New Internationalist


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Afghanistan Memory Box

A victim-led exhibition of those who have suffered nearly 40 years of uninterrupted conflict, by AHRDO.

Filed in: Afghanistan Conflict War and Peace

‘I want my story to be heard’

Hakim Young meets Khalid Ahmad, who survived the US bombing of a hospital in Afghanistan. 

Filed in: Afghanistan Conflict Human Rights United States

Afghanistan’s women rangers

Gelareh Darabi reports on the country’s first female park rangers in a new Al Jazeera documentary.

Filed in: Afghanistan Women

Rula Ghani – the voice of a nation

Mari Marcel Thekaekara is delighted that the Afghan First Lady is being listened to.

Filed in: Afghanistan Politics Religion Women

‘Afghan women keep the business of life going’

As the London Conference on Afghanistan starts, Zulaikha Rafiq explains why women’s rights must be high on the agenda.

Filed in: Afghanistan

PHOTO ESSAY: The tailors of Kabul

Rich Mallett gets inside access to Afghanistan’s tailoring trade.

Filed in: Afghanistan Youth

Afghanistan's theatre of the oppressed

Lydia James reports on a courageous drama project, which is putting transitional justice centre stage in the war-torn country.

Filed in: Afghanistan Conflict

Afghanistan: time to move on?

Ewa Jasiewicz wonders what the US troops will be leaving behind.

Filed in: Afghanistan Conflict United States

A border-crossing project for peace

In her second report from Afghanistan, Ewa Jasiewicz meets young volunteers on a mission.

Filed in: Activism Afghanistan Peace

Welcome to Afghanistan, drone-strike capital of the world

New arrival Ewa Jasiewicz discovers desperation and hope in a resilient people.

Filed in: Activism Afghanistan Conflict Politics

Practising peace in Afghanistan

Beth Tichborne speaks to Faiz Ahmed, a peace volunteer in Kabul who is helping to set up a unique multi-ethnic community.

Filed in: Afghanistan Conflict Peace Social Change Society War and Peace

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