Will Palestinian statehood bring self-determination?

On Friday, March 4th, 2016 in Featured, Voices.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) suffers an extreme case of that increasingly common political affliction, responsibility without power.  Its domestic legitimacy hinges on an ability to display plausible evidence of progress towards ending Israel’s occupation, while providing effective economic administration in the interim.  But the occupation sets strict limits on what can be achieved economically, and even within those, the PA’s ability to deliver depends entirely on international support, which is itself conditioned on the PA enforcing Palestinian quiescence in the

Krugman’s mottos

On Monday, February 22nd, 2016 in Featured, Voices.

“If it feels bad, do it”: Personally, I’m sick of the Sanders/Clinton thing; I didn’t want to write about it for today. But one of my mottos for column-writing has been “if it feels bad, do it.” If I would really like to avoid a topic because it makes life uncomfortable and will predictably lead to another wave of angry mail, that’s probably a good indication that it’s important. Still, I hope that I won’t have to do more columns

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