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The New Marketing Vanguard: Domain Extensions (nTLDs)

Samantha Frida Back in 2014, hundreds of new Top Level Domains (nTLDs) rolled out into availability. This means that the .com, .gov, and .org extensions that are typically used for business domains were joined by a multitude of other, more specialized extensions such as .attorney, .cars, and .recipes. As a channel partner, it's crucial to know how these new units will influence your presence online. more»

VR Demand Set to Grow, But Little Prospect for Telcos

Paul Budde Over the last 20 years or so we have regularly revisited the developments in virtual reality (VR). I remember experiencing VR for the first time in the late 1980s, so this technology has been in the making for a very long time. And we are still uncertain about its growth over the next decade. There is no doubt that VR is going through a period of revival. more»

Split UDRP Decisions on (Almost) Identical Domain Names

Doug Isenberg A company called Rocketgate PR LLC, which owns a U.S. registration for the trademark ROCKETPAY, filed two UDRP complaints on the same date against two different domain name registrants - for the domain names and . (The only difference is that the latter domain name is plural.) In both cases, the disputed domain names were associated with inactive websites. The UDRP cases were assigned to two different panelists, who issued their decisions one day apart. more»

The Strange Structure of ISP Service Semantics

Martin Geddes I have been having a number of conversations recently with several clients and colleagues about "semantics". It's clear that there is not a lot of clarity on this philosophical subject! Whilst is may be an obscure issue, it is a very important one. Our ideas lead us to take actions, and if we want those actions to have the consequences we had in mind, then we need to have done our epistemological homework. more»

Is IPv6 an Essential Precondition for Internet of Things? Or Are Things Just Fine with IPv4?

Geoff Huston It has often been claimed that IPv6 and the Internet of Things are strongly aligned, to the extent that claims are made they are mutually reliant. An Internet of Things needs the massively expanded protocol address space that only IPv6 can provide, while IPv6 needs to identify a compelling use case to provide a substantive foundation to justify the additional expenditures associated with a widespread deployment of this new protocol that only the Internet of Things can provide. more»

NTIA on IoT - ICANN 2? And Reconsidering IoT as Distributed Process Control

Karl Auerbach NTIA has published a Notice for Public comment that is titled "The Benefits, Challenges, and Potential Roles for the Government in Fostering the Advancement of the Internet of Things". This could become ICANN-2, bigger, longer, and uncut; and with a much greater impact on the future direction of the internet. However, my thoughts on this go well beyond the possibility of another ICANN. more»

Waiting 30 Years for Smart Homes and Still Counting

Paul Budde Back in 1980 when I still lived in the Netherlands I worked with the Dutch futurist Griet Titulaer (an astronomer by trade) in building 'The Home of the Future'. I would say that at that stage it was more built around innovative interior design with automation features. Home entertainment also played a key role in it. At that stage these concepts had nowhere near the amount of technology that we are seeing in the homes of the future that we envisage today, but in essence lots of the elements we are still talking about were present then as well. more»

No Barrier to Reading Across the Dot with New TLDs and Trademark Infringements

Gerald M. Levine Even before the introduction of new top level domains in 2014, Panels had grappled with the before and after the dot issue with country code suffixes. The traditional procedure is to compare the characters of the accused domain names with the characters of trademarks for identity or confusing similarity. But this did not exclude the possibility of reading across the dot. more»

Declaring IPv4 "Historic"

Geoff Huston At the IETF 95 meeting at the start of April, I was in a meeting of the IPv4 Sunset Working Group, and heard Lee Howard, Director of Network Technology at Time Warner Cable, present on a proposal that recommended that IP version 4, or to be specific, that the technical protocol specification documented in RFC 791, be declared "Historic"... The rationale for this proposed re-designation of IPv4 was that this protocol has indeed been superseded by a more recent specification, namely IP version 6. more»

Usage Trumps Registrations: Why Past TLDs Failed and Why Many Will Follow in Their Path

Colin Campbell First of all I am biased. I am a common sense thinker who tries to analyze risk and reward based on societal trends and conventional wisdom. Watching the new gTLDs (generic Top Level Domains) launch over the last 2 years reminds me of the circus we are now seeing in the U.S. election. Myself, a self-proclaimed libertarian, can now be labeled as the establishment, while the so called "outsiders" act and behave like they are not politicians yet seem to be masters of messaging and propaganda. more»

U.S. Congressional Trademark Caucus Haggles Over Price

John Berard It was standing-room-only at the Congressional Trademark Caucus session in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, April 6. The topic, brand protection in the new top level internet domain names, is still, it seems, a draw. With nearly two years' experience and statistical evidence of far fewer problems at far lower costs to brand owners than opponents of the program said would occur, it might be expected that the tone would cool. But the price of peace, I guess, remains eternal vigilance. more»

Problems With the Burr-Feinstein Bill

Steven Bellovin What appears to be a leaked copy of the Burr-Feinstein on encryption back doors. Crypto issues aside -- I and my co-authors have written on those before -- this bill has many other disturbing features. (Note: I've heard a rumor that this is an old version. If so, I'll update this post as necessary when something is actually introduced.) One of the more amazing oddities is that the bill's definition of "communications" (page 6, line 10) includes "oral communication", as defined in 18 USC 2510. more»

My Top Takeaways from DNS-OARC 24

George Michaelson The 24th DNS-OARC meeting was held last week in Buenos Aires -- a two-day DNS workshop with amazingly good, consistent content. The programme committee are to be congratulated on maintaining a high quality of presentations. Here are my picks of the workshop. They fall into three groups, covering themes I found interesting... These presentations related to the ongoing problem of DNS as a source of reflection attacks, or a victim of attempted DDoS... more»

Why You Should Demand 'Net Morality' Instead of 'Net Neutrality'

Martin Geddes I have come to the conclusion that "net neutrality" is an ethical issue at heart, one about the appropriate constraint of unfair ISP power. Some people are (I pray unintentionally) on the wrong side of a now-clear moral divide. They are claiming to prevent harmful abuse of power, when in reality their actions create fresh harm. A central issue is one of technical competence to comment. If your beliefs are disconnected from how the world works, you cannot evaluate whether you are espousing something sensible or silly. more»

Cruz and Co Send ICANN Another Letter

Michele Neylon Republican Presidential hopeful Ted Cruz (and others) has sent yet another letter to ICANN. This time round, the letter is addressed both to the Chairman of the ICANN Board, Dr Steve Crocker, as well as to former CEO Fadi Chehadé. The letter repeats some of the questions previously put to ICANN, though the wording is much blunter this time round. Cruz' office issued a press release with details of the letter under the title of "ICANN Is Stonewalling the U.S. Congress". more»

News Briefs

FCC Introduces Broadband Labels

The Federal Communications Commission has introduced new broadband labels in order to provide consumers of mobile and fixed broadband Internet service with an easy-to-understand information about price and performance. "These labels provide consumers clarity about the broadband service they are purchasing, not only helping them to make more informed choices but also preventing surprises when the first bill arrives," said Chairman Wheeler. ›››

White House Taking Hands-Off Approach to Encryption Bill Debate

The White House will not publicly support a controversial bill that would give law enforcement guaranteed access to encrypted data, according to reports. ›››

China's Draft Rule Targets Domain Name Supervision, Could Limit Access to Foreign Sites

China's government has proposed taking stronger steps towards accessing websites in the country as part of its latest push to set boundaries in the wider Internet. On March 25, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), which oversees China's internet and telecommunications sectors, released a public draft regulation outlining rules on domain name registrations. ›››

Google in Early Stages of Expanding Internet Access in Cuba

Google has announced that it is working to bring high-speed internet to Cuba, one of the world's least-connected countries. In a blog post published Monday, the company said it is bringing Chromebooks, Cardboard virtual reality kits, and other Google products to the Museo Orgánico Romerillo in Havana, where they will be connected to an internet network operated by the government-owned carrier ETECSA. ›››

FBI, Apple Hearing Over iPhone Encryption Halted

FBI says it may have found a way to unlock Syed Rizwan's iPhone without Apple's help and while exploring this option, a federal judge has postponed tomorrow's hearing. ›››

WIPO Reports Rise in Cybersquatting Cases, Triggered by New gTLDs

According to the latest report from The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), trademark owners filed 2,754 cases under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) with the agency in 2015 - an increase of 4.6 % over the previous year. ›››

Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) Joins M3AAWG to Reduce Hosting Industry Abuse

The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) has joined the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG) to continue efforts on developing best practices for hosting and cloud service companies as well as sharing other information that will protect end-users. ›››

Google Launches Project to Track Encryption Efforts - Both Internally and at Other Popular Sites

Google launched today a new effort to track the progress of encryption efforts - both at Google and on other popular websites. Google hopes the project will hold the company and others accountable to encrypt so as to enhance web safety and security. ›››

Bangladesh Central Bank Governor Quits Amidst One of the Largest Cyber Heists

Bangladesh's central bank governor has resigned today amidst theft of $81 million from the bank's U.S. account, as details emerged in the Philippines that $30 million of the money was delivered in cash to a casino junket operator in Manila. ›››

Internet Society Applauds Plan to Transition Oversight of Key Internet Resources

The Internet Society (ISOC) Board of Trustees today passed a resolution to strongly support the plan developed by the global Internet community presented to the U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration to transition oversight of key Internet resources. ›››

ICANN Submits Transition Plan to US Government

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Board Chair Dr. Stephen D. Crocker today submitted to the U.S. Government a plan developed by the international Internet community that, if approved, will lead to global stewardship of some key technical Internet functions. The news was confirmed today at a press conference finalizing the ICANN 55 meetings in Morocco. ›››

Governments Agree to ICANN Accountability Proposals, Giving Green Light for IANA Transition

Intellectual Property Watch – Governments gathered at the 55th meeting of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in Marrakesh this week have agreed to not object to the final proposal on enhancing ICANN accountability. ›››

Head of UK Intelligence Agency Says Tech Companies Should Provide a Way Around Encryption

In a speech at the Internet Policy Research Initiative at MIT, British intelligence agency GCHQ director Robert Hannigan said Monday that law enforcement and intelligence officials want only targeted ways to stop what he called "abuse of encryption" by ISIS and other terrorists and criminals. ›››

In Memory of Ray Tomlinson, April 23, 1941 - March 5, 2016

Internet pioneer, Ray Tomlinson has passed away. He died at his home yesterday morning from a suspected heart attack at the age of 74. While best known as the creator of the email messaging system, Tomlinson made tremendous contributions to the field of computing science, evolution of the Internet, and ultimately how the world communicates today. ›››

Repeat DDoS Attacks the Norm in Q4 2015, 24 Attacks per Target on Average

During Q4, repeat DDoS attacks were the norm, with an average of 24 attacks per targeted customer in Q4, reports Akamai in its newly released Q4 2015 State of the Internet - Security Report. ›››

UK's Proposed Spy Law Can Force Apple to Bypass Security, Plus a Gag Order

The newly proposed British spying law, the Investigatory Powers Bill (IPB), is reported to include methods that would permit the British government to order companies like Apple to re-engineer their own technology, similar to current demands from the FBI. In addition, if the law passes, it would be accompanied by a gag order. ›››

Google, Facebook, Twitter and Other Tech Companies Join Forces to Support Apple in FBI Case

Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft are among tech companies that have joined Apple in its iPhone fight with the U.S. government, according the latest report from the Wall Street Journal. ›››

Approach IoT With Security in Mind, Says AT&T; Chairman

By 2020, some 50 billion devices are expected to connect to the Internet and the economic value created by IoT could be worth as much as $11.1 trillion -- roughly 11% of the global economy by 2025, according to a new report released by AT&T. ›››

Google Offers Free DDoS Protection for News Sites

Google has announced its first initiative out of Jigsaw which is the expansion of its experimental service, Project Shield. Google is offering Project Shield as a free service leveraging Google technology to protect news and free expression sites from DDoS attacks on the web. ›››

ICANN CEO Fadi Chehade is Misleading the US Senate, Says Sen. Cruz

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has released a statement today regarding a letter that Cruz, Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) received from Fadi Chehade, CEO of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) on Friday. ›››

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Industry Updates

US Court Grants DCA Trust's Motion for Preliminary Injunction on .Africa gTLD

DotConnectAfrica A United States District Court, Central District of California - Western Division ruling has granted a Preliminary Injunction for DotConnectAfrica, the decision for DotConnectAfrica Trust v. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers & ZA Central Registry. more»

Minds + Machines Group Announces Outsourcing Agreements, Web Address Change

Minds + Machines Minds + Machines Group Limited announced today an agreement for Nominet to take over the technical back-end registry functions for up to 28 top level domains within the Group’s portfolio. more»

.STORE Opens its Doors to Brands

Radix Radix, the Portfolio Registry behind .online, .tech, .space announced the launch of another powerful extension from their product suite -- .store. The new gTLD entered Sunrise yesterday and opened its doors to brands that are in the trademark clearing house. more»

Resilient Cybersecurity: Dealing with On-Premise, Cloud-Based and Hybrid Security Complexities

Verisign Having a tightly integrated security framework is more critical than ever as cyber-attacks grow and enterprises employ a variety of on-premise and cloud-based computing services to deliver applications. more»

Startup on .TECH New Top-Level Domain Receives $6.7 Million in Funding

Radix Radix, registry operator of .tech and 8+ other new Top-Level Domains (TLDs) like .online, .store etc. announced that a start-up using a premium .tech domain, raised $6.7 million in funding last week. The domain '' was privately brokered for an undisclosed amount earlier this year and is being used by a United States based startup. more»

What Holds Firms Back from Choosing Cloud-Based External DNS?

Neustar Cloud is all the rage. Across industries, companies of all sizes have embraced business applications and platforms that are based on the cloud. After all, doing so offers numerous benefits in terms of deployment, upkeep, reliability, and cost as compared to running the same services on premise. more»

V12 Group Sustains Customer Satisfaction by Deploying PowerMTA for Launchpad Platform

Port25 With more than 8,000 platform users, 85 percent of which are brand-name retailers, reaching out to 110M US households, V12 needed an MTA (Messaging Transfer Agent) that would execute high delivery rates, offer more control, and easily enable the latest authentication protocols. more»

United States Court Has Granted an Interim Relief for DCA Trust on .Africa gTLD

DotConnectAfrica A United States District Court, Central District of California - Western Division ruling has granted an Interim Relief for DotConnectAfrica by issuing a decision that ICANN should hold off from delegating the .AFRICA top-level domain (TLD) for ZA Central Registry (ZACR). more»

Verisign Releases Q4 2015 DDoS Trends - DDoS Attack Activity Increasing by 85% Year Over Year

Verisign Verisign has just released its Q4 2015 DDoS Trends Report, which provides a unique view into online distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack trends from mitigations enacted on behalf of customers of Verisign DDoS Protection Services and research conducted by Verisign iDefense Security Intelligence Services. more»

February Biggest Month to Date for Radix, Over 750K Domain Registrations

Radix Domain name registry operator, Radix announced that February 2016 was its biggest month ever in terms of new registrations. Lead by .online, .site, .tech and .pw, Radix saw a record number of 768,683 new registrations in the month. more»

Best Practices from Verizon - Proactively Mitigating Emerging Fraudulent Activities

MarkMonitor On Wednesday, February 24, we hosted a webinar - Best Practices from Verizon, Proactively Mitigating Emerging Fraudulent Activities - with Patrick Flaherty, Assistant General Counsel for Marketing, IP & New Media Law & Policy at Verizon. more»


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Peter Cramton
Chairman, Cramton Associates; Professor of Economics, University of MarylandJoined on Nov 14, 2012

John Yunker
Author and consultantJoined on Dec 19, 2006

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Chief Strategy Officer, AusRegistry InternationalJoined on Jan 30, 2010

Mason Cole
VP, Communications and Industry Relations at DonutsJoined on Jul 22, 2003

Torbjörn Eklöv
CTO, Senior Network Architect, DNSSEC/IPv6Joined on Jan 27, 2010

Corey Grant
Senior Industry Consultant at NeustarJoined on Apr 14, 2015

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Founder of DotMusicJoined on Aug 22, 2009

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Professor, Cardozo Law School in New York CityJoined on Nov 19, 2003

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General Manager, CT CorsearchJoined on Feb 04, 2010

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Senior Systems Programmer, Pennsylvania State UniversityJoined on Jan 10, 2009

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President and CEO, Internet SocietyJoined on Oct 20, 2015

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Founder, Credible Context & CEO, Vox Populi RegistryJoined on Nov 29, 2005

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CEO at DomainMartJoined on Dec 08, 2004

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Secretariat, usTLD Stakeholder CouncilJoined on Jan 07, 2014

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Director of Policy, Public Interest RegistryJoined on Apr 14, 2005

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Director of Strategic Planning and Policy at AllegravitaJoined on May 15, 2014

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President of Entropy EconomicsJoined on Feb 11, 2010

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Managing Partner at Partridge IP LawJoined on Aug 12, 2004

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Attorney at Law, Kirton & McConkieJoined on Jun 22, 2009

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Internet Policy Counselor at MarkMonitorJoined on Sep 25, 2013

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Fellow at the New America Foundation, Lawyer at The Ammori GroupJoined on Apr 04, 2013

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Director of Labs at DynJoined on Mar 27, 2012

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Head of Professional Services at NeustarJoined on Sep 07, 2008