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The Awakened Mage (Kingmaker, Kingbreaker, #2)
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The Awakened Mage (Kingmaker, Kingbreaker #2)

3.70  ·  Rating Details  ·  11,996 Ratings  ·  398 Reviews
Asher has come a long way for a fisherman's son. Together with his friend Prince Gar, he has defended their kingdom against its bitterest enemy, but at great cost. Now the evil mage Morg is preparing for his most deadly assault. Desperate, trapped in a broken body, Morg has little time and fewer scruples.
Paperback, 678 pages
Published October 2007 by Orbit (first published December 14th 2005)
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Jan 21, 2014 Kristy rated it did not like it
The Innocent Mage wasn't a bad read but a vast majority of it was filler. It was a nice way to introduce the cast but it drug on for a rather long time before actually getting to the "meat" of the book. The Awakened Mage feels the same way. It drags on for so long, in fact, that over halfway through the book I began to wonder if there would be a third installment simply because I couldn't imagine this book wrapping up in time. I was shocked when I realized that this is, indeed, the end of this p ...more
Jun 01, 2013 Nikki rated it did not like it
Shelves: fantasy
I give up I give up.

I was still willing, at the end of The Innocent Mage, to see this through. I love Gar. I kind of loved some of the more minor characters too (Matt, who seemed about the only person with sense sometimes; Darran, because he's not always nice but he's so loyal to Gar). But god I can't stand Asher anymore, I don't care about Dathne, and if Morg launched into the greatest hits of EvilMcEvilPerson laughs, I wouldn't be surprised. And the pacing, aaarghhh. And I started being able t
Nov 05, 2007 Mark rated it liked it  ·  review of another edition
My review of Book 1 admired the story-telling and the page turning nature of its narrative, though was slightly disappointed by the (admittedly comforting) safeness of its tale. The (erm) cliffhanging ending, however, left me interested in the tale’s outcome, so I was not too upset at taking on the slightly larger second volume.

However because of the book’s nature, following on from Volume 1, there are points that I’m going to have to develop.


The second volume starts just b
Blodeuedd Finland
Jun 25, 2014 Blodeuedd Finland rated it really liked it
Shelves: fantasy
First, this is book 2 of course there are gonna be spoilers from book 1, duh.

Book 1 ended with a bang, for a book that is pretty light then that was sure an evil ending. She killed almost the entire royal family, only prince Gar was left standing. Yes evil indeed. So that is where the book starts. What on earth will happen now? Prince Gar recently found his magic. But can he keep the weather in check? Can he keep his keep stupid Lord Jarralt away from the throne? Can Ashe be safe as others arou
Mike (the Paladin)
Aug 31, 2012 Mike (the Paladin) rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: fantasy
I finished this a couple of days ago and am just now sitting down to review it. I was greatly taken with and even somewhat surprised by the first book in this duology. From the synopsis I thought it would not be the "type" book I generally like. In some ways it wasn't/isn't but it's written (in my opinion) exceptionally well. I was drawn in and wanted to follow the story.

Here I have a slight caveat about the second book. It's still well written, it's still a good story and I still give it 4 star
*already feeling the need to gnaw own leg off*

...this isn't getting any better is it? *sigh*
Aaron Negoba
Jul 18, 2011 Aaron Negoba rated it it was ok
While an improvement from the first half of the story, this book is still not that rewarding. The buddy relationship between the main characters is first strained and then torn apart for most of the book. The Mage finally gets his magic (how can you go through an entire book titled "The Innocent Mage" without the character in question ever using magic or even knowing he can?), but loses his humor. Asher's humor and friendship to the common people gets stripped away while his surliness and pride ...more
Feb 06, 2012 Tora rated it it was ok
When I finished the previous book, The Innocent Mage, I had enjoyed it enough to eagerly seek out this one. But by the end of this book, I no longer cared about the characters or what happened to them or their country, and finished it only because I hate leaving books unfinished and as I was listening to the audio version, I was able to do productive things like cook and wash dishes while I finished, so it didn't feel like a complete waste of time.

The protagonist has come into his power, and spe
Feb 29, 2016 David rated it did not like it
Shelves: fantasy
Urgh. Everything cliched and wrong about the Fantasy genre is on full display here. Way too many pages for the little bit of story contained therein. Padded to the extreme. Cliched plot and character. Utterly dreadful.
Sep 18, 2012 Dawn rated it really liked it
Shelves: fantasy, read-in-2012
This progressed a little slowly for me.. Maybe that had a little to do with the fact that I read half of it, then went on vacation and didn't pick it back up for over a week, and am just now finishing it... But I don't think that was all of it. Book one ended in a huge cliffhanger, and I expected book two to be a nonstop fast paced progression to the conclusion. Instead, not much happened until the last few chapters, the rest was just set up for the final battle. People going here and there, tal ...more
May 14, 2011 Lucas rated it did not like it
What a turn about from the first book. After the first 200 pages, this book was utter drivel. The characters totally fell apart and constantly acted in ways that I disagreed with. I'm not usually one for spotting inconsistencies in books, but this one was littered with them. In one scene the characters can't leave on a journey at night for fear of attracting attention with their lights. They leave following morning only to travel throughout the day and then light torches. gah. In another scene i ...more
Sep 30, 2010 Dan rated it did not like it
It would have gotten two stars like the first book of the series, but honestly, the ending aggrivated and frustrated me like few books have ever done. The ending to this book feels like Miller was at the publisher's deadline, and just needed to submit something. There are loose ends that don't get resolved, the big finale was stale and just ends almost abrubtly. The worst possible event that comes to pass, has almost no effect. It was just a terrible, terrible ending. I don't think I've ever rea ...more
Nov 24, 2008 Liviu rated it it was ok
Shelves: genre-fantasy
The final book of the duology is much weaker than the debut degenerating into run of the mill "big bad lord" taking over, almost winning, but tripped at the last moment by the hero saved by his loyal friends and the villain's blind spots...

Still a page turner so 2 stars for what is a very mediocre finish to the series that started so well in Innocent Mage.
Jess R
Jan 23, 2016 Jess R rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
I loved this book. It delivered so nicely from the set up of the first book. And I was wrong! Ash came into his own. Which I'm happy about. A lot. I feel like from the moment I started the first book, this series was nothing like what I expected. But I loved it. I loved the slow build, the up and down pace of the first book, the gradual explosion in the second. The characters in these two books really stand out to me over The Godspeaker Trilogy. They blustered and bickered too, but the complex f ...more
Dec 17, 2015 Connor rated it it was ok
Shelves: high-fantasy
[2.5 Stars] This duology should have just been a standalone. There are probably 400 pages of fluff that could have been removed between the two books, and then it would have been great. Only the last 100 pages or so of this volume we're actually interesting to me. The ended was alright, so at least I'm satisfied with that.
Jul 29, 2014 Melanie rated it liked it
I read the first part of this series pretty much exactly three years ago and have only just now got around to reading this. Not because I didn't have it - I received them as a present as a set - but because I just plain couldn't bring myself to do it. I'd already pushed through 500 pages of nothingness and I wasn't looking forward to another 600 pages of the same. But, it was a present so I had to, right?

And I've got to say, I enjoyed this one a lot more than its predecessor. Because stuff final
Oct 11, 2008 Glitterfairy rated it did not like it
Recommends it for: No-one
Shelves: fantasy
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Apr 14, 2009 Sarah rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: EVERYBODY! :D
it is AWESOME!!! i could not put it down!!!! from the begining to end, its fast and keeps u wanting more. i cant even explain how sucked into this u get. i almost killed myself when i had 2 put it down for homework. uhhh, i dont wanna give any spoilers but its really hard!! the prophecy truly begins here, asher gets an unpleasant surprise. Gar gets disapointed, uses Asher and causes him to get arrested and ready to get beheaded. morg is just as evil as ever, causes more pain then ever and manipu ...more
May 26, 2012 Sharon rated it liked it
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
Alisa Kester
Dec 28, 2008 Alisa Kester rated it it was ok
Shelves: fantasy
I liked this one better than the first book (Innocent Mage), because thankfully the main character has learned to live with people and isn't *quite* so obnoxious. I really he's supposed to be honest and 'refreshingly unimpressed' with nobility, but there's a difference between that and being just plain rude and coarse, and in my opinion he was the latter.

And also, there was the problem of the ending.

*Spoiler Alert*

When the author spends two fairly thick books having every single character
Amery Xu
After reading "The Innocent Mage" and finding it to be a superb book, I was excited to read "The Awakened Mage". Although still a good book in its own right, the book proved to be somewhat disappointing. The book's pace was much slower. The event with Glospottle was never mentioned clearly or elaborated yet it is always there, lurking. It later ends up being an important moment for Asher and even a pivotal point in the land's history. It is likewise that similar events are never given any real l ...more
Katrina Ly
Jan 13, 2012 Katrina Ly rated it really liked it
i honestly don't know what to say...

the ending was so unexpected, so abrupt, so...sad. i mean, don't get me wrong! the storytelling, the way the book was written, the development of the characters was superb that there's nowt i can fault it with! but still, i really really wished this story had ended differently.

anyways, thats just my opinion.

p.s. even though i didn't like how the story ended, i guess it was a realistic ending. i mean, you can't have war without true, terrible, heart-wrenching
Lynn Aoude
Jan 05, 2016 Lynn Aoude rated it it was ok
After the previous book's cliffhanger I thought this one will see more action, more developments. Alas, the book dragged on and on and on. Asher, our hero, was such a trusting guy that everyone in his life rode roughshod on him. On one hand, we have King Gar. While I loved the two's friendship in the last book, here Gar just outright exploited Asher's friendship for his own ends in his misguided way to protect the kingdom. Not once did he consider Asher's feelings or wants. And Asher, being the ...more
Isaiah S
Nov 03, 2015 Isaiah S rated it liked it
Awakened Mage is a book laced with filler chapters. Karen Miller creates an interesting plot, although poorly executed. The book, the final half of the Kingmaker Kingbreaker doulogy, follows fisherman Asher turned ‘hero’ and Prince Gar. The book starts off slow, just as its predecessor did, albeit a bit faster in pace. The book is well written but not very concise, parts of the plot dragging out way longer than necessary, especially the many chapters were Gar is literally just talking to himself ...more
Jun 19, 2015 Tam rated it did not like it
I was looking forward to this book because I somewhat liked the first book, but 70 pages in and I was ready to put it down...or chuck it across the room in a fit of anger. The only reason I finished was out of sheer stubbornness and let me just say oh boy did this book gave me ulcers.

The second novel in the Kingmaker Kingbreaker series suffers from the same problems as her first one: terrible pacing, lack of character development, and an extremely forced romance. The book was unnecessarily thic
Shaney Kelly
Jul 25, 2014 Shaney Kelly rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Book spoilers.

I read the Awakened Mage straight after the Innocent Mage, where the book carried on straight where the first one finished.
I thoroughly enjoyed the book, although the pace of the book seemed odd to me, after such a finale in the first book, but continuing the 'domestic' pace in the second until part four. I didn't feel the urgency that I feel should have been there (for example, when Gar finds his family dead, his magic diminishes etc). However, I did enjoy that slow political pa
Gareth Otton
May 24, 2014 Gareth Otton rated it liked it
The thing about a story that is as slowly told as this, is that it serves to build a lot of tension. The glacial pace of this book and it's predecessor just managed to ratchet that tension up to impossible highs and whilst that's a good thing in some ways, it also means that there needs to be a climax that is worthy enough of that ratcheting tension in order to let it all out.

Sadly that isn't what happened here.

After reading the Innocent Mage I was very aware of how slowly the story was progre
Laurel Narizny
Jul 20, 2014 Laurel Narizny rated it liked it
Shelves: fiction-fantasy
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Joshua Romero
Apr 03, 2014 Joshua Romero rated it really liked it
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
Katie Jung
Sep 12, 2015 Katie Jung rated it it was ok
I really enjoyed this book, at least up until the very end. That's where things got kind of messy.
Much like Innocent Mage, Awakened Mage is a lot of filler and not a lot of plot revelation until towards the end. I didn't have an issue with that in the first book, however this one should have probably spent more time on the plot than it actually did. By the time anything important actually started to happen, I was already a good ways through the book and everything from there felt very rushed. In
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Goodreads Librari...: Num pages and other info 2 18 Apr 03, 2013 07:11PM  
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Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. Please see this thread for more details.

Also writes as "K.E. Mills"

Lord, do you really want to know?

Oh, all right.

I was born in Vancouver, Canada, and came to Australia with my parents when I was 2. I think. Dad’s an Aussie, Mum’s English, go figure. Talk about Fate and Destiny. But three passports come in hand
More about Karen Miller...

Other Books in the Series

Kingmaker, Kingbreaker (2 books)
  • The Innocent Mage (Kingmaker, Kingbreaker, #1)

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