una relazione con la segretaria di suo padre, Anais Ward. Sconcertato da questa notizia, si reca dal signor Alan Fogarty, vecchio eccentrico, ex-fisico nucleare ed ex-rapinatore di banche, per il quale Henry tiene in ordine la casa.
Pyrgus Malvae, un giovane Elfo della Luce, primogenito del Monarca Danaus Plexippus del Regno degli Elfi, si trova nei guai dopo aver commesso il furto di una preziosa fenice ai danni di Lord Cossus Rodil
Jose Prado
Aug 26, 2009 Jose Prado rated it it was amazing
Fearie Wars by Herbie Brenan is a wonderfull book filled with mystery, action, magic, science, and love. It all starts out with Henry who found out a magical faerei in the back yard of Mr.Fogarty, an old man who believes in faeries and aliens and thinks that the CIA is always after him. After a few days with the little Fearie boy (Pyrgus) they realize that he is actually a prince from another world sabotaged and nearly killed by many Nighters in his world.

With the faerie boy there Henry found a
Steph Su
Apr 21, 2009 Steph Su rated it it was amazing
Shelves: own
After someone tries to kill Pyrgus, the Crown Prince of the faerie world, his father, the Purple Emperor, sends him off into the Analogue World (aka the world we humans live in) for safety from their political enemies, the Faeries of the Night. However, the translator they used to send Pyrgus into the other world has been sabotaged, sending Pyrgus drastically off course, landing him in the middle of present-day England, in the backyard of a paranoid old Mr. Fogarty. Mr. Fogarty enlists the help ...more
Mar 08, 2009 Jodotha rated it it was ok
This was a pretty decent book, though not something that gripped me from start to finish, even though I had hoped it would. It's difficult for me to write anything less than a stellar review, but in all fairness, I'll be honest. "Fairie Wars" was not written for me and mine. This book would fit very nicely on the shelf of a young guy - maybe a Tolkien fan who's looking to upgrade his geek standing (not that there's anything wrong with Tolkien, I'm just borrowing the stereotype here...).
It's an o
Adam Duclos
Feb 19, 2016 Adam Duclos rated it it was ok
Boring. I read the first few chapters, and was subjected to a load of uninteresting set up culminating in some cat having caught a little fairy. Then it switched to some guy, human sized, but in a magic city, but then he's in a mine field. It just didn't keep my interest. Seriously, we finally see a fairy after all that time, and then switch back to boring? No war yet either. Definitely not a book that grabs your attention. Like so many others, it is merely a set up book for a series... Well, I ...more
Feb 07, 2016 Carmine rated it liked it
Aprendo il ripostiglio dei ricordi, riecco spuntare Herbie Brennan.
Nel complesso è un libro fantasy discreto e senza grosse pretese.
Consigliato per chi volesse affacciarsi al genere senza andare incontro a qualcosa di impegnativo.
Apr 30, 2009 Avory rated it really liked it
This is a fun, light YA fantasy that moves back and forth between our world and an alternate dimension. Though it wasn't anything particularly spectacular to read, it was funny and the plot keeps you moving along. The only thing I really didn't like was the ludicrous "lesbian mom" plot, that was just treated quite badly and detracted from the actual fantasy part of the book. I understand wanting to give the kid a personal crisis in this dimension to contrast with what happens to him in the faeri ...more
Feb 03, 2016 Brian rated it really liked it
A book completely revolved around fantasy, Herbie Brennan creates a book merging earth and another unimaginable world. This Faerie realm is ruled by many rulers, one to be soon be ruling. This young princess name is Pyrgus Malvae. Like every young prince who is heir to the throne, he is always causing trouble through out the kingdom but for a good cause. He puts animals first and goes through a lot of trouble to save them from the terrible rulers who mistreat their exotic beasts. Leaving trails ...more
Dec 28, 2015 Crystal rated it it was ok
Shelves: fantasy
Faeries Wars by Herbie Brennan was an enjoyable enough impulse read. The characters are interesting and his plot is laid out nicely. My main issue with this book is I can't figure out who the target audience was when he wrote it.

Faerie Wars reads like a children's book in that the protagonist deals with whiny sisters, fussy and grumpy parents and blubbering and crying. But then it is filled with horrific details that kids under 16 might not be able to handle. It gets confusing as the book reads
Oct 13, 2015 Lydia rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
This book. (!!!!)

I read it when I was younger and I just absolutely loved it. I read it when I was about 13, and I liked that it was a little bit grittier, a little bit more serious than most fantasy books. The protagonist seemed to be making some quite serious decisions throughout the story, which I appreciated as well. There are quite a few 'mature' themes, but to be honest, it's fiction. I'm... more or less happy, as a teacher, when I see kids reading.


I loved Brennan's British/Irish w
Jun 16, 2015 Jess rated it did not like it
There are some books that you stop reading because you lose interest, and then there are the ones that you stop reading because it just crosses a line. I can handle a creepy book, and I can handle a book with horror. I can handle a book with murders and violence- just leave the animals out of it. I cannot handle it when a book has kittens boiled to death in glue in the opening part of the book. It wasn't a crazy person who threw a kitten in; it wasn't even an accidental thing. It was a crazy, cr ...more
Mar 14, 2015 Mae rated it it was amazing
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
Feb 17, 2015 johanna rated it did not like it
Shelves: 201-50-books
I hadn’t heard anything about Faerie Wars until my sister gave it to me, and the blurb sounded interesting enough. Thanks to the blurb, I did have some expectations going into it. I thought it would be funny, a page-turner, and comparable even to Harry Potter (thanks, Goodreads reviewer *sigh*). Faerie Wars didn’t meet any of these expectations. (Then again, a comparison to Harry Potter does set a very high bar, at least for me.)

The book is written from a variety of third person limited perspect
Aug 26, 2014 Pauline rated it did not like it
Henry est un jeune garçon qui a une vie ordinaire... Jusqu'au jour où il apprend la séparation de ses parents et où il découvre un elfe dans le jardin du vieil homme chez qui il travaille ! S'ensuit alors une grande épopée, entre le monde des humains et celui des elfes, ce dernier étant en proie à une menace de guerre imminente...

Mon avis est très mitigé, voire même négatif, concernant ce roman. D'un côté, il est intéressant, la plume est fluide et il se lit très vite. Les personnages sont intér
Jan 10, 2015 Alexandria rated it did not like it
Shelves: terrible-books
Where do I EVEN begin?


This is hard to write without spoilers, but I will try.

There are a whopping total of 5 female characters in the whole book. FIVE WOMEN TOTAL. The only female given any real "screen time" is Holly Blue, and although she starts off as a formidable character in the beginning, she is later treated as a joke and then as a sex object. Did I mention this girl is supposed t
Oct 23, 2012 Lori rated it did not like it
*Did not finish

So 70 pages in and not much is happening. The book had a strong start with interesting characters, but when it barely shifts focus to introduce the fantasy aspect, it, instead, switches scenes entirely to a different set of new characters with no hint that they're ever going to intersect with the first story being told. Baffling is the best description. The plot isn't bad; it isn't good; it's MIA.
I definitely enjoyed it. It was a very good mix of scifi, fantasy, and real life similar to Artemis Fowl but still different.

I was not expecting Henry's personal life problems, but they added so much more to the story. It made Henry very real. His return to real life at the end, with just a bit more confidence, is very nice as well.

Henry is my favorite character, but he spends a surprisingly small amount of time in the story. It's a little odd, since he is set up as the main character in the fir
Terry (Ter05 TwiMoms/ MundieMoms)
Jun 07, 2010 Terry (Ter05 TwiMoms/ MundieMoms) rated it did not like it
Recommends it for: No one
Shelves: i-did-not-finish
I disliked this book to the point I did not finish it. It didn't take long to get to the part where they were throwing live kittens in the vat to make glue, a character took a goat dead for four days, skinned and gutted it and nailed the hide and then the guts to the wall in a particular pattern for a ritual.... Just not my thing. Maybe it got better but I had had enough.
Jun 02, 2015 Malxox rated it it was ok  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: library
2.5 stars

While this is put into the young adult section in the library, it's written for those of us whom are in their younger teen years. Had I read while I was a freshman or a sophmore than I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more, but alas. I'm eighteen now and while fairies and magic and other worldly things within the same sphere are great and all, this was fucking ridiculous. It started out with promise, but it ages to build, and then when it finally did the character's flopped and the
I gave this novel about 30 pages and found myself not engaged whatsoever. SPOILERS: The whole mother having an affair with the secretary was an interesting change as to why a child's parents break up but that wasn't enough to keep me going. Overall, I found it too slow for my tastes.

MY GRADE: C minus; WHEN READ: January 2012.
Mar 03, 2014 Danielle rated it liked it
There's a lot of little details in this book that didn't fit right. Like at one point, a member of the faerie realm mentions "turkish delights". There are other mentions of Analogue things in the faerie world with no explanation. I'm sure that those people have never been outside their own world. To many odd coincidences.

Also, the end of the book was... awkward. It was abrupt with, what felt like, no discernible climax. When I finished it I was still waiting for something to happen. And then th
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Dialogue 1 3 Nov 23, 2015 02:47PM  
What's The Name o...: mainc character's name was Blue, there were fairies [s] 4 30 Jan 26, 2014 05:52PM  
Faerie Wars on kindle 1 8 May 16, 2013 09:42AM  
What's The Name o...: Brimstone Factory-Young Adult [s] 6 116 Nov 02, 2012 09:41AM  
Traitor(Spoilers if you havent Read the book) 1 7 Sep 22, 2011 02:57PM  
  • The Light-Bearer's Daughter (The Chronicles of Faerie, #3)
  • Poison
  • The Lost Queen (Faerie Path, #2)
  • Bones of Faerie (Bones of Faerie, #1)
  • Valiant (Modern Faerie Tales, #2)
  • Dreams of the Ringed Vale (Luthiel's Song, #1)
  • Blackbringer (Dreamdark, #1)
  • The Goblin Wood (Goblin Wood, #1)
  • The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm
  • Changeling (Changeling, #1)
  • Knife (Faery Rebels, #1)
  • Young Knights Of The Round Table (Young Knights Trilogy, #1)
  • Challenge (Wicked Lovely: Desert Tales, #2)
  • Midnight Never Come (Onyx Court, #1)
  • The Low Road (Elf Realm, #1)
  • Fairy Tale
  • Child of the Dark Prophecy (The Great Tree of Avalon, #1)
What you should know

Name: Herbie Brennan

Occupation: Author

Favourite book: The Crimson Petal and the White, by Michel Faber.

Favourite subjects: Esoteric matters, psychical research, anomalies, Mac computers, other people and cats.

Favourite journals: Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, Mac Format.

Favourite holiday spot: Kenmare, County Kerry, Ireland.

Number of books published: 108.

Total c
More about Herbie Brennan...

Other Books in the Series

The Faerie Wars Chronicles (5 books)
  • The Purple Emperor (The Faerie Wars Chronicles, #2)
  • Ruler of the Realm (The Faerie Wars Chronicles, #3)
  • Faerie Lord (The Faerie Wars Chronicles, #4)
  • The Faeman Quest (The Faerie Wars Chronicles, #5)

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“Brimstone: '...I shall smite thee with my fightful blasting wand so that thy teeth shall drop out, thy skin shall wrinkle, thou shalt have boils on thy bottom and be subject to night sweats, ringing in the ears, falling sickness, flaking dandruff, arthritis, lumbago, uncontrollable dribbling, deafness, runny nose, and ingrowing toenails. Amen.” 16 likes
“He caught me stealing his golden phoenix.'
Tithonus closed his eyes briefly. 'Good grief!' He opened them again. 'I was half hoping it wasn't true. Have you any idea of the implications?'
'He was mistreating it!' Pyrgus protested.
'Of course he was mistreating it. This is Black Hairstreak we're talking about. He mistreats his own mother. I don't suppose you stole her as well?”
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