- published: 21 Oct 2009
- views: 1894017
Lawrence Maxwell Krauss (born 27 May 1954) is an American theoretical physicist and cosmologist who is Foundation Professor of the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University, and director of its Origins Project.
He is known as an advocate of the public understanding of science, of public policy based on sound empirical data, of scientific skepticism and of science education, and works to reduce the influence of what he opines as superstition and religious dogma in popular culture.
Krauss is the author of several bestselling books, including The Physics of Star Trek (1995) and A Universe from Nothing (2012), and chairs the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Board of Sponsors.
Krauss was born in New York City, but spent his childhood in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Krauss received undergraduate degrees in mathematics and physics with first class honours at Carleton University (Ottawa) in 1977, and was awarded a Ph.D. in physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1982.
The Universe is all of time and space and its contents. The Universe includes planets, stars, galaxies, the contents of intergalactic space, the smallest subatomic particles, and all matter and energy. The observable universe is about 28 billion parsecs (91 billion light-years) in diameter at the present time. The size of the whole Universe is not known and may be either finite or infinite. Observations and the development of physical theories have led to inferences about the composition and evolution of the Universe.
Nothing is a pronoun denoting the absence of anything. Nothing is a pronoun associated with nothingness. In nontechnical uses, nothing denotes things lacking importance, interest, value, relevance, or significance.Nothingness is the state of being nothing, the state of nonexistence of anything, or the property of having nothing.
Some would consider the study of "nothing" to be foolish, a typical response of this type is voiced by Giacomo Casanova (1725–1798) in conversation with his landlord, one Dr. Gozzi, who also happens to be a priest,
However, "nothingness" has been treated as a serious subject worthy of research for a very long time. In philosophy, to avoid linguistic traps over the meaning of "nothing", a phrase such as not-being is often employed to unambiguously make clear what is being discussed.
One of the earliest western philosophers to consider nothing as a concept was Parmenides (5th century BC) who was a Greek philosopher of the monist school. He argued that "nothing" cannot exist by the following line of reasoning: To speak of a thing, one has to speak of a thing that exists. Since we can speak of a thing in the past, it must still exist (in some sense) now and from this concludes that there is no such thing as change. As a corollary, there can be no such things as coming-into-being, passing-out-of-being, or not-being.
A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing is a book by physicist Lawrence M. Krauss, initially published on January 10, 2012 by Free Press. It discusses modern cosmogony and its implications for the debate about the existence of God. This is Krauss's ninth non-fiction book.
The book ends with an afterword by Richard Dawkins in which he compares the potential impact of the book to that of The Origin of Species — a comparison that Krauss himself called "pretentious".Christopher Hitchens had agreed to write a foreword for the book prior to his death but was too ill to complete it. To write the book, Krauss expanded material from a lecture on the cosmological implications of a flat expanding universe he gave to the Richard Dawkins Foundation at the 2009 Atheist Alliance International conference. The book appeared on The New York Times bestseller list on January 29, 2012.
Clinton Richard Dawkins FRS FRSL (born 26 March 1941) is an Englishethologist, evolutionary biologist, and writer. He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford, and was the University of Oxford's Professor for Public Understanding of Science from 1995 until 2008.
Dawkins first came to prominence with his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, which popularised the gene-centred view of evolution and introduced the term meme. In 1982, he introduced into evolutionary biology the influential concept that the phenotypic effects of a gene are not necessarily limited to an organism's body, but can stretch far into the environment. This concept is presented in his book The Extended Phenotype. In 2006, he founded the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science.
Dawkins is a noted atheist, and is well known for his criticism of creationism and intelligent design. In his 1986 book The Blind Watchmaker, he argues against the watchmaker analogy, an argument for the existence of a supernatural creator based upon the complexity of living organisms. Instead, he describes evolutionary processes as analogous to a blind watchmaker. In his most popular book, his 2006 book The God Delusion, Dawkins contends that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that religious faith is a delusion. He is an opponent of creationism being taught in schools. He makes regular television and radio appearances, predominantly discussing his books, his atheism and his ideas and opinions as a public intellectual.
'A Universe From Nothing' by Lawrence Krauss, AAI 2009
Lawrence M. Krauss (2014) "Universe from NOTHING!" [FULL]
A Universe From Nothing by Lawrence Krauss - Audiobook
A Universe from NOTHING?
Lawrence M. Krauss || A Universe from Nothing || Radcliffe Institute
SOMETHING FROM NOTHING ? [OFFICIAL] Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss [HD] 02-04-12
Lawrence Krauss: A Universe from Nothing
Lawrence Krauss - A Universe from Nothing - Radcliffe Institute.
A Universe From Nothing, Therefore God Exists!
A Universe from Nothing : by Lawrence M. Krauss, Richard Dawkins Audiobook FULL
Lawrence Krauss gives a talk on our current picture of the universe, how it will end, and how it could have come from nothing. Krauss is the author of many bestselling books on Physics and Cosmology, including "The Physics of Star Trek." Books by Lawrence Krauss: http://www.amazon.com/Lawrence-M.-Krauss/e/B000AP7AZS/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0 Download Quicktime version Small: http://c0116791.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/Krauss-AAI09-web-sm-new.mov 720p HD: http://c0116791.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/Krauss-AAI09-web-new.mov The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science http://richarddawkinsfoundation.org Atheist Alliance International http://atheistalliance.org Produced by the Richard Dawkins Foundation and R. Elisabeth Cornwell Filmed & edited by Josh Tim...
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Inspired by the book: "A Universe from Nothing" by Lawrence M. Krauss. We have all probably asked ourselves where did the universe come from? Big Ben? God? Yeah, allright, but where did those things also come from? Existed forever and ever? That makes it even more complicated. Here's the simple solution. Watch the vidddd Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sciencephile/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sciencephile_ Music: Pablo de Sarasate - Danza Española No.2 - Habanera,Op.21
The question "Why is there something rather than nothing?" has been asked for millennia by people who argue for a creator of our universe. Taking a trip back to the beginning of the beginning and the end of the end—and reviewing the remarkable developments in cosmology and particle physics over the past 40 years that have revolutionized our picture of the universe—Lawrence M. Krauss explores the discoveries that have revolutionized our understanding of both nothing and something. It has become clear that not only can our universe naturally arise from nothing, without supernatural shenanigans, but that it probably did.
Join critically-acclaimed author and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and world-renowned theoretical physicist and author Lawrence Krauss as they discuss biology, cosmology, religion, and a host of other topics. The authors will also discuss their new books. Dawkins recently published The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True, an exploration of the magic of discovery embodied in the practice of science. Written for all age groups, the book moves forward from historical examples of supernatural explanations of natural phenomena to focus on the actual science behind how the world works. Krauss's latest book, A Universe from Nothing: Why There is Something Rather than Nothing, explains the scientific advances that provide insight into how the universe formed. Krauss ...
Why is there something, rather than nothing? This question has long been the domain of philosophers and theologians, but science can now finally weigh in. Physicist Lawrence Krauss sits down with Steve Paikin to discuss how recent scientific developments have found an elegant solution to this baffling question.
The question "Why is there something rather than nothing?" has been asked for millennia by people who argue for a creator of our universe. Taking a trip back to the beginning of the beginning and the end of the end—and reviewing the remarkable developments in cosmology and particle physics over the past 40 years that have revolutionized our picture of the universe—Lawrence M. Krauss explores the discoveries that have revolutionized our understanding of both nothing and something. It has become clear that not only can our universe naturally arise from nothing, without supernatural shenanigans, but that it probably did.
Join us at: http://www.inspiringphilosophy.org To help support this ministry click here: https://www.patreon.com/inspiringphilosophy?ty=h Have you ever heard the claim Quantum Mechanics demonstrates the universe can come into existence from absolutely nothing? Well this is not entirely true and it in no way replaces the need for a designer. Sources: Lawrence Krauss - A Universe from Nothing http://www.npr.org/2012/01/13/145175263/lawrence-krauss-on-a-universe-from-nothing http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/physicist-george-ellis-knocks-physicists-for-knocking-philosophy-falsification-free-will/ http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/25/books/review/a-universe-from-nothing-by-lawrence-m-krauss.html?_r=0 http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2015/10/physicists-observe-weird-quantum-...
Join critically-acclaimed author and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and world-renowned theoretical physicist and author Lawrence Krauss as they . Join critically-acclaimed author and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and world-renowned theoretical physicist and author Lawrence Krauss as they . Physicist Lawrence Krauss gives a talk on our current picture of the universe, how it will end, and how it could have come from nothing. Krauss is the author of .
Lawrence Krauss (theoretical physicist) joins Dave Rubin to discuss his views on Trump, nuclear threat, science in relation to politics, and more. ***The Rubin Report is fan-funded, help us reach our next goal! https://www.patreon.com/rubinreport?ty=h ***Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RubinReport ***The Rubin Report is fan-funded: http://www.rubinreport.com/donate SUPPORT MONTHLY (Patreon): https://www.patreon.com/rubinreport SUPPORT ONE-TIME (PayPal): http://www.rubinreport.com/donate What are your thoughts? Comment below or tweet to Dave: https://twitter.com/RubinReport Sign up for our newsletter with the best of Rubin Report each week: http://www.rubinreport.com/newsletter Find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/rubinreport?ty=h ****** Lawrenc...
Charlie chats robots with theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss. See more on iview: http://iview.abc.net.au/programs/weekly-with-charlie-pickering/ Catch The Weekly on ABC TV Wednesdays at 8:30pm Follow along at: www.twitter.com/theweeklytv www.facebook.com/theweeklytv https://instagram.com/theweeklytv/
Abby Martin interviews theoretical physicist and cosmologist, Lawrence Krauss, discussing everything from his belief that all religion will be eliminated within a generation to his view on the origins of the universe. LIKE Breaking the Set @ http://fb.me/JournalistAbbyMartin FOLLOW Abby Martin @ http://twitter.com/AbbyMartin
An interesting philosophical discussion between Lawrence Krauss and Ray Comfort during the 2016 Reason Rally in Washington D.C. — and yes, bananas are discussed. copyright Scott Burdick 2016 Interviews by Scott Burdick, author of “Nihala” https://www.amazon.com/Nihala-1-Scott-Burdick/dp/0996555412/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid;=1466329777&sr;=8-1&keywords;=nihala http://www.scottburdick.com Thanks to: Lawrence Krauss, author of “A Universe From Nothing” For more information on Lawrence, visit: http://krauss.faculty.asu.edu/ Ray Comfort, author of “Fat Chance – Why Pigs Will Fly Before America has an Atheist President.” For more information on Ray, visit: http://www.livingwaters.com/ Music by: Bryan Clark http://www.bryanclarkmusic.com/#!discography/c1fgy Edited by Jeremy Levy http://www.aur...
Two great minds are in the red chair to talk to George Stroumboulopoulos: evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss will sit down to talk about religion. Both men argue the world would be a better place if religion played a less central role in culture, politics and society. Their new documentary is called 'The Unbelievers'. http://www.cbc.ca/strombo/ George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight airs Weeknights at 7 PM on CBC Television Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TheHour Follow George On Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/strombo On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/strombo
Lawrence Krauss - Q1 Why is gravity so hard to unify with the other forces of nature? Lawrence Krauss - Q2 What would the detection of gravity waves lead to? Lawrence Krauss - Q3 Do you still carry a card in your wallet that proves the Big Bang happened? Lawrence Krauss - Q4 What is missing in the public perception of science? Lawrence Krauss - Q5 You met the great physicist, Richard Feynman, as a young student. How did he influence you? Lawrence Krauss - Q6 Tell me about your interaction with the philosopher, David Albert. Lawrence Krauss - Q7 Does physics need philosophy? Lawrence Krauss - Q8 In your book, "A Universe from Nothing," you ask how something came from nothing, and answer that nothing is not what we thought it was. Is that avoiding the question? Lawrence Krauss - Q9 Do scient...
Subscribe now to ScienceNET! Physicist Lawrence Krauss is interviewed by Fanny Kiefer of Studio 4 in Vancouver British Columbia Canada.
Subscribe now to ScienceNET! Lawrence Krauss gives a great interview on significant discoveries in modern physics and also discusses some ideas from his book, A Universe From Nothing. Lawrence articulates his ideas very well in this video. A special shout out to the interviewer Steve Paikin who asks tremendous questions.
Join Golden Globe winner and renowned actor, producer, author and musician Johnny Depp and Origins Project director Lawrence Krauss for An Origins Project Dialogue, Finding the Creativity in Madness. This dialogue is associated with a closed scientific workshop in partnership with the National Institutes of Health held to spark discussions of big, unanswered questions on how the brain and machines process patterns, aimed at understanding consciousness, intelligence, and madness. This on stage discussion focuses on the humanity of madness, revealing Depp's experience and creative method as an actor who has portrayed such eccentric fictional and nonfictional characters as Edward Scissorhands, Hunter S. Thompson, Captain Jack Sparrow, and John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester while explorin...
Lawrence Krauss 2016 and Universe from NOTHING!
Lawrence Krauss Debate "Universe from NOTHING!"
A Universe From Nothing - Rodney Holder vs. Lawrence Krauss
A Universe From Nothing by Lawrence Krauss – Audiobook
[A Universe From Nothing]- Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss Documentary
'A Universe From Nothing' by Lawrence Krauss, AAI 2015
Dedicated to the snakes
And the ones who disrespect my name
I've never folded, never caved
Until they bury me
6 feet deep
Until they bury me
6 feet deep
Until they bury me
Through rain and mud
The bottom of the barrel
Is where I am from
My mother's only son
Born a lion
I fear no one
6 feet deep
Until they bury me
6 feet deep
Until they bury me
I fear no one
I remain relentless
I fear no one
I remain relentless
I've never folded, never caved
I remain relentless
Until they bury me
I've never folded, never caved
I remain relentless
I've never folded, never caved
I remain relentless
Until they bury me
All the snakes
They tried and tried
They tried and tried
Ran their mouth
They lied and lied
Couldn't believe
That I came from nothing
Couldn't believe
That I became something
I said I came from nothing
And I became something