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Updated April 13, 2016 - 9:22 PM EDT
US Plans Massive Syria Weapons Influx
  Syrian Kurds Say Six Months to Finalization of Autonomy Plan
Ceasefire To 'End' Yemen War Marred by Violence
  ISIS Bomber Kills Four in Southern Yemen Port of Aden
Afghan Border Police Killed in Insider Attack
  Taliban Claims ISIS Commanders Defecting Over Excessive Violence
Israel's Settlement Plans Tripled Over Last Year
  Israel Court: Rwanda Genocide Exports Must Remain Secret
UK Colonel: UK Libya Plan Risks Mission Creep
Pentagon: US Airstrikes Kill 12 in Somalia
Candidates, Here’s Your
Iraq/Syria/Libya Mess To Fix
 by Peter Van Buren
Ceasefire Aimed at Ending Yemen's 'Forgotten War' Marred by Violence  by Patrick Cockburn
Behind Ukraine's Leadership Shake-Up  by Gilbert Doctorow
‘America First’ – The Trump Slogan the Establishment Hates  by Justin Raimondo
How an Iran War Was Averted  by Ray McGovern
War in Yemen Is Turning Into a Disaster for the US  by Ishaan Tharoor

More Viewpoints

Bob Graham: White House Considering Declassification of Secret 9/11 Documents
House Speaker Ryan Rules Out Presidential Bid
Race Begins to Be UN's New Secretary-General
FBI Paid Hackers a Fee to Crack iPhone of San Bernardino Terrorist
Iraq Forces Advance in Hit; 96 Killed Across Country
Iraqi Parliament Blocks PM's Technocrat Cabinet, Postpones Vote
ISIS Destroys Gates to Ancient City of Nineveh Near Mosul
Saddam Hussein's Palace Will Become a Museum in Iraq
Iraq Border Town Freed From Militants Now Isolated by War
US Military Says Using Cyber Capabilities Against ISIS
Hostage Crises
German Soldiers 'May Have Joined ISIS in Syria'
US Sees Syria 'Slipping' on Ceasefire, Aid Deliveries
Iran Says Concerned by Cracks in Syria Truce
Russian Helicopter Gunship Crashes in Syria, Two Dead
Six Soldiers, 30 Militants Killed in Southeast Turkey: Security Sources
Turkish Soldier Said Killed, 25 Others Hurt in Car Bombing
Turkey Submits Draft Proposal to Strip MPs of Immunity
Turkey Gives Merkel a Headache With Case Against Comedian
Middle East
Young Arabs See ISIS as Biggest Regional Challenge: Poll
Blast Kills Palestinian Official in Lebanon
Refugee Crisis
Italy Rescues 4,000 Migrants in Two Days
Danish Police to Stop 'Deadly' Asylum Treks Into Sweden
EU Commission Buys Time to Decide on Visas for US, Canada
Greece Expects First Asylum Decisions Under EU Deal in Two Weeks
EU Says Greece Making Progress on Borders but More Needed
Brazil's Rousseff Brands VP a Traitor, Denounces 'Coup'
FARC Rebels Involved in Drug Trade Despite Peace Talks: Police
Cuban Americans Protest Carnival's Cuban Cruises
Palestinians Say Push for UN Rebuke of Israel Settlements Aimed at Peace
Palestinian Authority, PLO Appeal US Terror Support Verdict
Clinton: 'Not Accurate, Fair or Useful' to Primarily Blame Israel for Peace Failures
Israel: Saudi Arabia Gave Written Assurances Over Freedom of Passage in Tiran Straits
After 10 Years in Power, Israel's Netanyahu Keeps Rivals at Arm's Length
Taliban Announce Start of Spring Offensive in Afghanistan
Is the Afghan Unity Government Falling Apart?
Declassified: Secretive North Korea Lifts Veil on Arms Program
North Korea Accuses South of 'Hideous' Abduction of Workers
Fishermen Are Fighting a Covert War in the South China Sea
Policeman Accidentally Explodes Grenade in Pakistan Court
Rage in Kashmir Over Killing of Youths by Indian Army
India, US Reach Preliminary Agreement on Sharing Military Logistics Amid China Challenge
2 Guided Missile Containers Found Bobbing in the Pacific
Ukraine Political Squabbles Delay Formation of New Government
Armed Soldiers Could Replace Cops on Danish Streets
A German Comic's Joke Insulted Erdogan and He May Go to Jail for It – in Germany
Amnesty Urges Probe Over Allegation Nigerian Army Secretly Buried Shi'ites
Boko Haram Crisis: 'Huge Rise' in Child Suicide Bombers
Pentagon Wants Drones to Replace Some US Troops in Sinai
Kenya Deports Taiwanese to China, Stirring Outrage
French Soldier Killed by Landmine in Northern Mali
Senior South Sudan Rebel Arrives in Capital Under Peace Deal
Read more

Justin Raimondo
‘America First’ – The Trump Slogan the Establishment Hates

Ivan Eland
US Alliances: Trump Is Not So Stupid After All

Dan Sanchez
Imperial Human Sacrifice in Yemen

Sheldon Richman
What Do Terrorists Want?

Nebojsa Malic
Kosovo: An Evil Little War (Almost) All US Candidates Liked

Lucy Steigerwald
War Is Easy When There Is Nothing to Learn

Ran HaCohen
What Israel Is Up To in Jerusalem

David R. Henderson
Questioning the Powerful

Additional Contributors
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