[Saturday Night Live]Steam Ship - SNL Sketch comedy/Larry david 7 February 2016 SNL REVIEW
Saturday Night Live]
Steam Ship -
SNL Sketch comedy/
Larry david 7 February 2016
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Republican debate on
ABC last night, with mini-clip roundup of 8 different clips #GOPDebate
Iowa caucuses over and
New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, 2016 Republican
Presidential race continues, in aftermath of last night’s ABC debate, this morning interviews with
Donald Trump, Sen
Ted Cruz, Sen
Marco Rubio, Gov
Chris Chistie, Gov
John Kasich, and
Jeb Bush all doing interviews this morning
With Iowa caucuses over and
New Hampshire prima
ry on Tuesday, 2016
Democratic Presidential race continues, with aftermath of last Thursday’s debate and both
Hillary Clinton and Sen
Bernie Sanders interviewing this morning on multiple programs #FeelTheBern
7 February 2016 clips by guest/show:
Larry David, Bernie Sanders,
Michael Che on Saturday Night Live.
Gloria Steinem,
Armstrong Williams,
Alex Wagner,
P.J. O’Rourke,
Bill Maher on
Real Time with Bill Maher; Sen Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton,
Jake Tapper on
CNN State of the Union; Hillary Clinton,
John Dickerson on
Face the Nation; Hillary Clinton, Sen Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, Jon
Karl, George Stephanopoulos on
This Week with George
Stephanopoulos; Donald Trump, Sen Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush,
Chuck Todd on
Meet The Press; Gov
Chris Christie, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush,
Carl Cameron,
Ed Henry,
Chris Wallace on
Fox News Sunday; Donald Trump, Dr
Ben Carson, Gov Marco Rubio, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Sen Marco Rubio, Sen Ted Cruz,
Martha Raddatz,
David Muir,
Mary Katherine Hamm,
Josh McElveen on ABC Republican candidate debate in New Hampshire
Stephanopoulos; Donald Trump, Sen Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Chuck Todd on Meet The Press; Gov Chris Christie, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Carl Cameron, Ed Henry, Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday; Donald Trump, Dr Ben Carson, Gov Marco Rubio, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Sen Marco Rubio, Sen Ted Cruz, Martha Raddatz, David Muir, Mary Katherine Hamm, Josh McElveen on ABC Republican candidate debate in New Hampshire
Stephanopoulos; Donald Trump, Sen Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Chuck Todd on Meet The Press; Gov Chris Christie, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Carl Cameron, Ed Henry, Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday; Donald Trump, Dr Ben Carson, Gov Marco Rubio, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Sen Marco Rubio, Sen Ted Cruz, Martha Raddatz, David Muir, Mary Katherine Hamm, Josh McElveen on ABC Republican candidate debate in New Hampshire
Stephanopoulos; Donald Trump, Sen Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Chuck Todd on Meet The Press; Gov Chris Christie, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Carl Cameron, Ed Henry, Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday; Donald Trump, Dr Ben Carson, Gov Marco Rubio, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Sen Marco Rubio, Sen Ted Cruz, Martha Raddatz, David Muir, Mary Katherine Hamm, Josh McElveen on ABC Republican candidate debate in New Hampshire
Stephanopoulos; Donald Trump, Sen Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Chuck Todd on Meet The Press; Gov Chris Christie, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Carl Cameron, Ed Henry, Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday; Donald Trump, Dr Ben Carson, Gov Marco Rubio, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Sen Marco Rubio, Sen Ted Cruz, Martha Raddatz, David Muir, Mary Katherine Hamm, Josh McElveen on ABC Republican candidate debate in New Hampshire
Stephanopoulos; Donald Trump, Sen Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Chuck Todd on Meet The Press; Gov Chris Christie, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Carl Cameron, Ed Henry, Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday; Donald Trump, Dr Ben Carson, Gov Marco Rubio, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Sen Marco Rubio, Sen Ted Cruz, Martha Raddatz, David Muir, Mary Katherine Hamm, Josh McElveen on ABC Republican candidate debate in New Hampshire
Stephanopoulos; Donald Trump, Sen Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Chuck Todd on Meet The Press; Gov Chris Christie, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Carl Cameron, Ed Henry, Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday; Donald Trump, Dr Ben Carson, Gov Marco Rubio, Gov John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Sen Marco Rubio, Sen Ted Cruz, Martha Raddatz, David Muir, Mary Katherine Hamm, Josh McElveen on ABC Republican candidate debate in New Hampshire