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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A271488 Maximal term of TRIP-Stern sequence of level n corresponding to permutation triple (e,23,e). 5
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 15, 21, 30, 41, 56, 79, 112, 153, 209, 297, 418, 571, 782, 1109 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)



Table of n, a(n) for n=0..20.

I. Amburg, K. Dasaratha, L. Flapan, T. Garrity, C. Lee, C. Mihailak, N. Neumann-Chun, S. Peluse, M. Stoffregen, Stern Sequences for a Family of Multidimensional Continued Fractions: TRIP-Stern Sequences, arXiv:1509.05239v1 [math.CO] 17 Sep 2015. See Conjecture 5.8.


A271488T := proc(n)

    option remember;

    local an ;

    if n = 1 then

        [1, 1, 1] ;


        an := procname(floor(n/2)) ;

        if type(n, 'even') then

            # apply F0

            [op(2, an), op(1, an)+op(3, an), op(3, an)] ;


            # apply F1

            [op(1, an), op(2, an), op(1, an)+op(3, an)] ;

        end if;

    end if;

end proc:

A271488 := proc(n)

    local a, l, nmax;

    a := 0 ;

    for l from 2^n to 2^(n+1)-1 do

        nmax := max( op(A271488T(l)) );

        a := max(a, nmax) ;

    end do:

    a ;

end proc: # R. J. Mathar, Apr 16 2016


For sequences mentioned in Conjecture 5.8 of Amburg et al. (2015) see A271485, A000930, A271486, A271487, A271488, A164001, A000045, A271489.

Sequence in context: A064323 A003411 A034081 * A289432 A064660 A066806

Adjacent sequences:  A271485 A271486 A271487 * A271489 A271490 A271491




N. J. A. Sloane, Apr 13 2016



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Last modified November 13 22:17 EST 2017. Contains 294641 sequences.