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international / anarchist movement / policy statement Wednesday April 06, 2016 07:09 by Tokologo African Anarchist Collective   image 1 image
Umzabalazowenqanabalabantuabaxhomekekekwimpilo yomsebenzi e-S.A. ngumzabalazo ophikisana nobugqili kuhlangene nohlelo lwe-capitalism ononqxowankulu abacandelo lolawulo buyyebi kunye nombuso. I-capitalism ononqxowankulu abacandelo lolawulo buyyebi kunye nombuso uhlelo lwaleyongcosana ebusayo (amacapitalist abaphathi abasemazingeni aphezulu, osopolitiki abaqeqeshiwe) eqonde ukuxhaphaza iphinde icindezele iningi elingabasebenzi (abasebenzi bawowonke amazinga; imindeni yabo, amasotsha; abangaqashiwe kanye nemphakathi ehluphekayo yasemaphandleni). Lezinhlobo zombili zinenhloso ezehlukile zivaleleke emzabalazweni wangokwezinga. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / policy statement Tuesday April 05, 2016 17:34 by Tokologo African Anarchist Collective   image 1 image
The struggle of the working class in South Africa is a struggle against the slave bondage of capitalism and the state. Capitalism and the state are based on the ruling class minority (capitalists, generals, top officials, professional politicians) exploiting and oppressing the working class majority (workers of all grades, our families, rank and file soldiers, the unemployed, and the rural poor). The two classes have totally different interests: we are locked in class struggle.
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international / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Monday April 04, 2016 21:00 by Tokologo African Anarchist Collective   text 1 comment (last - monday april 04, 2016 23:46)
"Africa today lies prostrate, bleeding, and embattled on all fronts, a victim of capitalist and, to a great extent, state socialist ambitions. The heart-rending misery of its peoples, the conditions of abject poverty, squalor and disease in which they live, exist side by side with the wanton luxury, rapacity, and corruption of its leaders." Sam Mbah and I.E. Igariwey, 1997, African Anarchism: The History of a Movement, Sharp Press: Tucson, Arizona. Our vast continent, Africa, is the poorest in the world, host to dozens of wars and conflicts, and marked by instability and inequality. The root causes of the instability lie in political corruption and the profiteering system run by local and international elites. The local ruling classes are interested in making profits and getting wealthy, by any means necessary. The elites are not promoting the development of the working class and peasants (small farmers), but only worsening our conditions. If the choice is between building a road in a poor area or pocketing the money, they will pocket the money. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Εργατικοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Monday April 04, 2016 19:28 by Πέτρος Πέτκας   image 1 image
... Γι’ αυτό και πρέπει να επανασυνδεθούμε με την σκέψη εκείνων των στοχαστών του παρελθόντος που αγωνίσθηκαν για να «ανθρωπέψει ο άνθρωπος», που «ύψωσαν τις φωνές τους σαν πυρσούς από μακριά και καλώντας από ψηλά σαν από αθέατη βίγλα» μας υπενθυμίζουν διαρκώς ότι χρειάζεται μεν να πατάμε γερά στην γη, αλλά και να ατενίζουμε και τον ορίζοντα· γιατί ο κόσμος μας απογυμνωμένος από προσδοκία, γίνεται ψυχρός και γκρίζος. Κάτι του λείπει! read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / opinion/analysis Thursday March 31, 2016 06:44 by Tokologo African Anarchist Collective   image 1 image
I-Syndicalism uhlelo oluzama ukwehluka kunezihlelo ezejwayelekile zokuphatha nemibuso, ngamanye amazwi i-capitalism nohhulumeni. Ekuqadeni uhlelo lwe-capitalism ubukhomanisi badala into esabeka kakhulu ngokubeka amandla omnotho ezandlani zikehhulumeni kuphela. I-Syndicalistm ishiya emuva zonke izinhlelo zokuphatha esezidale ukucindezelwa noku xhashazwa komuntu ngomunye umuntu futhi. I-syndicalism ibuye izame ukwakha inhlangano eyakhiwe phezu kwezidingo zabantu hhayi izifiso zeziphathimandla futhi eyakhiwe phezu kokubambisana kwabantu abazibusayo, abalinganayo okubhekele ekutheni izidingo zika wonke wonke zifezeke, hhayi zabasezikhundleni.
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international / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Thursday March 31, 2016 06:34 by Lucien van der Walt   text 1 comment (last - friday april 01, 2016 05:07)   image 1 image
Roughly 50 years ago we saw the dismantling of most of the European colonial empires in Africa. High hopes greeted the "new nations" that merged - and certainly, a move from colonial rule, with its racism and external control and extractive economies, was progressive.

However, many of the hopes were soon dashed. Politically, most independent African states moved in the direction of dictatorships and one-party systems, normally headed by the nationalist party that took office at independence - and, over time, the military became a major player too. Many of these states were highly corrupt, even predatory, and the gap between the rising local (indigenous) ruling class, and the masses, grew ever vaster.

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Διεθνή / Αναρχική Ιστορία / Κριτική / Παρουσίαση Monday March 21, 2016 03:44 by Dmitri (trans. and edit.)   image 1 image
Αυτό το βιβλίο εξερευνά τις συγκρούσεις που έλαβαν χώρα στην Πρώτη Διεθνή. Οι κοινωνικές και οικονομικές συνθήκες ποικίλλαν σε μεγάλο βαθμό στην Ευρώπη των δεκαετιών 1860 και 1870. Οι στρατηγικές που υιοθετήθηκαν από τις διάφορες Ομοσπονδίες και τα Τμήματα της Διεθνούς Ένωσης Εργατών, ή IWA, αντικατόπτριζαν αυτή την πολυμορφία. read full story / add a comment
En el sentido horario, desde cima, a la izquierda: Bakunin, Malatesta, Arshinov, Makhno
internacional / movimiento anarquista / opinión / análisis Tuesday March 08, 2016 20:50 by Felipe Corrêa e Rafael Viana da Silva   image 1 image
En este artículo, los autores desarrollan una discusión en torno a la organización política anarquista. Parten de las contribuciones relativas al tema de Mikhail Bakunin y Errico Malatesta mostrando que hay similitudes entre ellas y la Plataforma Organizacional de la Unión General de los Anarquistas. De acuerdo a lo que señalan, Bakunin construye la base teórica de la Plataforma y Malatesta tiene posiciones que a veces se acercan a ella y otras veces a la Síntesis Anarquista. Consideran, así que ninguna de las posiciones en cuestión puede ser coherentemente inscripta en el campo del marxismo/bolchevismo o de un supuesto “anarcobolchevismo”. Los autores analizan el debate entre Malatesta y Nestor Makhno sobre la Plataforma, mostrando donde, realmente, están las divergencias entre ambos. Por medio de una reflexión histórica del impacto de la Plataforma, demuestran como las criticas establecidas en los años 1920, en gran medida realizadas por lecturas ideologizadas, sumadas a las experiencias prácticas de los años 1950 y la hegemonía francesa en la discusión en el tema, viene pautando erróneamente el debate. read full story / add a comment
international / gender / press release Tuesday March 08, 2016 10:35 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG)   text 1 comment (last - wednesday march 09, 2016 04:11)   image 2 images
International Women’s Day is a day when the women’s movement around the world celebrates social, political and other achievements of women. It is also a good day for women to take a closer look at the oppression that flourishes through the double bondage of capitalism and patriarchy, and which is still an unfortunate and undeniable reality for the majority of women today. read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / other libertarian press Tuesday March 01, 2016 03:23 by KSL
KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 85, March 2016 has just been posted on our site. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Κριτική / Παρουσίαση Monday February 29, 2016 17:38 by Αργύρης Αργυριάδης   image 1 image
Είτε λοιπόν Κοινωνικός Αναρχισμός για την ελευθερία που θα έλεγε και ο αείμνηστος Μάραιη Μπούκτσιν είτε για τον «Ελευθεριακό Κομμουνισμό και την Αναρχία»,  το μήνυμα ως μορφή και περιεχόμενο παραμένει το ίδιο και διαχρονικό. Και μην ξεχνάτε: «Έχουμε πόλεμο. Είναι παγκόσμιος.  Και ήταν πάντα ταξικός». read full story / add a comment
internazionale / lotte indigene / altra stampa libertaria Saturday February 27, 2016 04:32 by Gianni Sartori   text 2 comments (last - sunday february 28, 2016 06:31)
Tra l'incudine dell'Isis e il martello di Ankara, la resistenza celebra il capodanno curdo di Newroz. per l'Umanità read full story / add a comment
international / migration / racisme / opinion / analyse Friday February 26, 2016 19:00 by Relations Extérieures de la CGA
Le gouvernement s'apprête à évacuer une partie du camp de Calais, pour répartir de force une partie des migrant-e-s dans des conteneurs ou les disperser loin de Calais dans des CAO (centres d’accueil et d’orientation), baptisés « lieux de répit ». Ces derniers ne constituent évidemment pas une solution, pour des personnes dont le projet est le plus souvent de rejoindre l'Angleterre. D'autant moins que ces CAO sont sensés fermer dans quelques semaines ! read full story / add a comment
internazionale / cultura / stampa non anarchica Thursday February 25, 2016 21:53 by Lucio Garofalo
Marx e l'omofobia

È da poco trascorso (sotto silenzio) un anniversario storico estremamente importante: il 21 febbraio 1848 venne pubblicata a Londra la prima edizione del "Manifesto del Partito Comunista" di Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels.

Attuale più che mai. Oggi, in molti invocano il ritorno della Vecchia Talpa: "E quando la rivoluzione avrà condotto a termine questa seconda metà del suo lavoro preparatorio, l’Europa balzerà dal suo seggio e griderà: ben scavato, vecchia talpa!". Colgo l'occasione per avanzare alcune riflessioni personali... read full story / add a comment
La publicación inglesa The Economist, en su primera edición del año (de 2 a 8 de enero de 2016) puso a la presidente Dilma Rousseff en la tapa, bajo el título Brazil’s Fall. Inmediatamente después de esta divulgación, hubo enorme repercusión en las redes.
internacional / economía / opinión / análisis Thursday February 25, 2016 09:12 by BrunoL   image 1 image

La publicación inglesa The Economist, trae en sus tapas una plantilla de operación, para crear mediáticamente presiones internacionales y ayudar a derrumbar políticas económicas. Sus portadas operan como un mecanismo de chantaje, orquestado por el hilo fuerte en el marco del capital financiero transnacional, operando a partir del eje Nueva York (NYC)-Londres.
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international / the left / opinion / analysis Friday February 19, 2016 19:20 by Andrew Flood   image 1 image
Why can’t the 99% simply vote in a government that acts in their interest and not that of the 1%

At a simple level parliamentary elections sound like the ideal way for the mass of the ‘have nots’ to use their numbers to overcome the power and influences of the tiny number of have’s. Occupy talked about this division in the language of the 1% and 99%; a crude approximation that does reflect a reality where the number of wealthy decision makers is actually very tiny, indeed less than 1%. So, why can’t the 99% simply vote in a government that acts in their interest and not that of the 1%? read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Tuesday February 16, 2016 16:33 by AndrewNFlood   image 1 image
What if we build it and they don’t come? That was the experience of the left during the crisis - decades had been spent building organisations and a model of how crisis would create revolution but when the crisis arrived the left discovered that the masses weren’t convinced. The expected pattern of crisis leading to small strikes and protests, then to mass strikes and riot and then perhaps to general strike and revolution didn’t flow as expected. Under that theory the radical left would at first be marginal but then as conditions drove class militancy to new heights the workers disappointed by reformist politicians and unions leaders would move quickly to swell its ranks. read full story / add a comment
internacional / moviment anarquista / opinion/analysis Tuesday February 16, 2016 16:29 by AndrewNFlood   image 1 image
“Horitzontalisme” és un terme emergent utilitzat per descriure les característiques claus comunes de les ones de rebel·lió de la darrera dècada. “Occupy”, el 2011, ha estat el cim fins a la data, però el terme, per sí mateix, sembla originar-se amb la rebel·lió a l’Argentina després de la crisi bancària de 2001. Marina Sitrin en el seu llibre sobre aquella revolta utilitza el terme (en castellà, òbviament) per descriure el barri, lloc de treball i les assemblees d’aturats que sorgiren per formar “els moviments socials que clamaven per l’autogestió, l’autonomia i la democràcia directa.” read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / anarchist communist event Saturday February 13, 2016 20:43 by Anarhisticki sajam knjiga
The Twelfth Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb will take place on April 8th to April 10th, 2016. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / press release Friday February 12, 2016 13:10 by Lucien van der Walt   text 11 comments (last - sunday february 21, 2016 18:01)
Personal statement on the Michael Schmidt affair: Lucien van der Walt, 11 February 2016 read full story / add a comment
Double Issue 5/6 of Tokologo, the Newsletter of the TAAC, now available


Wed 06 Apr, 15:48

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iwd1.jpg image8 March, International Womens’ Day 10:35 Tue 08 Mar by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG) 1 comments

International Women’s Day is a day when the women’s movement around the world celebrates social, political and other achievements of women. It is also a good day for women to take a closer look at the oppression that flourishes through the double bondage of capitalism and patriarchy, and which is still an unfortunate and undeniable reality for the majority of women today.

textPersonal statement on the Michael Schmidt affair: Lucien van der Walt, 11 February 2016 13:10 Fri 12 Feb by Lucien van der Walt 11 comments

Personal statement on the Michael Schmidt affair: Lucien van der Walt, 11 February 2016

The Anarkismo network imageConsiderations of the Anarkismo network about the accusations against Michael Schmidt 18:31 Sat 30 Jan by Anarkismo network 23 comments

The Anarkismo network has already published a statement that it would wait until all parts of the accusations by Reid Ross and Stephens were published, as well as the answers of M. Schmidt, before making any judgements on the case. Now that this has been forthcoming, as well as two more responses by Reid Ross, we are issuing a second statement to make public our intentions regarding the present situation.

crane_vampire_4.jpg hepimize dayanışma ve direniş dolu bir 2016 diliyor 22:18 Sat 09 Jan by Editör Grubu 0 comments

Bu yıl -2015-, ayrıcalıkların olmadığı bir dünya için, eşitliğin ve özgürlüğün dünyası için direnenlerin zor koşullarıyla bitiyor. Ancak 2016’nın öğrendiğimiz ve yüreklerimizdeki yeni dünyayı büyüttüğümüz bir yıl olacağına eminiz., bu alternatifi düşünürken yardımcı bir gereç olmayı umuyor. Bu süreçte okurlarımıza teşekkür ediyor ve katkılarınızı bekliyoruz. [English] [Castellano] [ελληνικά] [Italiano] [العَرَبِية] [Português] [中文] [Kurdî]

crane_vampire_3.jpg, di 2016’an de, ji hemuyan re salek piştgirtî u berxwedan daxwaz dike 22:14 Sat 09 Jan by Koma Editor ên 0 comments

Sala 2015’an, ji bo berxwedêrên gerdûnek bêîmtiyaz, ji bo berxwedêrên gerdûn a azadî u wekhevî yê, bi tengasî derbas bu. Lê belê, em bawerin sala 2016, dê bibe salek ku em ê hîn bibin u gerduna nu ya di nav dile xwe de mezintir bikin., hevîdar e ku di fikirandina vê alternatîfe de bibe alîkar. Di vê demajoyê de am spas li xwendevanan dikin u tevkarî jı hemûyan dixwazin. [English] [Castellano] [ελληνικά] [Italiano] [العَرَبِية] [Português] [中文] [Türkçe]

crane_vampire_2.jpg image祝愿所有的朋友们在2016年毅力... 02:55 Thu 07 Jan by Anarkismo.net编辑团队 0 comments

2015年已经结束了,这一年中我们追求自由和平等,面对了无数的挑战。在我们每一天的新闻中充斥着经济紧缩、帝国斗争、种族主义、法西斯主义、原教旨主义以及资本主义对于工人阶级的压迫和剥削。改革主义者和所谓的保守主义者们所提出的社会改革方案虽然有可能为某些特定社会问题提出些许解决方案,但是由于各种社会改革措施的明显局限性,如何建立一个平等的社会这个最重要的问题始终没有得到解决。 [English] [Castellano] [ελληνικά] [Italiano] [العَرَبِية] [Português] [Kurdî] [Türkçe]

crane_vampire_1.jpg imageO Deseja a Você um 2016 de Solidariedade e Resistência 03:27 Wed 06 Jan by Grupo Editorial do 0 comments

Este ano, 2015, terminou com vários desafios para aqueles que defendem um mundo sem privilégios, um mundo de igualdade e liberdade. Mas estamos certos que 2016 será um ano para aprender e contribuir com o crescimento desse novo mundo em nossos corações. O espera ser uma ferramenta útil para ajudar a pensar essa alternativa. Agradecemos nossos leitores e esperamos suas contribuições. [English] [Castellano] [ελληνικά] [Italiano] [العَرَبِية] [中文] [Kurdî] [Türkçe]

crane_vampire.jpg imageأناركيزمو.نت يتم... 05:23 Tue 05 Jan by هيئة تحرير أناركيزمو.نت 0 comments

انتهى عام 2015 بعدد من التحديات لأولئك المناضلين من أجل عالم دون تمييز، عالم المساواة والحرية، لكننا واثقين أن 2016 سيكون عامًا نتعلم ونساعد فيه على بناء العالم الجديد في قلوبنا، ويتمنى أناركيزمو.نت أن يكون أداة فاعلة مُعينة على التفكير في هذا البديل.
الشكر مقدمًا لقرائنا وفي انتظار مساهماتكم
[English] [ελληνικά] [Italiano] [Castellano] [Português] [中文] [Kurdî] [Türkçe]

crane_vampire.jpg augura a tutti un 2016 di solidarietà e resistenza 14:58 Mon 04 Jan by Anarkismo Editorial Group 0 comments

Quest'anno -il 2015- si è concluso con una serie di sfide che hanno impegnato coloro che si battono per un mondo senza privilegi, un mondo di uguaglianza e libertà. Austerity, guerre imperialiste, razzismo, fascismo, fondamentalismo e sfruttamento quotidiano della classe lavoratrice da parte del capitalismo continuano a imporsi quotidianamente in ogni parte del mondo. [English] [Castellano] [ελληνικά] [العَرَبِية] [Português] [中文] [Kurdî] [Türkçe]

300_0___20_0_0_0_0_0_crane_vampire.jpg imageAnarkismo εύχεται ένα 2016 αλλη... 06:05 Fri 01 Jan by Anarkismo Editorial Group 0 comments

Είμαστε σίγουροι ότι το 2016 θα είναι μια χρονιά κατά την οποία θα μάθουμε και θα βοηθήσουμε στην ανάπτυξη ενός νέου κόσμου στις καρδιές μας. Το Anarkismo ελπίζει να αποτελέσει ένα χρήσιμο εργαλείο για να βοηθήσει στην προώθηση αυτής της εναλλακτικής λύσης. Ευχαριστούμε τους αναγνώστες μας σε αυτή τη διαδικασία και περιμένουμε τη συμβολή τους. [English] [Castellano] [Italiano] [العَرَبِية] [Português] [中文] [Kurdî] [Türkçe]

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textTo Cure Africa's Heart-Rending Misery, we Need Working Class/Peasant Counter-Power, Anarchism Apr 04 by Tokologo African Anarchist Collective 1 comments

"Africa today lies prostrate, bleeding, and embattled on all fronts, a victim of capitalist and, to a great extent, state socialist ambitions. The heart-rending misery of its peoples, the conditions of abject poverty, squalor and disease in which they live, exist side by side with the wanton luxury, rapacity, and corruption of its leaders." Sam Mbah and I.E. Igariwey, 1997, African Anarchism: The History of a Movement, Sharp Press: Tucson, Arizona. Our vast continent, Africa, is the poorest in the world, host to dozens of wars and conflicts, and marked by instability and inequality. The root causes of the instability lie in political corruption and the profiteering system run by local and international elites. The local ruling classes are interested in making profits and getting wealthy, by any means necessary. The elites are not promoting the development of the working class and peasants (small farmers), but only worsening our conditions. If the choice is between building a road in a poor area or pocketing the money, they will pocket the money.

imageΑπελευθέρωση από τ&#... Apr 04 by Πέτρος Πέτκας 0 comments

... Γι’ αυτό και πρέπει να επανασυνδεθούμε με την σκέψη εκείνων των στοχαστών του παρελθόντος που αγωνίσθηκαν για να «ανθρωπέψει ο άνθρωπος», που «ύψωσαν τις φωνές τους σαν πυρσούς από μακριά και καλώντας από ψηλά σαν από αθέατη βίγλα» μας υπενθυμίζουν διαρκώς ότι χρειάζεται μεν να πατάμε γερά στην γη, αλλά και να ατενίζουμε και τον ορίζοντα· γιατί ο κόσμος μας απογυμνωμένος από προσδοκία, γίνεται ψυχρός και γκρίζος. Κάτι του λείπει!

imageYini i-Anarcho-Syndicalism? Mar 31 by Tokologo African Anarchist Collective 0 comments

I-Syndicalism uhlelo oluzama ukwehluka kunezihlelo ezejwayelekile zokuphatha nemibuso, ngamanye amazwi i-capitalism nohhulumeni. Ekuqadeni uhlelo lwe-capitalism ubukhomanisi badala into esabeka kakhulu ngokubeka amandla omnotho ezandlani zikehhulumeni kuphela. I-Syndicalistm ishiya emuva zonke izinhlelo zokuphatha esezidale ukucindezelwa noku xhashazwa komuntu ngomunye umuntu futhi. I-syndicalism ibuye izame ukwakha inhlangano eyakhiwe phezu kwezidingo zabantu hhayi izifiso zeziphathimandla futhi eyakhiwe phezu kokubambisana kwabantu abazibusayo, abalinganayo okubhekele ekutheni izidingo zika wonke wonke zifezeke, hhayi zabasezikhundleni.

imageHow Imperialism and Postcolonial Elites have Plundered Africa: And the Class Struggle, Anarchist-Com... Mar 31 by Lucien van der Walt 1 comments

Roughly 50 years ago we saw the dismantling of most of the European colonial empires in Africa. High hopes greeted the "new nations" that merged - and certainly, a move from colonial rule, with its racism and external control and extractive economies, was progressive.

However, many of the hopes were soon dashed. Politically, most independent African states moved in the direction of dictatorships and one-party systems, normally headed by the nationalist party that took office at independence - and, over time, the military became a major player too. Many of these states were highly corrupt, even predatory, and the gap between the rising local (indigenous) ruling class, and the masses, grew ever vaster.

imageBakunin, Malatesta y el Debate de la Plataforma Mar 08 by Felipe Corrêa e Rafael Viana da Silva 0 comments

En este artículo, los autores desarrollan una discusión en torno a la organización política anarquista. Parten de las contribuciones relativas al tema de Mikhail Bakunin y Errico Malatesta mostrando que hay similitudes entre ellas y la Plataforma Organizacional de la Unión General de los Anarquistas. De acuerdo a lo que señalan, Bakunin construye la base teórica de la Plataforma y Malatesta tiene posiciones que a veces se acercan a ella y otras veces a la Síntesis Anarquista. Consideran, así que ninguna de las posiciones en cuestión puede ser coherentemente inscripta en el campo del marxismo/bolchevismo o de un supuesto “anarcobolchevismo”. Los autores analizan el debate entre Malatesta y Nestor Makhno sobre la Plataforma, mostrando donde, realmente, están las divergencias entre ambos. Por medio de una reflexión histórica del impacto de la Plataforma, demuestran como las criticas establecidas en los años 1920, en gran medida realizadas por lecturas ideologizadas, sumadas a las experiencias prácticas de los años 1950 y la hegemonía francesa en la discusión en el tema, viene pautando erróneamente el debate.

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image8 March, International Womens’ Day Mar 08 Anarkismo 1 comments

International Women’s Day is a day when the women’s movement around the world celebrates social, political and other achievements of women. It is also a good day for women to take a closer look at the oppression that flourishes through the double bondage of capitalism and patriarchy, and which is still an unfortunate and undeniable reality for the majority of women today.

textPersonal statement on the Michael Schmidt affair: Lucien van der Walt, 11 February 2016 Feb 12 11 comments

Personal statement on the Michael Schmidt affair: Lucien van der Walt, 11 February 2016

imageConsiderations of the Anarkismo network about the accusations against Michael Schmidt Jan 30 23 comments

The Anarkismo network has already published a statement that it would wait until all parts of the accusations by Reid Ross and Stephens were published, as well as the answers of M. Schmidt, before making any judgements on the case. Now that this has been forthcoming, as well as two more responses by Reid Ross, we are issuing a second statement to make public our intentions regarding the present situation. hepimize dayanışma ve direniş dolu bir 2016 diliyor Jan 09 0 comments

Bu yıl -2015-, ayrıcalıkların olmadığı bir dünya için, eşitliğin ve özgürlüğün dünyası için direnenlerin zor koşullarıyla bitiyor. Ancak 2016’nın öğrendiğimiz ve yüreklerimizdeki yeni dünyayı büyüttüğümüz bir yıl olacağına eminiz., bu alternatifi düşünürken yardımcı bir gereç olmayı umuyor. Bu süreçte okurlarımıza teşekkür ediyor ve katkılarınızı bekliyoruz. [English] [Castellano] [ελληνικά] [Italiano] [العَرَبِية] [Português] [中文] [Kurdî], di 2016’an de, ji hemuyan re salek piştgirtî u berxwedan daxwaz dike Jan 09 0 comments

Sala 2015’an, ji bo berxwedêrên gerdûnek bêîmtiyaz, ji bo berxwedêrên gerdûn a azadî u wekhevî yê, bi tengasî derbas bu. Lê belê, em bawerin sala 2016, dê bibe salek ku em ê hîn bibin u gerduna nu ya di nav dile xwe de mezintir bikin., hevîdar e ku di fikirandina vê alternatîfe de bibe alîkar. Di vê demajoyê de am spas li xwendevanan dikin u tevkarî jı hemûyan dixwazin. [English] [Castellano] [ελληνικά] [Italiano] [العَرَبِية] [Português] [中文] [Türkçe]

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