New Internationalist


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Targeting children's minds; stymying Indian reform

Mari Marcel Thekaekara is unimpressed by latest pharmaceutical developments.

Filed in: Children Germany India Pharmaceuticals

Crocodile smiles and con tricks

Fiona Broom reports from Nepal on the scandal of the ‘orphanage industry’.

Filed in: Children Nepal

Former Kamlari slave girls pave the way for change in Nepal

By speaking out about their experiences, survivors have helped change society, reports Kevin Childs.

Filed in: Children Human Rights Nepal Slavery Work

Former Danish PM didn’t save the children

The new head of Save the Children will be remembered as a hard-liner on immigration, writes Peter Kenworthy.

Filed in: Children Denmark Refugees

Brash, flash and too much flesh

At a school Christmas show, Maggie Black worries that things have gone too far.

Filed in: Children Education

Child brides: every two seconds

The UN calls child marriage a ‘violation’ but it continues to thrive in many countries, writes Kevin Childs.

Filed in: Children India

The forgotten victims of domestic violence

Beulah Devaney looks at a system that’s failing to protect.

Filed in: Children Men Women

Rushing towards death

Daniel Adamson interviews Raed Saleh of The White Helmets, who have pulled thousands of Syrians from war’s rubble.

Filed in: Children Human Rights Syria

A reason for hope in war-torn eastern DRC

Fergus Simpson visits a hospital helping Congolese women and children recover from conflict-related trauma and violence.

Filed in: Africa Children Congo Congo, Democratic Republic of Women

India’s forgotten cotton-picking children

Mari Marcel Thekaekara shines a spotlight on the underreported problem of child labour.

Filed in: Children India Work

Indian schools told to junk the junk food

High-fat, salty and sugary snacks and drinks no longer make the grade, reports Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

Filed in: Children Food India

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