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Israel, North, direct action against the war in Lebanon

category mashriq / arabia / iraq | imperialism / war | news report author Wednesday August 09, 2006 01:26author by Ilan Shalif - AATW Report this post to the editors

Antiauthoritarian anticapitalist direct action initiative* made its point to day. It was mentioned by the main radio news channel, it was also in electronic media. Pictures from Direct action against the war, Ramat David Israeli Air Forces base, 8/8/06, Israel at - Hebrew article at and also,7340,L-3288042,00.html as translated below: PROTEST - Jonathan Polak: "This is a war of choice"...

Antiauthoritarian anticapitalist direct action initiative* made its point to day. It was mentioned by the main radio news channel, it was also in electronic media. Pictures from Direct action against the war, Ramat David Israeli Air Forces base, 8/8/06, Israel at - Hebrew article at and also,7340,L-3288042,00.html as translated below: PROTEST - Jonathan Polak: "This is a war of choice"...
12 activists of the left were arrested in demonstration in front of the air force base. About 25 activists stood this morning (Tuesday) in front the Ramat David base carrying placards on which was written: "stop killing of civilians", "stop the war crimes". They called for immediate cease fire and releasing all the prisoners and war prisoners.

They were confronted by police and 12 were arrested. Hagay Matar: "from this base fly daily pilots who murder innocent citizens. Instead of arresting the war criminals, the police decided to transform us to criminals" [Hagai with 4 others were sentenced to more than two years in prison and served it till about a year ago for refusing to serve the mandatory 3 years of in the Israeli army nearly all 18 years olds are subject to.]

The demonstration was without permit, and police force who came from the near by town Migdal Haemek police station arrested 12 of the demonstrators who confronted them on the suspicion of disturbing the public order, obstructing traffic, and unlawful demonstration.

One of the arrested demonstration - Jonathan Polak, who was arrested too during that activity told YNET that the the demo near the air force base is because: "this base is responsible for war crimes - airplanes that take of this base drop bombs on civilians." He added "according to law we must stop these war crime - otherwise we will be regarded as accomplices to these crimes". He added that the war in Lebanon is a war of choice that must be stopped. "This is a war of choice that have no connection to the kidnapped soldiers or the efforts to release them' this war is part of the efforts to redesign the middle East.

Hagai Matar, activist of the comity against war crimes who demonstrated too, said: "We came to block the war crimes initiated daily from this place by pilots who murder innocent citizens and destroy infrastructure. We totally object to inflicting harm to citizens of both sides. The Israeli army go to war that also harm us - the Israeli society". About the arrest Matar said: " we lied down on the road and blocked the entrance to the base. When the police came we told them to arrest the war criminals, but they chose to transform us to criminals and arrested us". The police informed that the suspects will be interrogated and will be brought to court for extension of the arrest period.
* Haarez daily on-line report that in this action were
about 40 activists and is action of the Israeli Anarchists
Against The Wall initiative.

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author by Nestor - FdCA-pers.capacitypublication date Wed Aug 09, 2006 03:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Without wishing to criticise or take away from the action in any way, since when has a plain and simple protest or demonstration become a "direct action". Surely this use of the expression only demeans and hides its original sense. Or are we destined to lose this term as well as the many others we have been forced to drop throughout the decades (party, vanguard, communist, power...)?

author by Manuel Baptista - «Lua Social»publication date Wed Aug 09, 2006 20:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Portuguese version:

[Translators note: In my view direct action is an appropriate designation for this because it is in agreement with the concept. Not done through representatives, but my the people themselves.
It was an act of disobedience and they new that it would end up in arrests. In our point of view it was not illegal, but in the point of view of the police it was. ]

author by Manuel Baptista (tradução) - «Luta Social»publication date Wed Aug 09, 2006 21:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Veja aqui as fotos:

Acção directa de protesto
- Jonathan Polak: "Isto é uma guerra deliberada"

12 activistas foram presos na manifestção em frente da base da força aérea.

Cerca de 25 activistas colocaram-se na Terça (8 de Agosto) frente à base de Ramat David com dísticos onde estava escrito: "parem de matar civis", "parem os crimes de guerra". Apelaram para cessar-fogo imediato e para a libertação de todos os prisioneiros de guerra.
A polícia veio e prendeu 12 activistas. Hagay Matar: "a partir desta base voam diariamente pilotos que assassinam civis inocentes. Em vez de prender os criminosos de guerra a polícia decidiu nos transformar em criminosos, a nós, que protestamos." [Hagai e outros 4 foram sentenciados a mais de
dois anos de prisão e cumpriam penas até há um ano atrás por recusarem servir os 3 anos de serviço obrigatório no exército de Israel, a que os maiores de 18 anos quase todos estão sujeitos]

A manifestação não possuía autorização e a polícia prendeu os 12 com acusação de perturbação da ordem pública, obstruir o tráfego e manifestação ilegal.
Um dos que foram presos, Jonathan Polak, disse à YNET que esta manif. junto da base aérea era porque: "esta base é responsável por crimes de guerra - aviões que descolam desta base deitam bombas sobre civis". Ele
acrescentou: "de acordo com a lei devemos parar este crime de guerra, senão seremos considerados cúmplices deste"
Ele também declarou que a guerra no Líbano é uma guerra deliberada que
tem de ser parada. "Isto é uma guerra deliberada que não tem conexão com o
rapto dos dois soldados ou com esforços para os libertar; esta guerra é parte dos esforços para redesenhar o Médio Oriente".

Hagai Matar, activista do comité contra os crimes de guerra disse:
"Viemos para bloquear os crimes de guerra cometidos quotidianamente a partir deste local pelos pilotos que assassinam civis inocentes e destroem as infra-estruturas. Nós somos totalmente contra se cause danos aos civis de ambos os lados. O exército de Israel vai para uma guerra que também nos está a causar dano - à sociedade israelita." Matar explicou em relação às prisões: "deitámo-nos sobre a estrada, bloqueando a entrada da base.
Quando a polícia veio dissémos para prenderem os criminosos de guerra,
mas eles escolheram transformar-nos em criminosos e prenderam-nos"
A polícia informou que eles seriam mantidos presos até serem ouvidos
por um juiz.
[tradução para português M.B.]

author by Ilan S. - AATWpublication date Wed Aug 09, 2006 21:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Demonstration is one thing.
Vigil is another.
Blocking road to an airfield by lying down on it seems to me to be a direct action. (according to another media report, the action was organized by the Anarchists Against The Wall, and the road was blocked for 20 to 30 minutes.

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