New Internationalist


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Pakistan’s floods come in waves

The overflowing Indus River is making people’s lives dangerous, difficult and uncertain, writes Neill Garvie.

Filed in: Disasters Environment Pakistan Rivers Water

What can Mad Max tell us about water scarcity?

Beulah Devaney finds an unexpected message in the Hollywood blockbuster. 

Filed in: Film United States Water

Sharing water is key to peace in the Middle East

Samantha North highlights the vital role played by water in current conflicts.

Filed in: Dams Iraq Water

Nicaragua’s Grand Canal: more questions than answers

Concerns are riding high about the adverse effect of the planned waterway on local communities and wildlife, reports Emily Schechter.

Filed in: Conservation Nicaragua Water

A growing issue: how can we secure food supplies?

Bryn Smith looks at ways to avert the coming crisis.

Filed in: Agriculture Food Poverty Water

The climate has already begun to change – and our response must, too

We need a radically different form of politics and economics to deal with our more frequent extreme weather, argues Tim Gee.

Filed in: Activism Climate Change Water

PHOTO ESSAY: World governments’ broken sanitation pledge stinks

On World Toilet Day, 2.5 billion people still lack the most basic of human needs, reports Jameela Freitas.

Filed in: Politics Poverty Water Women

A worldwide water revolution starts in Guatemala

Clean water for millions – thanks to a man called Fernando. Anna Bevan reports.

Filed in: Guatemala Health Water

The water crisis at home

The people of Bangalore need to be active in finding local solutions to preserve a vital resource, writes Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

Filed in: Environment India Society Water

We need to talk about faeces

As part of World Water Day on 22 March 2013, Sokari Ekine writes on the clean water and sanitation crisis facing Haiti.

Filed in: Haiti Health Water

‘Life yes, gold no!’

Peru’s gold rush threatens indigenous communities’ right to water. Roxana Olivera meets one of the faces behind the struggle, Máxima Acuña.

Filed in: Indigenous Peoples Mining Peru Water

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