There is some discussion about Bernie Sanders’ strategy for winning the nomination despite being significantly behind in the pledged delegate count. Most of this discussion is nearly worthless because those engaged in it (talking and listening) are, or seem, poorly informed about how the system actually works. So I thought this would be a good…

The important thing first. I predicted who would win the Wisconsin primary, although my prediction suggested that Sanders would do better than he did. (He underperformed.) I predicted the outcome of the Wyoming primary exactly. These are the most recent two in a long series of mostly correct predictions of which Democratic candidate will win…

Calling U.S. K-12 Science Education Professionals! GHF Online science instructor Madeline Goodwin is doing her Master’s thesis research on climate science in the classroom, and she needs your help! She is doing a survey of science education professionals to find the answer to the following question: What are the most important climate science concepts for…

There is a new study out in Nature that is liable to be misinterpreted, or that may be flawed in a way that lends itself to misuse, in the context of climate science driven policy. The study is “Northern Hemisphere hydroclimate variability over the past twelve centuries” by Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, Paul J. Krusic, Hanna…

I’ll post the results when they are available, after 8 or 9 PM central, below. Meanwhile, as of 6PM Central time, early info from Wisconsin suggests that Sanders will do very well in today’s primary. The good news for Sanders: My prediction of 55 delegates for Sanders and 31 delegates for Clinton appears to be…

Need a new shaving brush?

I just got my new Semogue 1305 Superior Boar Bristle Shaving Brush. It is the one on the left. I like it. I prefer boar because I don’t want to kill badgers and because the bristles are stiff and it basically works better. I got the old one decades ago, and it was decades old…

Photographer Jesse Cancelmo was struck by the general lack of understanding of the sea life and ecology of the Gulf of Mexico that became apparent with the big oil spill in 2010, and this inspired him to carry out a major photographic project in the Gulf. He felt many had written off the Gulf as…

President Barack Obama said Donald Trump “doesn’t know much about foreign policy…or the world generally” in response to Trump saying Japan and South Korea should obtain nuclear weapons.

The Rest of the Democratic Primary

We are in the Primary Doldrums. For the last several days and the next several days, there is not too much happening, big gaps between the action. Wisconsin is important, and it is Tuesday, Then Wyoming by itself, then New York by itself, then a sort of Super Tuesday with several states. As you know…

Best Ted Talk Ever