Welcome Aboard
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You have been selected to join one of the Navy's finest operational commands anywhere in the world: Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory (B.I.O.T.). If you're looking for a professional challenge, a close-knit team, unbelievable recreational facilities and exquisite natural beauty, then you are coming to the perfect place!

This web site serves as a supplement to the Diego Garcia Welcome Aboard Package. It will help in your preparation, travel and check-in processes. It’s designed to give you an overview of specific items and information to make your transition and stay here safe and worry-free.

If you are coming aboard on PCS orders, you will be assigned a sponsor who will be able to provide you specific answers to questions you may have concerning your arrival and subsequent tour on "The Footprint of Freedom." Be sure to establish contact with your sponsor as soon as possible.

Diego Garcia is continuously experiencing rapid growth and change. Facilities are always being established to meet both your professional and personal needs. Living and working conditions are outstanding, and we all work hard to keep them that way. Recreational opportunities are numerous and we are constantly expanding facilities to make life more comfortable.

On behalf of everyone on Diego Garcia, I hope you have a safe and pleasant journey to the "the Footprint of Freedom." We are looking forward to having you as part of the DG Team.


U.S. Navy Support Facility, Diego Garcia

British Indian Ocean Territory