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Best of the Board

(An Eagle in Your Mind, Fri 8 Apr, 14:49, 8 replies)
Some American political discourse

(dotmund, Thu 31 Mar, 12:38, 2 replies)
I don't know why

(Mster, Tue 29 Mar, 16:48, 16 replies)
You're never more than six feet away from a Mandarin Duck...

(AdrianJ, Sat 26 Mar, 9:04, 9 replies)

(Ya What, Fri 18 Mar, 10:20, 10 replies)
Worst conversion ever

(monkeon, Thu 17 Mar, 20:40, 5 replies)

(HappyToast, Thu 17 Mar, 9:51, 9 replies)
I watched Chinatown last night; it's still good.

(thecrapgatsby, Sun 13 Mar, 14:46, 4 replies)

(Christian's Bolt and Ski, Fri 11 Mar, 4:24, 12 replies)
Well trained

(monkeon, Wed 9 Mar, 22:19, 8 replies)
Add an animal
It's a wide open one this week. Add an animal to whatever you want, a photo, a song title, a scene from the Bible, whatever. Just as long as it give us a chuckle.
See all 57 images (open)
set by HappyToast on 7th Apr at 8am
Truth, Freedom, Justice, Socks
Hunter S Thomson greets a neighbour

See all 20 popular links (4 made popular today)
linked to by jonofthesouth on 13th Apr at 2pm
Pirates Vs Ninja
We're pitting the best against the best this week, the scurviest salty seadogs versus the silent shadowy assassins. Depict them in the ultimate battle for supremacy, or just doodle your favourite. Then we'll count up which is the most popular and settle it like nerds.
See all 24 images (open)
set by HappyToast on 31st Mar at 8am
Animal Facts
We're putting on our zoology blouses and doing our best David Attenborough impressions this week, as we take a trek through the world of made up animal facts.
Lie through your teeth and illustrate the result.
See all 50 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 24th Mar at 7am
Question of the Week
The Little Things
'Hullo chaps', bellows Richard McBeef, of 'the internet' fame. My boss has managed to make 'shown' into a two syllable word and it drives me round the fucking bend. Tell us about the little things that people around you do, which annoy you for more than they rationally should. Vent your spleen.
Read all 99 stories (closed)
asked on 18th Mar at 8am
Video Game Art
Turn famous works of art into video games, or classic video games into art. Space invade Mona Lisa and hang Mario in the Louvre.
See all 127 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 17th Mar at 7am
Invisible Cartoons
Make something in a cartoon invisible with hilarious consequences. It worked for those Garfield strips a while back, maybe you can find some more comedy gold.
See all 76 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 10th Mar at 7am
Question of the Week
Hullo tapirs, guffs Richard McBeef off the internet. One of my brother's friends once cycled from one side of London to the other to get some free lightbulbs from a condemned building, a 6-hour round trip. Tell us about the meanest, stingiest penny-pinching you've witnessed.
Read all 42 stories (closed)
asked on 9th Mar at 9am
If animals had cars
This week we're imagining a world where the entire animal kingdom drive cars.
Which species favours which manufacturer? What do animal boy racers look like? and does road rage end with one animal eating the other?
Tell us everything.
See all 59 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 3rd Mar at 7am
We're following the sticky trail and entering the world of gastropods this week. Show us slugs and snails in all their icky, slimy, crunchy glory.
See all 42 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 25th Feb at 8am
Ruin Everything
A lot of people in the world seem to want chaos and anarchy, is that a good thing? Lets find out by spending the week ruining everything. Paint on the walls, throw a tv out the window and cut a hole in your favourite t-shirt.
Ruin everything (in the form of a picture or animation).
See all 66 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 17th Feb at 5pm
The Idiot Internet
Just when you thought the internet couldn't get any more stupider, we're taking it down some percent.
Think of some websites and stuff and do them in a funny not as clever way.
Dumb down the internets!
See all 31 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 11th Feb at 8am