TNBC - This is Halloween (French with subs and trans)
My first video with subs--quite a challenge. I love this version!
It's funny--the lines that don't make sense in the
English version also don't make sense to me in the
French version, so they were true to the original! Oh and sorry about the hiccup at "minut sonne, c'est l'heure du crime." That pissed me off to no end.
A few notes on my translation,
I'll add more as I think of them:
1. Fripouille - never used that word before. I had to rely on my dictionary for that. It said "scoundrel" or "rogue" or "little devil." I felt that rogue might be a more appropriate choice, but I wanted to translate into
American English (since that's what I speak), and rogue is more of a
British word.
2. The word for bat is actually "chauve-souris" (litterally bald mouse), not just chauve, but I'm assuming that you can say chauve and people will still know you're talking about bats.
3. I don't know why they say gelatin. I checked all of my dictionaries, hoping to find a slang meaning, but just means "that stuff that makes jello jiggle." If any
French people can explain it to me, please do. Oh and sorry about the lack of parenthesis there.
Enfer is not a bad word! I hesitated to translate it as "hell" since hell is harsher in English than in French, but that's what the witches are saying.
5. The line right after "c'est un enfer" makes as much sense to me as the english (say it once, say it twice, take a chance and roll the dice? wtf does that mean?)
6. "prend le mors aux dents" literally means to take the bit in your teeth, like horses. "
Blow you top" is the only slang I could find for this phrase, tell me if it's incorrect.
Sans tambours ni trompettes IS an idiom that I couldn't find! Just scroll down the comments on this video--one of your fellow youtubers was kind enough to explain it :)
I got the lyrics here:;=en&ct;=clnk&cd;=1≷=us
And the translation is by me.