
by Mike Masnick

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encryption, fbi, going dark, iphone, syed farook


by Daily Deal

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daily deal, drone

(Mis)Uses of Technology

by Mike Masnick

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attacks, brussels, encryption


by Karl Bode

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misleading polls, net neutrality, surveys, wireless, zero rating

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15:41 Facebook Launches Its Own Version Of ContentID, Which Will Soon Be Abused To Take Down Content (30)
14:08 Silverpush Stops Using Sneaky, Inaudible TV Audio Tracking Beacons After FTC Warning (24)
12:48 Sprint Customer Listening Tour Goes Sour, Company Has To Pull Ad Calling T-Mobile A 'Ghetto' (24)
11:37 US Chamber Of Commerce Actually Just US Chamber Of Our Highest-Paying Members (34)
10:38 Led Zeppelin 'Stairway To Heaven' Copyright Case Will Go To A Jury... Meaning Band Will Almost Certainly Lose (37)
10:30 Daily Deal: Complete Java Programming Bootcamp (6)
09:29 Maybe The NSA Has Already Broken Every Security System, Not By Hacking Computers, But By Hacking The Entire Industry (34)
08:28 Comedian Could Face 3 Years In German (Not Turkish!) Jail For Mocking Notoriously Thin-Skinned Turkish President (33)
06:26 Walking Dead Producer Claims Real Cable Set Top Box Competition Will Result In Piracy Armageddon (59)
03:26 Inspector General Says FBI Not Doing Enough To Prevent Abuse Of Cell Phone Forensic Equipment By Law Enforcement Officers (16)


23:23 Brewer Threatens Restaurant For Using The Word 'Hofbrau' (31)
17:00 DailyDirt: Personal Flying Machines (3)
15:42 Game Studio's Plan To Deal With Critic Of Games: Sue Him To Hell (33)
14:13 Tax Prep Company Tries To Sue Unhappy Customer Into Silence; Hit With Damages In Anti-SLAPP Order (10)
12:45 Techdirt Podcast Episode 69: Free Culture And Aaron Swartz (Part Two) (2)
11:38 Lucasfilm Threatens And Threatens Non-Profit Over Lightsaber Battle Event (51)
10:40 Shoe Company New Balance Says US Gov't Basically Offered It A Bribe To Support TPP (32)
10:35 Daily Deal: Pebble Time Smartwatch (0)
09:38 Why Doesn't The Anti-Encryption Bill List Any Penalties? (43)
08:33 Obama Administration's Expansion Of Domestic Spying Powers Dwarfs The 'Good Old Days' Of Bush And John Yoo (19)
06:30 As ISPs Push Harder On Usage Caps, House Pushes Bill Preventing The FCC From Doing Anything About It (61)
03:37 Prosecutor Disciplined For Using Fake Facebook Profile To Meddle In Murder Case (21)


23:31 Dov Seidman Now Suing His Agent Over The Use Of The Word 'How' By Third Party Ad Agency (29)
17:00 DailyDirt: Looking Forward To More Space Exploration (4)
15:31 University Says Government's Pretty Terrible At Sharing Cyberthreat Information (13)
13:55 Burr And Feinstein Plan One Sided Briefing For Law Enforcement To Bitch About 'Going Dark' (30)
12:49 Supreme Court Says Government Can't Take Your Money And Lock You Out Of Your Choice In Representation (18)
11:48 Menace To Tax Dodgers David Cameron Has His Own Tax Dodging Exposed By The Panama Leaks (18)
10:37 Obama: The Word 'Classified' Means Whatever We Need It To Mean (59)
10:32 Daily Deal: RIF6 Cube Projector (5)
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