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  1. 3 days to go: With 86,987 votes counted over 95% demand full disclosure of

  2. Govt call a "random" Swede PR effort--only not random and all calls recorded by govt so no-one says the wrong thing.

  3. VIDEO: French police pepper spray lawyer in face for filming beating

  4. 已轉推

    : Full docs or GTFO! Support now with 15% off—use code LEAKITALL:

  5. VIDEO: Assange lawyer peper sprayed in eyes whilst filming illegal kettling in Paris

  6. In total, Guardian has released, 2 documents. Süddeutsche Zeitung, 0 documents.

  7. 已轉推

    Lagarde says IMF is pursuing "good faith" talks with Greece after dispute

  8. Panama Papers – nicht Jahrhundertscoop, sondern Jahrhundertflop

  9. Claims that themselves are a 'plot' against Russia are nonsense. However hoarding, DC organization & USAID money tilt coverage

  10. 已轉推

    : City of London is 'beating heart' of tax empire by Mark Donne

  11. US Supreme Court Denies Request from D.C. Madam's Attorney to Release Info Prior release:

  12. : If you censor more than 99% of the documents you are engaged in 1% journalism by definition.

  13. : If you censor more than 99% of the documents you are engaged 1% journalism by definition.

  14. US govt funded attack story on Putin via USAID. Some good journalists but no model for integrity.

  15. The US OCCRP can do good work, but for the US govt to directly fund the attack on Putin seriously undermines its integrity.


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