- published: 07 May 2015
- views: 394896
Hashbai or Tell Hashbai is an archaeological site on the west of the Beqaa Valley in Lebanon.
The area is watered by the Mount Lebanon reservoirs and sits besite the Wadi Hashbai, close to the Ain Hashbai springs. The site is located on the side of the valley as older sites in the central valley have been deeply covered in soil.
It was first surveyed and studied in 1965-6 by Lorraine Copeland, Peter Wescombe and Henri de Contenson. Materials found included burnished, red-washed shards of pottery (some with incision decoration), arrowheads, sickle blades with coarse denticulation, obsidian, basalt rubber and a limestone pestle. suggested PPNB or Neolithic dating similar to Tell Ramad, Byblos or Amuq with occupation as late as the Bronze Age. A dark brown and black flint group of later appearance was also detected. It was suggested that if this flint group were to belong with the production period for Dark Faced Burnished Ware or red washed pottery, then it may carry an even earlier PPNB date. Along with evidence from White Ware in the area, this has suggested that the Beqaa sites are of a sub-group suggested to date earlier chronologically than finds from Byblos.
The Cornish (Cornish: Kernowyon) are a people associated with Cornwall, a county in the South West of England, in the United Kingdom, which is seen in some respects as distinct from the rest of England and having more in common with the other Celtic parts of the UK such as Wales as well as with other Celtic nations in Europe. It has been long argued that the Cornish represent a distinct ethnic group within the UK, which can trace its roots to the ancient Britons who inhabited southern and central Great Britain prior to the Roman conquest, and some in the county today continue to assert a distinct identity, separately or in addition to English or British identities. Cornish identity has been adopted by migrants into Cornwall, as well as by emigrant and descendant communities from Cornwall, the latter sometimes referred to as the Cornish diaspora. Although not included as an explicit option in the UK census, the numbers of those claiming Cornish ethnic and national identity are officially recognised and recorded.
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