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Venezuela in images

Forming a Communal Council in Photos - Popular Organisation in El Manicomio, Caracas

After forming a preliminary "electoral committee," a community assembly is called in order to ratify the members of th

A VA image gallery of the process of forming a communal council in Venezuela, taken from the experience of El Manicomio in Caracas.

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Venezuela's Grassroots Rally Behind 100-Day Urban Agriculture Plan

The roofs of the apartment buildings were built in the form of terraces for the purpose of giving them a social-productive funct

As part of the economic measures to confront the economic war and the deep economic crisis, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has created the Urban Agriculture Ministry in a step that garnered strong support from various agricultural collectives who for years have used urban spaces for the production of different foodstuffs. Venezuelanalysis visited one of the projects included in the 100-day urban agriculture plan that was kicked off on February 28. 


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ALBA Movements Summit Convokes Grassroots Media Activists from across Latin America

 The forum was organised by ALBA Movements, and held between February 24th-28th just outside of Caracas, Venezuela. (Rachael Boo

Dozens of representatives of social movements and grassroots media from 24 Latin American and Caribbean nations gathered in Caracas last week to devise a continental communicational strategy to counter the resurgent power of the right-wing in the region.

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No Construction Companies Needed! Aquiles Nazoa Pioneer Camp, Caracas

Bianca Javier, one of the first organisers and spokespeople at the camp, will be giving us a tour of the construction project, a

"The Pioneers Movement" is a radical house-building collective in Venezuela that promotes taking direct action to solve the country's deacades long housing crisis. The Pioneers have taken over approximately forty different unusued land sites for community-led construction in Caracas, and many more across Venezuela. 

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Housing Rights Groups Protest Privatisation of Social Housing in Caracas

"Land is a right, not merchandise" (Jonas Holldack -

On January 28th, social movements took to the streets of Caracas to protest opposition plans to pass a law privatising social housing. 

The rally was called and led by the "Pioneers Movement"- a nation-wide network which has successfully carried out land invasions of unused private property in Venezuelan cities to construct communally run collective housing blocks. 

Here, Venezuelanalysis shares a selection of photos from the march with readers. 


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Venezuelans from Both Political Sectors March in Caracas as National Assembly Swings Right

"People of the world, we will continue to prevail!" -Chavista Territory.

Venezuelan chavista marched outside the National Assembly yesterday in defense of their revolution during the swearing-in ceremony of the new legislative body, which for the first time in 15 years came under the control of right-wing opposition parties. Supporters of the opposition also showed up en masse to show support for their new lawmakers.

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Maduro Invites 200 Grassroots Leaders to Impromptu Assembly after Chavistas March on Miraflores

Chavistas marched in downtown Caracas toward the presidential palace Miraflores. (Ances Díaz)

On Wednesday afternoon, shortly after the Venezuelan opposition swept a two-thirds majority in the Dec 6 National Assembly elections, supporters of the socialist government marched to the presidential palace Miraflores calling for debate and new revolutionary strategies.

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Chavistas Launch Campaign to Reclaim Revolution

Every heartbeat counts

Venezuela’s grassroots are rallying around a new self-managed campaign, which relies on graphic design and social media participation to highlight the enduring vitality of the Bolivarian process as a struggle to build power from below in the leadup to December parliamentary elections. 

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FIMVEN Showcases National and International Talent

Los Golperos (Oscar Arria)

Organized by the Ministry of Culture, the Venezuelan Festival of International Music (FIMVEN) opened in Caracas from October 7th to 11th, featuring eighteen major national and international performances, as well as venues for a further 900 national artists with the aim of visibilizing up and coming talent.

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Commune Alberto Lovera Reinvigorates Venezuelan Fishing

Turistic Fishing Commune Alberto Lovera brings communal production to Venezuela's sunny beaches. 

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Grassroots Cultural Movement Tranforms Public Spaces in Caracas

A grassroots cultural movement in Venezuela proves that art can emerge and take over public spaces without the help of government grants and funding.

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Against the Grain: Women Workers Build Socialist Housing Complex in Venezuela

“They said we couldn’t do it, that it was men’s work,” says Daneysa. But their motive is a strong one; to create housing for everyone. A few miles from the Bicentennial City, they organized and proposed a project called “Heroines of the Homeland” which will provide homes for 680 women and their families.

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Venezuelan Independence Day 2015

Marching workers from the government's "Great Housing Mission" (albaciudad)

On Sunday July 5th, Venezuela celebrated the 204th anniversary of its emancipation from Spanish colonial rule. 


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Venezuelans Plant Thousands of Trees for Eco-socialism

Henry Tesara y Fausto Torrealba (AVN)

Thousands of Venezuelans joyfully dug their hands in the soil on Sunday, May 31, planting 3,500 trees in Caracas as well as 187,000 seeds in national parks across the country.

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Caracas Theatre Festival 2015

Venezuelan theatre company, Dramart, brought the public their version of Anton Chekhov's "The Bear".  (UstrubalBr

Venezuelanalysis brings you a selection of photos from Caracas' fourth Theatre Festival, which came to a close on Sunday.

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