
The 4th Precinct: a black anarchist’s perspective on struggle in Minneapolis’ Northside streets - Ikemba Kuti

An overview by Ikemba Kuti of the movement that arose in Minneapolis after police killed an unarmed black man named Jamar Clark.

No apologies: anti-racism, multiculturalism and violence

Fascist takes beating in Dover, January 2016.

As neo-nazis and anti-fascists prepare to head to Dover this weekend, Ed Goddard takes a look at the importance of violence as a tool in the anti-racist toolkit both in the struggles of the past and present.

From resistance to rebellion: Asian and Afro-Caribbean struggles in Britain - Ambalavaner Sivanandan

Excellent extended essay on black and Asian resistance in postwar Britain, giving a full overview of the intricate eco-system of journals, national organisations, workplace and community groups and their struggles against employers, landlords, the state and traditional organisations of the British left.

Baltimore and the Black Lives Matter movement

An interview with Baltimore activists looking into the social issues that fed into and inspired the Black Lives Matter movement in the city, how it developed and where they see social movements heading in the near future.

International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 4

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 4, August 1938

Catching history on the wing - Ambalavaner Sivanandan

Definitive collection of articles by Ambalavaner Sivanandan, director of the Institute of Race Relations and the editor of Race & Class, spanning his entire career since the 1970s. Included is a complete bibliography of Sivanandan’s writings, and an introduction by the chair of the IRR, Colin Prescod, which sets the writings in context.

Racial matters: the FBI's secret file on black America - Kenneth O'Reilly

Black Panthers in Philadelphia being arrested

A meticulously researched study into how the FBI attempted to disrupt and repress the civil rights movement in the US in the 1960s and 70s.

The Detroit riot, 1967

Rioters in a barricaded street, Detroit 1967

A short account of the Detroit anti-police rebellion, one of the biggest uprisings in American history, which ended with more than 40 dead, 7000 arrested and 2000 buildings destroyed.

When race burns class: settlers revisited. An interview with J. Sakai

An interview about the intersection between race and class. We disagree with the (essentially Maoist) political perspective espoused, and question some of the claims he makes, however there are numerous interesting and important points so we reproduce it for reference.

Emma Tenayuca and the 1938 pecan shellers' strike

Emma Tenayuca with strikers in 1938

A short account of the life of Emma Tenayuca and the Texas pecan shellers' strike of largely Hispanic workers in which she played a leading role.