Oh to be a deer in Nara, Kyoto

Two made-up geikos on Shinbashi Street in the Gion district of Kyoto, Japan.

There's no better time to see Kyoto than when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. But Joe Aston finds himself disappointed by the local sushi and sake, instead opting for a steakhouse and happy hour at the Hyatt.

China stimulus helps, but it does not let us off from hard budget decisions.

Don't rely on China for AAA

The nation has to learn how to live within its means – before our creditors or a new global shock demand it.

BHP has introduced a stricter drug-testing regime to tackle rising rates of metamphetamine use amongst its workers.

Early win for BHP in war on ice

BHP Billiton's campaign to stop the growing use of methamphetamine by workers at its Goonyella Riverside Mine has generated results encouraging enough for the global Australian to roll out an expanded drug-testing regime at other identified hot spots in its Bowen Basin coal fleet.

Fast train hits the economic buffers

A high-speed rail glamour project is not the answer to improving transport connectivity between Australia's capitals and regional cities.

Will the $US kill the commodity rally?

Commodity markets have begun to feel the heat as the $US edges higher against the yen and the euro even though the Federal Reserve is soundi...