- published: 22 Jan 2015
- views: 1282
Tops may refer to:
TOPS may refer to:
The Night may refer to:
Charles "Buddy" Montgomery (January 30, 1930, Indianapolis, Indiana – May 14, 2009) was an American jazz vibraphonist and pianist. He was the younger brother of Wes and Monk Montgomery. He and brother Monk formed The Mastersounds in the late 1950s and produced ten recordings. When The Mastersounds disbanded, Monk and Buddy joined their brother Wes on a number of Montgomery Brothers recordings, which were arranged by Buddy. They toured together in 1968, and it was in the middle of that tour that Wes died. Buddy continued to compose, arrange, perform, produce, teach and record, producing nine recordings as a leader.
Buddy first played professionally in 1948; in 1949 he played with Big Joe Turner and soon afterwards with Slide Hampton. After a period in the Army, where he had his own quartet, he joined The Mastersounds as a vibraphonist with his brother Monk, pianist Richie Crabtree and drummer Benny Barth in 1957. He led the "Montgomery-Johnson Quintet" with saxophonist Alonzo "Pookie" Johnson from 1955 to 1957. His earliest sessions as a leader are from the late 1950s. He played briefly with Miles Davis in 1960. After Wes Montgomery’s death in 1968, Buddy became active as a jazz educator and advocate. He founded organizations in Milwaukee, where he lived from 1969 to 1982; and Oakland, California, where he lived for most of the 1980s, that offered jazz classes and presented free concerts.
This Could Be the Night may refer to:
複数の曲を組み込むとミュート制限を受ける可能性が高くなります。 一部の曲を削除することにより、削除曲以外の曲が聞こえるようになることがあるようです。 このフォトムービーでは「朝の街」を削除するように指示を受けていたので、それに従い「朝の街」を削除しすると、それ以外の9曲は聴けるようになりました。「朝の街」だけ、なにやらフニャフニャした音源で聴こえてきます。嫌がらせみたいなものですが、致し方ないようです。 今は、こんな状態ですが、今後また同じようにミュート制限を受けるかもしれません。 こちらのサイトではフルで聴けます。 http://video.fc2.com/content/20120513N39xKdxS/ 私が選んだ、私の Best 10 「ダンシング・ヒーロー 00:00」「六本木純情派 01:21」「湾岸太陽族 02:14」「Dance Beat は夜明まで 02:50」「湘南ハートブレイク 03:48」「朝の街 05:17」「ユア・マイ・ライフ 06:16」「This could be the night 07:24」「Verge of love 08:14」「夏のステージ・ライト 09:02」 ただし、1~10位の順位はでたらめなので、アシカラズ。 このムービー、何回(ver.5)もつくりかえました。 こっちも見てください。 http://mixi.jp/view_diary.pl?id=1809106773&owner;_id=38241768 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2015.3.22 Best10選曲当時の感想を思い出しながら書きます… 第1位「ダンシング・ヒーロー」 これは、王道にしたがって、TOP...
平野ノラCDデビュー!? iTunesにてバブリー配信中!!
2013、4、12 大阪公演より by ■●
I don't own anything, all rights go to the respective owners.
Russian Roulette Roppongi Tokyo 3-13-8 Saito Bldg.6F, Roppongi Minato-ku, Tokyo facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Russian-Roulette/289738977808473 Music(Live DJ set): Russian Pop-Dance Mainstream Top 40 All Mix(Hip Hop,EDM, Deep House etc.)
先週に引き続き、2PMのテギョンのインタビューをお届けするK☆STAR LOVERS。初のソロアルバム『TAECYEON SPECIAL ~Winter 一人~』を1月18日にリリースし、この活動を最後に、芸能活動をしばらく休止するテギョン。5年におよぶ日本での活動のなかで最も印象に残る出来事などを語るとともに、しばらく会えなくなるファンに向けて、愛情いっぱいのメッセージを送ってくれました。12月の来日時に撮り下ろした写真は、1月24日発売の女性自身のグラビアで公開予定。こちらもお楽しみに! 【インフォメーション】 ◆TAECYEON From 2PM ソロアルバム『TAECYEON SPECIAL ~Winter 一人~』1月18日(水)リリース ◆リリース記念ハイタッチ会を開催! (神戸会場)1月21日(土)、神戸ファッションマート (東京会場)1月22日(日)、ベルサール新宿グランド 詳細は公式サイトにて:http://www.2pmjapan.com/ (動画/Bravoworks,inc.)
You’re listening to This Could Be The Night by 荻野目洋子 (Oginome Yoko) from the album Verge Of Love (1988). You can buy the album at: https://www.discogs.com/Yoko-Oginome-Verge-Of-Love/release/3609755 Album Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt_hFmDDaKQEXEKdV77kewq6E_0rsF81U Tracklist: 1. This Could Be The Night 2. Something About You 3. Passages Of Time 4. Wicked 5. Verge Of Love 6. Postcard From Paris 7. Swoopin' In 8. Is It True 9. Dizzy, Dizzy, Dizzy 10. You Take It All Away Disclaimer: We are in no way affiliated with the artist or any of their respective affiliated parties. This video is strictly intended for promotional purposes with all copyrights reserved to their respective owners. Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976.
2012年に日本デビューをはたし、これまでリリースした楽曲がすべてTOP10に入る人気を誇る5人組のボーイズグループ「B1A4」が19日、記者会見を開き、レーベルを移籍したことを発表。その第1弾となる日本ニューシングル『You and I』と、ファン投票で選曲した『B1A4ファンヒッツ・コリア』を3月8日に同時リリースすることを発表した。 『You and I』を手がけたジニョンは、「“出発”という意味を持ち、これから力強く、より良い姿を見せていこうという思いで作った曲になります」と、心機一転の思いを語る。シヌゥが担当したカップリング曲『BLUE MOON』は、「自分のもとを去ってしまった女性のことを恋しく思う曲」と紹介。また、初回限定盤Bには、ZOOの『Choo Choo TRAIN』のカバー曲が収録され、そのPV撮影が長野県の菅平の雪原で行われたこともメンバーから語られた。 報道陣からの質問コーナーでは、2017年の抱負や好きな日本食についてメンバーそれぞれが語るほか、自分の魅力を愛嬌ポーズや歌声でアピールする場面も。個性あふれる5人の新しい出発に期待が寄せられる。 (撮影/Bravoworks,inc.)
2015.5.1 千葉のクラブ「LOOM LOUNGE」と東京・京都に3店舗を展開している「ジョニーエンジェル」のコラボとしてオープンした「千葉ジョニーエンジェル・ルーム」のオープニングライブに出演 アラベスク「ハローミスターモンキー(Hello Mr.Monkey)」を演奏 ☆リリーベイビーズ(web) http://lilybabies.boo.jp/index.html ☆リリーベイビーズ(Facebook) https://www.facebook.com/lilybabies?ref=profile 【LilyBabies公式YouTubeチャンネル】 https://youtube.com/channel/UCFiWkHvnqNHOFq9tu64fMMA ☆LOOM LOUNGE http://loomlounge.jp/ ☆ジョニーエンジェル http://www.lr-bros.com/johnnyangel/index.html
Tops bandmates Jane Penny and David Carriere guest on an episode of 'Records in my life' tops came in for an interview and discuss their favourite albums. Shot by Mark Henning at Zulu Records for northerntransmissions.com For more episodes of Records In My Life check out the official playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlZHL08RsTWsmCflEu9Ht0Oj1dL36NEn1 For more indie music stories and interviews check out Northern Transmissions: http://www.northerntransmissions.com/ Tops interview 2015 - Produced by Charles Brownstein © 2015 - Northern Transmissions
Watch AMBY's exclusive interview with TOPS! Currently working on their next record release, TOPS stopped by Toronto for Canadian Music Week and AMBY had the pleasure of speaking with the band's Jane Penny. Learn more about TOPS in our video where we discuss playing college shows, funny fashion fads, embracing your youth, and noodles. -- Follow AMBY: http://www.amusicblogyea.com https://www.facebook.com/AMusicBlogYea https://twitter.com/AliciaAtout https://www.instagram.com/amusicblogyea/
BestFan TV host Ashley Emma chats with TOPS during their visit at Bestival in Toronto. They talk about their new music/tour and about their experience at Bestival. Check it out! http://www.twitter.com/BestFan http://www.instagram.com/BestFanBlog http://www.facebook.com/BestFanBlog http://www.bestfan.com Host: Ashley Emma TWITTER - http://www.twitter.com/ashleyemm INSTAGRAM - http://www.instagram.com/ashleyemmma TOPS TWITTER - https://twitter.com/TTTOPSSS INSTAGRAM - https://instagram.com/TTTOPSSS FACEBOOK - https://facebook.com/TTTOPSSS Edited by: Peter Raimundo Directors of Photography: Peter Raimundo Producer: Alex Morinello For More Information Please Contact: info@bestfan.com No Copyright infringement intended for this interview!
08 common Interview question and answers - Job Interview Skills 1. "Tell me a little about yourself." You should take this opportunity to show your communication skills by speaking clearly and concisely in an organized manner. Because there is no right or wrong answer for this question, it is important to appear friendly. 2. "What are your strengths?" This is a popular interview question. They want to know what you think of yourself. Although this is a general question, there is a wrong and right answer. The wrong answer is a generic answer saying you are organized and friendly. Although it will not hurt you during the interview, it will certainly not help you either. Answer this question based on the type of job you are applying for. 3. "What are your weaknesses?" For this answer,...
This video contains information about top 10 interview questions and answers with examples and important points to remember. Hope this will help you in your interviews.
Our useful video list for your job interview: 1. Top 41 interview questions and answers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLdb9_TITSw 2. 12 types of interview questions and how to face them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvdjRZHeaOo 3. Top 14 common mistakes in job interviews: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3l7COBI77U
Dick Clark interviews the Four Tops on American Bandstand. They talk about how they have been together for 28 years, how they have been able to stand each other for so long, and the next song they are going to perform. License American Bandstand Clips Here: http://dickclarklicensing.com/Default.aspx?&sk;=DCMA&q;=American+Bandstand
These 5 interview tips will help you ace your interview and get the offer. Watch Jeff & Mike break down exactly what you need to do to with these critical job interview tips. For even more great tips check out our blog post: http://theinterviewguys.com/16-genius-job-interview-tips-and-hacks/ In this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSylCmes5dw) Jeff and Mike The Interview Guys show you the 5 best things you can do to ensure you ace your next job interview. Armed with these interviewing tips you'll be ready to go! For your convenience here is the transcript of the video: JEFF Hi everyone, I'm Jeff and this is my friend Mike, and together we're known as the Interview Guys. Today we're enjoying one of our favorite pastimes...enjoying a cup of coffee and talking about Job Interviews! ...
Mary: I gotta change shoes. Mary: Okay, there we go. Now, that’s so much better. Stuart: Ladies and gentlemen, obviously, let’s begin at the beginning. Normally, the protocol is that we give people a round of applause at the end of the event. In this particular case, we’re going to break with all the protocols, because I know a lot of people that are in the audience, I’ve seen faces, I’ve seen people with reputations in the audience, and I think that all of us can say, unanimously that, Mary probably doesn’t really deeply understand how much impact her singing and her reputation has had in our lives, the way it’s shaped the love that we’ve got for the music. So, ladies and gentlemen, Mary Wilson of The Supremes, come on. [applause] Stuart: So, where to start? Let’s start with a quick q...
Hello, I am a high school filmmaker and this is my six month long project of Phoenix, AZ. I began this project back in May, however the majority of the clips you will see are only from the past 3 months. I have been on most mountain tops and trails in the greater Phoenix area to get these angles. By taking on this project I have learned the ins and outs of time lapse and can't wait to get out there to start my next project on Arizona, stay tuned. Hope you enjoy the video! :) Follow Me: Twitter: @MichaelHeiland Instagram: MichaelHeiland Still Photography: http://www.flickr.com/photos/80549840@N06/ ** FOR BEST QUALITY, MAKE SURE HD IS ON, FULLSCREEN, AND YOUR SPEAKERS ARE UP ** For licensing video and such email me directly through my website, www.michaelheiland.com For those of you ...
I filmed a quick interview for Jacob Brothers and edited it up with final shots of their latest range to showcase what their brand is about and what clothing they have for sale. Song from here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81GGUq1Vxu8 www.jackwoodman.com www.jacobbrothers.co.uk
"Everything was new, I mean the world of video. You could count it, maybe 100 people tops, maybe that's too many," - Kate Horsfield, Executive Director of the Video Data Bank. Kate Horsfield of the Video Data Bank @ The School of the Art Institute of Chicago interviewed by criticalartware 2002
Simon Plint loves the feeling of freedom that comes with 'flying with the birds' over Newcastle Beaches and roof tops. He also films his own flights, and the flights of other members, at events with the Newcastle Hang Gliding Club. This video includes Simon's footage, edited together with an interview by ABC Open. For more information: nhgc.asn.au/
During the late 1940’s black American music was undergoing a metamorphosis both on the commercial side as well as the changing of the guard from jazz music to what would become Rhythm and Blues. Many of the big bands that reigned during the first 25 years of jazz became at thing of the past for music listeners as trio based vocalists began to dominate the airwaves and juke boxes all over the country. Out went Tommy Dorsey and Benny Goodman and those legendary big bands and in comes a more soulful and more personal form of black music. Charles Brown, Ray Charles, Lowell Folsom, Nat King Cole, and Louis Jordan came on the scene and sang from the depths of the schools of the church meets the blues. Vocal groups became the new form of what these architects developed in a form of music style ca...
In the center of it all! Perfect Artist Loft Stunning true three bedroom loft in the Heart of Soho right off of Broome and Mercer. Abundant sunlight streams in from over-sized windows offering double exposure from this corner unit. Unobstructed views facing South and West to downtown Manhattan including views to the Freedom Tower. This Soho gem features a California King sized Master bedroom with windowed ensuite bath and a Jacuzzi soaking tub. The second bedroom is King sized with Southern views, and the third bedroom features French doors and can alternate as a den or home office. The kitchen is expansive and features luxury renovations with granite counter tops, a large island and a full Jenn-Air appliance package including a Dishwasher and Microwave. The amazing Loft layout offers enou...
Emergency Room collaborated w. artist Mane Rok to craft this complex narrative taking on the important social issue of police brutality. Shooting a rigorous production schedule, this is a throwback to when the music industry still spent big money on videos. Vince Lance tops himself with beautiful, meticulously planned cinematography. Parental discretion is advised. "This One's" music video review in Denver Westword: blogs.westword.com/backbeat/2011/07/mane_rok_readies_the_release_o.php Interview by Jonny 5 of the Flobots: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6iDWMEXgas http://www.heyreverb.com/2011/07/13/steal-this-track-mane-rok-deejay-tense-kolor-grey-remix-exclusive-interview-and-stream/
複数の曲を組み込むとミュート制限を受ける可能性が高くなります。 一部の曲を削除することにより、削除曲以外の曲が聞こえるようになることがあるようです。 このフォトムービーでは「朝の街」を削除するように指示を受けていたので、それに従い「朝の街」を削除しすると、それ以外の9曲は聴けるようになりました。「朝の街」だけ、なにやらフニャフニャした音源で聴こえてきます。嫌がらせみたいなものですが、致し方ないようです。 今は、こんな状態ですが、今後また同じようにミュート制限を受けるかもしれません。 こちらのサイトではフルで聴けます。 http://video.fc2.com/content/20120513N39xKdxS/ 私が選んだ、私の Best 10 「ダンシング・ヒーロー 00:00」「六本木純情派 01:21」「湾岸太陽族 02:14」「Dance Beat は夜明まで 02:50」「湘南ハートブレイク 03:48」「朝の街 05:17」「ユア・マイ・ライフ 06:16」「This could be the night 07:24」「Verge of love 08:14」「夏のステージ・ライト 09:02」 ただし、1~10位の順位はでたらめなので、アシカラズ。 このムービー、何回(ver.5)もつくりかえました。 こっちも見てください。 http://mixi.jp/view_diary.pl?id=1809106773&owner;_id=38241768 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2015.3.22 Best10選曲当時の感想を思い出しながら書きます… 第1位「ダンシング・ヒーロー」 これは、王道にしたがって、TOP...
平野ノラCDデビュー!? iTunesにてバブリー配信中!!
2013、4、12 大阪公演より by ■●
I don't own anything, all rights go to the respective owners.
Russian Roulette Roppongi Tokyo 3-13-8 Saito Bldg.6F, Roppongi Minato-ku, Tokyo facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Russian-Roulette/289738977808473 Music(Live DJ set): Russian Pop-Dance Mainstream Top 40 All Mix(Hip Hop,EDM, Deep House etc.)
先週に引き続き、2PMのテギョンのインタビューをお届けするK☆STAR LOVERS。初のソロアルバム『TAECYEON SPECIAL ~Winter 一人~』を1月18日にリリースし、この活動を最後に、芸能活動をしばらく休止するテギョン。5年におよぶ日本での活動のなかで最も印象に残る出来事などを語るとともに、しばらく会えなくなるファンに向けて、愛情いっぱいのメッセージを送ってくれました。12月の来日時に撮り下ろした写真は、1月24日発売の女性自身のグラビアで公開予定。こちらもお楽しみに! 【インフォメーション】 ◆TAECYEON From 2PM ソロアルバム『TAECYEON SPECIAL ~Winter 一人~』1月18日(水)リリース ◆リリース記念ハイタッチ会を開催! (神戸会場)1月21日(土)、神戸ファッションマート (東京会場)1月22日(日)、ベルサール新宿グランド 詳細は公式サイトにて:http://www.2pmjapan.com/ (動画/Bravoworks,inc.)
You’re listening to This Could Be The Night by 荻野目洋子 (Oginome Yoko) from the album Verge Of Love (1988). You can buy the album at: https://www.discogs.com/Yoko-Oginome-Verge-Of-Love/release/3609755 Album Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt_hFmDDaKQEXEKdV77kewq6E_0rsF81U Tracklist: 1. This Could Be The Night 2. Something About You 3. Passages Of Time 4. Wicked 5. Verge Of Love 6. Postcard From Paris 7. Swoopin' In 8. Is It True 9. Dizzy, Dizzy, Dizzy 10. You Take It All Away Disclaimer: We are in no way affiliated with the artist or any of their respective affiliated parties. This video is strictly intended for promotional purposes with all copyrights reserved to their respective owners. Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976.
2012年に日本デビューをはたし、これまでリリースした楽曲がすべてTOP10に入る人気を誇る5人組のボーイズグループ「B1A4」が19日、記者会見を開き、レーベルを移籍したことを発表。その第1弾となる日本ニューシングル『You and I』と、ファン投票で選曲した『B1A4ファンヒッツ・コリア』を3月8日に同時リリースすることを発表した。 『You and I』を手がけたジニョンは、「“出発”という意味を持ち、これから力強く、より良い姿を見せていこうという思いで作った曲になります」と、心機一転の思いを語る。シヌゥが担当したカップリング曲『BLUE MOON』は、「自分のもとを去ってしまった女性のことを恋しく思う曲」と紹介。また、初回限定盤Bには、ZOOの『Choo Choo TRAIN』のカバー曲が収録され、そのPV撮影が長野県の菅平の雪原で行われたこともメンバーから語られた。 報道陣からの質問コーナーでは、2017年の抱負や好きな日本食についてメンバーそれぞれが語るほか、自分の魅力を愛嬌ポーズや歌声でアピールする場面も。個性あふれる5人の新しい出発に期待が寄せられる。 (撮影/Bravoworks,inc.)
2015.5.1 千葉のクラブ「LOOM LOUNGE」と東京・京都に3店舗を展開している「ジョニーエンジェル」のコラボとしてオープンした「千葉ジョニーエンジェル・ルーム」のオープニングライブに出演 アラベスク「ハローミスターモンキー(Hello Mr.Monkey)」を演奏 ☆リリーベイビーズ(web) http://lilybabies.boo.jp/index.html ☆リリーベイビーズ(Facebook) https://www.facebook.com/lilybabies?ref=profile 【LilyBabies公式YouTubeチャンネル】 https://youtube.com/channel/UCFiWkHvnqNHOFq9tu64fMMA ☆LOOM LOUNGE http://loomlounge.jp/ ☆ジョニーエンジェル http://www.lr-bros.com/johnnyangel/index.html