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The Interactive Fiction Database is an IF game catalog and recommendation engine. IFDB is a Wiki-style community project: members can add new game listings, write reviews, exchange game recommendations, and more. Tips & More Info

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PDearmore reviews A Matter of Time: "A Quick Jaunt Through Time" April 8, 2016
"Looks like somebody got a ray tracing program and was looking for a way to get some use out of it. Graphics involve the typical mirrored..." - See full review
A new listing for The Hero Project: Redemption Season, by Zachary Sergi April 8, 2016
America's #1 reality show for heroes is back for another season! Harness your superpowers to steal the spotlight, win votes, and save your sister! "The Hero Project: Redemption Season" is the first...
verityvirtue reviews Rough Draft: "Earnest implementation of a meta idea" April 7, 2016
"In Rough Draft, you’re helping Denise, a writer suffering from writer’s block, decide the course of her story, a fairly generic..." - See full review
MathBrush reviews Dr. Sourpuss Is Not A Choice-Based Game: "An amusing and thoughtful long game that is (not?) a multiple choice game" April 7, 2016
"Dr. Sourpuss is an orangecat that just hates multiple choice games. He works with a man and a woman for Scandron, a multiple choice test..." - See full review
zemma reviews Shade: "very cool" April 7, 2016
"nothing like simulated mental deterioration...once everything clicked into place it kinda blew my mind. moral of the story: " - See full review
MathBrush reviews Dead Man's Hill: "A game about the horror of war and the battle of Verdun" April 7, 2016
"This is a short, simulation-heavy game. You carry a variety of weapons and command two other soldiers. You are a german in the battle of..." - See full review

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IFDB Recommends...

Tangaroa Deep, by Astrid Dalmady
We know more about space than we do about the ocean. Isn’t it time to start changing that? Released for the 2016 Spring Thing

Escape from Simian Island, by peter@gameenglish

This game is specifically designed for the ESL classroom.

The Axe of Kolt, by Larry Horsfield
You are a penniless ex-mercenary soldier, reduced to wandering the land and doing odd-jobs in return for food and a place to sleep. You...

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#2Wade Clarke
#3Sam Kabo Ashwell
#4Emily Short

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