New Internationalist

United States

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If Google and Facebook can flip elections does code now rule the real world?

Internet users used to be worried about government control of the web but the opposite may be true, writes Chris Spannos

Filed in: Media Society Technology United States

Bernie Sanders: Revolution beyond the ballot box

Mark Engler argues for acts of determination and sacrifice.

Filed in: Democracy Politics United States

Brandon Astor Jones – time is running out

An execution date of 2 February has been set. Please write to the State Board of Pardons and Paroles to appeal for clemency.

Filed in: Prisons United States

A good moment to make a scene

Urgent cries for racial justice must not go unheard, writes Mark Engler.

Filed in: Activism Race United States

‘I want my story to be heard’

Hakim Young meets Khalid Ahmad, who survived the US bombing of a hospital in Afghanistan. 

Filed in: Afghanistan Conflict Human Rights United States

David Cohen – an advocate par excellence

Mari Marcel Thekaekara remembers a much-loved friend and mentor who died last week.

Filed in: Activism Human Rights Religion United States

#ShellNo: the triumph of the Kayaktivists

We do not always win - but sometimes we prevail. Mark Engler celebrates a daring victory.

Filed in: Activism Oil United States

A Pope in Washington

Mark Engler hopes that the pontiff will use his US visit to promote a message of social justice.

Filed in: Religion United States

Don’t ‘beautify’ Nairobi just for Barack!

In the run-up to Obama’s visit, is Kenya sweeping its poverty under the carpet? Moses Wasamu reports.

Filed in: Kenya Politics United States

Government intrusion and the loss of human rights

14 years of fighting the ‘war on terror’ has left us all less secure, says Amit Singh.

Filed in: England Human Rights Law Politics United States

What can Mad Max tell us about water scarcity?

Beulah Devaney finds an unexpected message in the Hollywood blockbuster. 

Filed in: Film United States Water

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