Jewish peoplehood (Hebrew: עמיות יהודית, Amiut Yehudit) is the awareness of the underlying unity that makes an individual Jew a part of the Jewish people.
The concept of peoplehood has a double meaning. The first is descriptive, as a concept factually describing the existence of the Jews as a people. The second is normative, as a value that describes the feeling of belonging and commitment to the Jewish people.
Some believe that the concept of Jewish Peoplehood is a paradigm shift in Jewish life. Insisting that the mainstream of Jewish life is focused on Zionism, they argue that Jewish life should instead focus on Jewish Peoplehood.
Others maintain that the concept of Peoplehood, or "Klal Yisrael" has permeated Jewish life for millennia, and to focus on it does not constitute a shift. Indeed, Jews have been extremely effective in sustaining for over 2,000 years, a sense of joint responsibility towards their people and its members.
At the same time, the concepts of Peoplehood and Zionism are not necessarily at odds with one another. The very concept of defining Judaism as a people or a "civilization", opens the doors to include a wide variety of values within the context of Judaism.