We’re a not-for-profit that provides simple licensing solutions to allow you to use copyright-protected words and images. Fees from licences are paid to our creator members. Find out more about us.

The Copyright Agency has partnered with UK not-for-profit The Copyright Hub on its global permission technology. This world-first innovation is designed to simplify online copyright approvals.

Publisher Information

Core services, information and news for publisher members

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Publisher Information

Latest News

April 19, 2016

US Authors Guild’s review of Google Books case denied Read More

April 14, 2016

Paul Goldstein on the rise and rise of fair use exceptions Read More

April 11, 2016

New ‘Create’ Career Fund earmarks $100k a year for mid-to-late career authors and artists Read More

April 8, 2016

Isentia reaches new rights agreement for Australian online and print content, delivering significant client benefits Read More

Cultural Fund

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Cultural Fund

Sally Rippin

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Sally Rippin

Anita Heiss

"I want to create resources that encourage young Aboriginal people to read."

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Anita Heiss

Melinda Harper

Read what inspires an abstract painter to create her bold and colourful work.

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Melinda Harper